The Pennsylvania Archives are availabe online at
The Correspondence of Col. Stephen Moylan along with other Pennsylvania and Continental Officers is among some of the gems contained in these archives.

Another great on-line link to one of the most cited pieces of documentation of the Officers of the Continental Army as presented in the Historical Register by Francis Heitman. The original edition, is available in PDF format from the Hudson River Valley Institute. We are very thankful to have this resource available.
As an aid to users, the divisions of the register are divided alphabetically as follows:
53-130 A beginning with Abbe, B, C ending with Colombe
131-206 C beginning with Conn, D, E, F, G, H,
207-282 H beginning with Hamilton, I, J, K, L, M,
383-358 M beginning with McRenolds, N, O, P, Q, R, S,
358-447 S beginning with Savage, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
Note: Within each section the PDF page format begins at 1.
In section 1, the A-B division is at PDF Page 13. The B-C division is at page 56.
The original edition, is incomplete and contains some errors. Subsequent editions include additions and updates to the Register. As we acquire the updates, they will be presented on this page.

Rank.........................Alphabetical List.................Notes

Lt.            ANDERSON, JAMES     See Below     
Cornet         BAMPER, JOCOB       See below
Lt.            BEDKIN, HENRY       to Capt Pulaski LD
Quartermaster  BENNETT, PATRICK    Civilian agent See Memorial in National Archives via  
Capt.          BIRD, WILLIAM
Cornet         BOWEN, JOHN/JEHU    From 4th Md Brother of James & Sabrett
Major          BULL, EPAPHRAS      Temporary duty from 2LD
Surgeon        CATHCART, WILLIAM
Cornet         COBURN, JOHN
Capt.          COOK, JOHN
Capt.          CRAIG, CHARLES
Capt.          CRAIG, JOHN
Lt.            CROSS, WILLIAM 
Cornet         DORSEY, LARKIN
Lt.            DORSEY, RICHARD      to Capt Maryland Arty
Capt.          DORSEY, THOMAS
Capt/Major     FAUNTLEROY, MOORE    See Memorial by Peter Manifold in National Archives via
Cornet         FELL, WILLIAM
Capt.          FRANK, LAWRENCE
Cornet         FUNC, JACOB
Lt/Capt        GILL, ERASMUS
Capt.          GRAY, GEORGE
Lt.            GUTHREY, GEORGE      /GUTHRIE - see paper
Lt.            HALLET, JONAH        from Malcom's Addl Regt 04/25/79  
Capt.          HEARD, JOHN
Cornet         HENDERSON, JOHN
Lt.            HENDERSON, WILLIAM   Paymaster
Capt.          HOPKINS, DAVID       To Major 1LD
Lt.            HORD, JOHN           To Capt. Lee's Legion
Lt/Capt        MANIFOLD, PETER
mate/Surgeon   MCCALLA, THOMAS      /MCCAWLEY
Lt.            MOORE, NICHOLAS R    To Capt Baltimore City Horse
Colonel        MOYLAN, STEPHEN
Lt.            OVERTON, THOMAS      To Capt 04/24/81 for service in the South 
Cornet         PEYTON, DADE
Capt.          PIKE, ZEBULON
Capt.          PLUNKETT, DAVID
Cornet/Lt      ROBBINS, JOHN
Cornet/Lt/Capt SMITH, LARKIN
Cornet         SULLIVAN, JOHN
Lt Col         TEMPLE, BENJAMIN     from 1LD for Col White
Lt/Capt        TRENT, LAWRENCE
Major          WASHINGTON, WILLIAM  LtCol 3LD
Lt Col         WHITE, ANTHONY W.       to 1LD
Cornet         WHITE, GEORGE           to 1LD
Chaplin        WILLAIMSON, SAMUEL 
Cornet/Lt/Capt WILLIS,  HENRY III   Also did duty with 1st Cont Arty from Va
Cornet         YULE, JAMES          Deputy Wagonmaster-General at Velley Forge, 1778

OFFICERS OF THE REGIMENT BY RANK See this (Jan) 1779 Return. 

STATE   NAME                            PROMOTIONS FROM/TO DATES NOTES


NJ 	ANTHONY WALTON WHITE            FEB '77 to DEC '79 to 1LD

VA 	WILLIAM WASHINGTON              JAN '77 to NOV '78 to 3LD
CT 	EPAPHRAS BULL from 2LD     	APR '80 to FEB '81 (temporary) to 1st

VA 	MOORE FAUNTLEROY to MAJOR 	AUG '79 to END? prisoner/exchanged?

