DR. LEFLET - 09/22/99 19:11:34
| Comments:
I enjoyed your web page. Thank you for keeping history accessible.
Linda Stokes Hammesfahr - 08/14/99 02:57:32
My Email:brknstar@earthlink.net
| Comments:
Thank you for the comprehensive information on the 4th Light Dragoons. I am a descendent of George Anthony who enlisted in 1778 and have found the information on your site helpful in my genealogical research. LSH
Julie Gahm - 07/23/99 01:23:29
My Email:jojul@zoomnet.net
| Comments:
Met Jay Eben at Canters Cave during a History Channel shoot. He was very gracious to my family and I would like to thank him. Say hi to Almanac!
Sandra Simon - 06/07/99 00:06:46
My Email:sandra_simon@yahoo.com
| Comments:
Just linked to you on Planet All. I have several ancestors that were in the American Revolution. Alexander Thomas was one of them. He was a Sergeant for PA.
Do you only have info about PA? I have a couple of other relatives from NC as well. David Vance, a Captain in NC, William Davidson, a Major in NC. I would be interested in hearing from others.
Keih Curtis - 05/03/99 21:22:58
My Email:KCurtis213@aol.com
| Comments:
Nice site! I am the former commander of Lee's Troop, 1st Light Dragoons. I've relocated to North Carolina and am looking for a new rev. war unit to hook up with. Where is your unit based?
Lance Grach - 03/13/99 21:57:00
My Email:Lance1@noln.com
| Comments:
I am a member of Moore Fauntleroys troop. Address is 1625 Pine Ridge
Bushkill, PA 18324
Thank You
Lance Grach
John Cook - 02/22/99 19:51:00
My Email:Librinpa2@Yahoo.com
| Comments:
I very much enjoy reading over your site - you're
to be commended for the extensive reaserch which
I'm sure had to go into preparing a website such
as this one. One phase I've wondered about but
didn't see listed was the various engagements
this unit fought in, and what the casulaties were
in each. Did I miss something in the website itself, or is this information just not there?...
if it's not, could you tell me where I might be
able to go to obtain this information? I'm very much interested in the Revolutionary War, and would greatly appreciate any help you can give me.
Again, you have put together a great site here - good work!
Douglas C Fitts - 02/12/99 00:22:22
My Email:douglasfitts@yahoo.com
| Comments:
You have done a great job with this page.
I am a descendant of Col.and Brig. Gen. Stephen
Moylan. He is my 4GGF. I have some info about his
miltary life but none about his family. I understand that he was close to George Washington.
Where can I view these Washington papers? Thank
you. Doug Fitts in Mt Ida Ar
DICK WELCH - 02/11/99 18:24:57
My Email:riwelch@ems.att.com
| Comments:
Chuck Winchester - 02/10/99 18:37:20
My Email:picketts@innerx.net
| Comments:
Enjoyed your site. I'm looking for someone who reproduces 18th Century civilian saddles and tack. What do your people use? I am prticularly interested in the 1730-40 period. Any info would be appreciated. Keep up the good work. Thanks for your time.
Doug Thomas - 02/08/99 21:51:26
My Email:fonsatrum@hotmail.com
| Comments:
I am very interest in the 4ld. Can you recomend a source? Also I am looking for a copy of Washington's Eyes. Who is the publisher and what is the date of publication?
Joe Morin - 01/16/99 03:39:24
My Email:nightmare05201
| Comments:
Dear Sir,
I was wondering if you have the address for the dragoon outfit located out of Connecticut.
Thank you again for your help.
Sincerely Joe Morin
Debbie - 01/10/99 03:28:37
My Email:goth@voyager.net
| Comments:
It is my understanding from my deceased grandfather that during the revolutionary war his ggggrandfather or however many greats back was a body guard for General Washington in the battle of Yorktown. His name was John Horn and he was with him at the capt
re of Yorktown. How do I find the information to varify this. I would appreciate any information you can help me with. Thank-you.
