This is my Guardian Angel. She is my sister, Lynnette. Although she died in 1968, I miss her dearly. I know that one day we will be together again.

This is our dog, Sandy. She died on 2/8/02 after a tragic car accident. Out of all the pets I have ever owned, Sandy was the most loyal, loving dog. At bath time we'd say, "Sandy, get in the tub." She'd walk into the bathroom and climb into the tub. She'd lie there and let the kids crawl all over her without even wincing. She'd NEVER harm anyone, but she sure could scare a stranger away with her bark and her ridge of hair on her back that stood up when she was mad. We will always love Sandy and will never forget her.

This is a very dear friend of mine who also happens to be Randy's cousin. Kevin Sienkiewycz was one of my best friends in high school, long before I knew Randy. Kevin passed in 1989.

This is Randy's father and best friend, William Sienkiewicz, Sr. He was taken from us in May 1997 due to lung cancer. We all miss him dearly.

My friend, Frank. One of the nicest men I've ever met. He is now watching over his beautiful wife and 3 handsome boys.
In memory of.........with love, from Sari....

Dora Wellman Mogol, Sari's father's mother and Sari's Great Uncle Jacob David Wellman.

Edythe Peyser-Mogol and Gerald (Jerry) Melvin Mogol 1923-1987 (both lived separate after '66, but died the same year for different reasons.)

Mabel A. Wood 1911-1998

Mary Elizabeth Forsberg Hettinger 1961-1992 Sari's bestest friend, mother of Nicole, Kaitlyn and Jeramiah.

Sari's Dad doing his favorite thing, huntin' bird!
See you one day, my loved ones! Sari Mogol-Legge