VA A	MOORE FAUNTLEROY             	JAN '77 to AUG '79   captured/RELEASED TO MAJOR
VA B	DAVID HOPKINS 	 		JAN '77 to  ?  '80   to MAJOR 1LD
PA C	THOMAS DORSEY               	JAN '77 to AUG '77   OMITTED
MD D	DAVID PLUNKETT               	JAN '77 to MAR '79   RESIGNED
VA E	VACHEL HOWARD               	JAN '77 to MAR '78   DIED
PA F	CHARLES CRAIG                	JAN '77 to SEP '77   WOUNDED at Brandywine Sept 11, 1777
VA ?	WILLIAM BIRD                	JAN '77 to JUL '78   RESIGNED
VA ?	GEORGE GRAY                  	DEC '77 to MAY '79   RESIGNED
PA ?	JOHN CRAIG                   	DEC '77 OR '78 to END
VA C    JOHN HEARD                      FEB '78 to END

NJ C    ZEBULON PIKE                    DEC '78 to END
PA F    PETER MANIFOLD                  AUG '79 to OCT '80
VA D    ERASMUS GILL                    DEC '79 to END captured/exchanged
VA ?    LAWRENCE TRENT                      +79 to END
VA ?    LARKIN SMITH                    APR '80 to END
PA B    HENRY WILLIS III                DEC '80 to APR '81 RESIGNED
VA ?    JOHN COOK                         ? '80 to '83
VA B    THOMAS OVERTON                  APR '81 to END  vice Willis resigned.
PA F    LAWRENCE FRANK                    ? '82 to END?

The troop commanders were assisted by the lieutenants, cornets and non-commissioned officers,
the sergeants and corporals. Two lieutenants served in each troop, and served as regimental
adjutant, paymaster and quartermaster. Many 4th Dragoon Lieutenants were promoted to captain
and command of a troop. 

PA WILLIAM CROSS 		JAN '77 to JUN '77 to CAPT  to 4TH PA
VA JOHN HORD 			JAN '77 to  ?  '79 to CAPT  to LEE'S
VA JOHN HEARD 			JAN '77 to FEB '78 to CAPT
PA JOHN CRAIG                 	MAR '77 to DEC '78 to CAPT
VA GEORGE GRAY              	DEC '77 to MAY '79 to CAPT
NJ ZEBULON PIKE           	MAR '78 to DEC '78 to CAPT
PA PETER MANIFOLD         	MAY '78 to AUG '79 to CAPT
VA LARKIN SMITH                 SEP '78 to APR '80 to CAPT
PA HENRY WILLIS III             DEC '78 to DEC '80 to CAPT resigned April 24, 1781.
PA JAMES ANDERSON                     ? to DEC '80 PRISONER
PA GEORGE GUTHREY         	      ? '81 to END
PA DADE PEYTON                  JUN '79 to ?
PA JOHN SULLIVAN  		OCT '79 to PULASKI? to CAPT?               
NY JONAH HALLET          	OCT '79 to NOV '82          from Malcom's Addl Regt 04/25/79
VA THOMAS OVERTON        	JUL '79 to APR '81 to CAPT  from 1VA	
PA LAWRENCE FRANK        	OCT '79 to ?   '82 to CAPT
VA LAWRENCE TRENT        	OCT '79 to ?       to CAPT
VA ERASMUS GILL          	MAR? 80 to END to CAPT
VA JOHN ROBBINS          	OCT '81 to END
   CORNETS - see Papers of the Continental Congress,August 30th, 1779
One Cornet served in each troop. Some had regimental functions similar to the lieutenants. 
This rank is similar although not the same as ensign in the infantry as dragoon
cornets were armed junior officers. Some Cornets advanced to Lieutenant and higher. 
Several 4th Dragoon Cornets were promoted to lieutenant, captain and command of a troop. 