Eleanor Linn - 12/12/98 02:45:01
My Email:linns@mindspring.com
| Comments:
Very thorough research and analysis.
Irene D'Amato - 12/12/98 02:20:27
My Email:irened@prodigy.net
| Comments:
As an descendant of the George Guthrie of Huntingdon, PA I was quite interested in your work. Thank you for all the information. If you are interested in his line further I would be hapy to share what I have.
Don Williams - 12/11/98 19:01:32
My Email:bawilli@ibm.net
| Comments:
Hi: Found your site through Missing Links, and I printed off the info on the George Guthries, even though I am not sure it is in my line. I have some men with that name who served in the Rev. War, and I wonder if you have come across them. I am fairly sur
that William Guthrie, b. 1722, served in Capt. William Alexander's Co. of York, PA as well as with Gen. Wayne's Brigade. He died 1832. Another one is Henry Guthrie, b. 1754 who was a Pvt. Do you have anything at all on them, or perhaps other Guthries bor
around that time in VA/PA? Thanks.
Jess Phillips - 12/08/98 02:09:22
My Email:jessphillips@prodigy.net
| Comments:
Hi, I'm a former member of 4LD, Fauntleroy's troop. Now "turned Coat" and am a member of the 17th Light Dragoons, member of the British Brigade, based mainly in MD. but have members in other spots. Any British cav info to share i would appreciate it.
Steve Morris - 12/07/98 06:09:46
My Email:orca@newportnet.com
| Comments:
Have information that Thomas Kelly volunteered for 3 year enlistment in Continental cavalry in Winter of 1777. Re-enlisted for 1 year at the end of 1780. Died 1812, Clifty Creek, Pulaski County, Kentucky. Served with Captain Dickerson's
Rangers 1757 to 1759. Source: The Kelly Family, 1972, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 72-86152. This is my great-grandfather to the 5th power.
joe morin - 11/28/98 18:07:09
My Email:blackcat05201@yahoo
| Comments:
sir can you please tell me where you got your sabers drom thank you
Jim Foley - 11/19/98 15:21:36
My Email:AEGIS500@aol.com
| Comments:
Hello! I am with the 4th Continental Light Dragoons Capt. Fontleroys troop. 3rd troop 4LD.
John Kennedy - 11/16/98 00:41:32
My Email:jjken521@prodigy.net
| Comments:
I would like to find out more about your unit
I am helping a boy scout unit doing a salute to George Washington for the 1999Bicentennial of George Washington
Peter Ryan - 11/03/98 03:52:32
My Email:jpryan@visuallink.com
| Comments:
I'm currently doing a Virginia Light Horse militia impression (1755-1781). I'd be interested in your thoughts on sources for saddles, as well as other tack. I'm also looking for a .62 caliber carbine that won't break the bank.
Where are you folks located?
joe morin - 10/23/98 23:47:56
My Email:blackcat05201@yahoo.com
| Comments:
i am interested in joining yr outfit please send me recreatment information
Ross Bergstedt - 09/03/98 02:38:57
My Email:rossberg@yahoo.com
| Comments:
Thank you for keeping history in perspective and alive!
Merritt H. Powell - 07/27/98 03:29:53
My Email:SgtBaggy@worldnet.att.net
| Comments:
Good Idea. I think Ed Dannemiller would appreciate the memorial. I haven't read it all through yet but will.
MHP, National Adjutant
Scottish-American Military Society (SAMS)
also: Attorney for 2d Cavalry Assocation
Cole Smail - 07/22/98 02:07:59
My Email:ourplace@bright.net
| Comments:
I am a Civil War reenactor, but I like to follow the history of the Revolutionary War as well, thank you for providing all this information that can be read. Love to read history.
Thomas Petermann - 07/06/98 20:26:16
My Email:petermann@att.com
| Comments:
I would like to participate in a Revolutionary War re-enactment group.