PA JOHN COBURN           	JAN '77 to ?
PA JACOB FUNC           	JAN '77 to ?
PA WILLIAM FELL          	FEB '77 to MAR '78 OMITTED
NJ ZEBULON PIKE         	MAR '77 to MAR '78 to LT
VA LARKIN SMITH         	AUG '77 to SEP '78 to LT 
PA LAWRENCE TRENT        	  ? '78 to OCT '79 to LT
PA PETER MANIFOLD       	APR '78 to MAY '78 to LT
PA JAMES YULE           	SEP '78 TO ?
PA JOHN BOWEN           	OCT '78 to ?
VA DADE PEYTON          	MAR '79 to JUN '79 to LT
PA JOHN SULLIVAN                      ? to OCT '79 to LT
   HALBERT? (from 1779 return by rank) see above 

JAMES ANDERSON was born in Chester Co., Pa., in 1750. He served as a Private in Capt. John Lacey's Company, 4th Penna Infantry, commanded by Col. Anthony Wayne. This regiment entered service in 1776, and. took part in the battles at Long Island and Ticonderoga. He next enlisted in Col. Stephen Moylan's Regiment of Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was commissioned Lieutenant. He was captured by the British, and exchanged in December, 1780. (Family Rec. Pa. Archives, 2d Series, Vol. to, pp. 126 and 238; Vol. 238; Vol. p. 128.) REGISTER OF THE CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Information about Cornet Jacob Bamper provided by Annette Bamper He was born either in 1756-57, most likely in Bergen County, New Jersey. He was baptized in the Dutch RC of Paramus as well as several of his siblings. Revolutionary War Record; 2d Lt, 2d NY, 21 Nov 1776. Resigned 21 July 1777. He was married in Jan 1778 in Clarkstown NY, which may explain the break in his service. Cornet 4th Dragoons 12 Aug 1778. Regimental Quartermaster Sept 1778. Omitted May 1779. He had applied for pension from NJ in 1818 and was dropped under the act of May 1, 1820. He died Jan 12,1825. He is buried in the Methodist Cemetery HoHoKus, NJ. SURGEONS PA WILLIAM CATHCART APR '77 to MAY '78 RESIGNED PA THOMAS MCCALLA/MCCAULEY MAY '77 to NOV '82 MATE to SURGEON PA JOSEPH THOMPSON MATE JUN '80 to END CHAPLIN SAMUEL WILLAIMSON MAY '78 to MAY '79 OMITTED QUATERMASTER PATRICK BENNETT '77 to ? '80 The following information about 4th Dragoon Troop Commanders is from The Pennsylvania Line Regimental Organization and Operations, 1776-1783 By John B. B. Trussell, Jr. Illulstrated By Charles C. Dallas. Jr. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Harrisburg 1977 Troop A, commanded by Capt. Moore Fauntleroy. After serving in 1776 as an ensign and second lieutenant in the 5th Virginia (infantry) Regiment, he was appointed a captain in the 4th Continental Light Dragoons on January 21, 1777. He was taken prisoner at the Battle of Germantown, on October 4, 1777. The date of his escape or exchange is not known; but as noted above, he was promoted to major on August 1, 1779. 12 Records do not indicate the promotion or appointment of any officer to fill the captaincy he vacated. The regiment's first appointment to captain after Fauntleroy's promotion was that of Larkin Smith, but that did not take place until April 1, 1780, eight months later. Smith, still another Virginian, had been commissioned a cornet in the 4th Dragoons on August 1, 1777, promoted to lieutenant on September 4, 1778, and after becoming a captain continued with the regiment as long as it remained in existence. Troop B, commanded by Capt. David Hopkins, of Virginia. He had been a volunteer with Benedict Arnold's Quebec expedition in 1775, and was appointed a captain in the 4th Continental Dragoons on January 21, 1777. At an unknown date in 1780, he was promoted to major of the 1st Continental Dragoons. It is possible that his replacement was Capt. Henry Willis, of Pennsvlvania, concerning whom the records are contradictory. He was appointed a cornet in the 4th Dragoons in June, 1777, and according to one version, 15 was promoted to second lieutenant on June 25, 1781, and to captain on an unspecified subsequent date, serving to the end of the war. Another version, 16 however, says that he was promoted to captain on December 22, 1780, and resigned his commission on April 24, 1781, at which time he was replaced by Capt. Thomas Overton*, a Virginian, who had been a lieutenant in the 9th Virginia (infantry) Regiment until July 1, 1779, when he had been appointed a first lieutenant in the 4th Dragoons. He served with the 4th Dragoons through the rest of the war. * Found name spelled Oberton in Penna Archives. There were Two Overtons, John and Thomas, brothers or cousins? Both served in Virginia Regiments. Only Thomas served in the 4th Dragoons. (see Heitman's) Troop C, commanded by Capt. Thomas Dorsey, of Pennsylvania. He began his service as a captain of infantry, initially in the 1st Pennsylvania Battalion and then in its sucessor unit, the 2d Pennsylvania Regiment. He became a captain in the 4th Dragoons on January 10, 1777. but is listed as "omitted" in August of the same year. No promotion occurred which can be associated With the departure from the service (due the mutiny) of Capt. Dorsey. The first such promotion after he left the regiment, which took place on February 8, 1778, was that of John Heard, of New Jersey. After having been a second lieutenant of New Jersey artillery in 1776, Heard had become a first lieutenant of the 4th Dragoons on January 20, 1777. He served as a captain in that regiment from the date of his promotion to the end of the war. Troop D, commanded by Capt. David Plunkett, of Maryland. His prior service had been as a second lieutenant in Smallwood's Maryland Regiment. Appointed a captain in the 4th Continental Light Dragoons on January 10, 1777, he was taken prisoner on October 20 of that year (location and circumstances unknown, although possibly in conjunction with the defense of Fort Mercer, near Red Bank, New Jersey), and resigned from the army on March 13, 1779. Possibly to fill this vacancy, Peter Manifold was promoted to captain from first lieutenant on April 14, 1779. One of the comparatively few Pennsylvania officers, he had originally joined the regiment as a cornet, on April 14, 1778, being promoted barely two weeks later (on May 1) to lieutenant. He resigned on Octoher 30, 1780. Apparently the vacancies remained unfilled for some time. Troop E, commanded by Capt. Vashel D. Howard, of Virginia. He was commissioned a captain in the 4th Dragoons on January 24, 1777, but died on March 15, 1778. 22 There was no promotion to captain in the regiment from that time until December 22, 1778, when John Craig, a Pennsylvanian, was promoted from first lieutenant. He had been a second lieutenant in the 2d Pennsylvania (infantry Battalion and a first lieutenant in the 3d Pennsylvania (infantry) Regiment before transferring to the 4th Dragoons on March 22, 1977. He stayed with the organization to the end of the war. Troop F, ? CHARLES CRAIG of Pennsylvania, was commissioned a Captain and Troop Commander of the 4th LD on Jan 10, 1777. He was wounded at Brandywine Sept 11, 1777 and did not return to service. (Capt Charles Craig in not cited in The Pennsylvania Line). His prior service dated from 1775 as a 1stLt, of Thompson's Penna Rifle Regt, June 25, 1775; to Captain, Nov 9, 1775; then he bagan his Conntinental Service as a Captain of 1st Continental Line Jan 1, to Dec 31, 1776. Other officers who at one time or another served as captains in the 4th Continental Light Dragoons were: Capt. Zebulon Pike,* of New Jersey. Appointed a cornet in the 4th Dragoons on March 1, 1777, he became the regimental adjutant on November 20, 1777, was promoted lieutenant on March 15, 1778, and captain on December 25, 1778. On June 1, 1780, he was appointed regimental paymaster, holding that position until the end of the war. 74 Capt. Erasmus Gill, of Virginia. He was appointed a captain in the 4th Dragoons in Fehruary, 1779, but with a retroactive date of rank of December 25, 1778. He had prior service as a sergeant, ensign, and second lieutenant in the 2d Virginia (infantry) Regiment. On October 3, 1779, he was taken prisoner at Savannah, Georgia, and after his exchange (on October 22, 1788, served to the end of the war. 25 Capt. Lawrence Frank, of Pennsylvania. Having been commissioned a first lieutenant, 4th Continental Light Dragoons on October 1, 1779, he was promoted to captain some time in 1782 and served in that grade throughout what remained of the war. 26

From the Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1779
A Memorial from the officers of the 4th regiment of light dragoons was read.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of Conference. (See page1, page2)
This memorial was signed by;
LtCol Anthony Walton White,
Capt Zebulon Pike,
Lt William Henderson, Paymaster
Patrick Bennet Quartermaster,
Cornet Dade Peyton,
Surgeon William Cathcart,
Capt John Heard,
Lt Henry Willis,
Capt John Craig,
Lt Peter Manifold,
Thomas McCalla
Lt Larkin Smith,
Lt Erasmus Gill - See signatures of Larkin Smith and Erasmus Gill

See the GW Papers Index References for the officers that appear in the Correspondence of General Washington.

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