Cheryl Benson - 06/05/98 03:25:17
My Email:CBeBuzz@aol.com
| Comments:
John Saylor is part of my family tree. His was the son of Felix Sahlor, a German who came to Penn. in 1749. There is another son named Daniel that searved also. There is three other brothers
Mary M. Bell - 05/17/98 16:16:33
My Email:MaryMcBell@aol.com
| Comments:
This is a very interesting page. Where was this unit recruited from? That might be helpful to people accessing the site who don't know the history of the unit.
Mary M. Bell
Rev Dr C. E. Lindgren - 05/12/98 19:49:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/8071/index.html
My Email:paschal@panola.com
| Comments:
Thank you for visiting our page on the Sovereign Order Orthodox Knights Hospitaller of St. John. I am very interested in you working with us on one of several endeavours. Please write me at my e-mail as I was unable to get a response from your iv.dragoon@
sa.net addy. Your page is wonderful. As a historian,I found your page on Colonel Stephen Moylan's Fourth Regiment of Continental
Light Dragoons an extremely interesting topic. Keep up the excellent work.
Agnes Moylan - 05/04/98 17:50:58
My Email:AMoylan@aol.com
| Comments:
Yes, I am a MOYLAN!
Sam Fore - 05/02/98 22:31:33
My Email:skfore@imcnet.net
| Comments:
Researching the life of William Washington, (1752-1810). Especially interested in his time with Colonel Moylan's regiment as he was his Major from January 1777 to November 1778.
Sue Downing - 05/01/98 02:25:33
My URL:http://www.trolleycars.com
My Email:suedown@alum.mit.edu
| Comments:
Hello Doctor T!
just saying "hi" - found you thru PlanetAll, didn't know you even had a webpage...
--toonerville sue, webqueen
Robert K Efaw - 04/29/98 23:27:23
My Email:refaw@hhs.net
| Comments:
Very nice. I wish I would have found my ancester
among your listing.
Patricia Guthrie Overholt - 04/23/98 13:03:20
My Email:gary@beachlife.net
| Comments:
Are you familiar with Clan Guthrie? Great organization.
Also, thanks for letting me know about the paper you have published.
Darla Bauer - 03/24/98 01:21:51
My Email:opalring@aol.com
| Comments:
Very Interesting!!! Researching Joseph White,Sgt, 3rd troop,4th Reg. Light Dragoons,under /col.Stephen Moylan. Enlisted Sept,8th,1777,discharged Sept,15th,1780 at Hackensack N.J. Would like any information on this Reg. Thank You,Darla
Dan'l - 02/26/98 05:36:02
My Email:steepcreek@mindspring.com
| Comments:
great site!
I was hoping you could help me, I'm looking for a copy of (Xeroxed would be fine) of Robert Hinde's "Discipline of the Light Horse" London,1778. Also Burt G. Loescher's "Washington's Eyes The Continental Light Dragoons" Old Army Press 1967.
Any suggestions?
Thank you for your time.
Dan'l of
Campbell's Rifles
John Piper - 02/02/98 16:20:46
My Email:pruitt_igoe@hotmail.com
| Comments:
Many thanks for the web page and the links!
Mellow one - 01/04/98 03:32:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/1346/
My Email:lf4961@hotmail.com
| Comments:
Seeking biographical and unpublished Rev War info.
Known: Vrginia Soldier, Lt.IV Dragoons(from Heitmans).
Captured at Savannah, promoted to Capt,
Commanded troop in S Carolina until end of war?
Conflicting dates on service in the North while stationed at Pond Ridge?
and the capture at Savannah in Oct 1779.
From the Diary of the American War by Capt Johann Ewald;
Lt Erasmus Gill is identified in the Ambuscade at East Chester
(north east Bronx) at the same date in Oct '79.
Email us at:iv_dragoon@email.com
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