Selections from The George Washington Papers

The writings of George Washington from the original manuscript sources at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library contains all 39 volumes of the printed text. The two electronic index volumes XXXVIII & XXXIX contain the page number reference which we use to cite our findings in the index of names of 4th Dragoon Officers in the GW Papers. The page number links in the table below link to the electronic text image of the document at the University of Virginia. The Date links in the table link to the Varic Transcripts of the documents at the Library of Congress. It was our intent to have the transcript links set in the document where the aide is credited with the transcript. The use of the electronic images precludes that option unless a link could be established from the University of Virginia Library text and the transcript image at The Library of Congress.

Vol Page mm/dd/yy To/From*fnote# Title*/Subject/footnote#nn Named / Location / Notes
---------- 09/01/76 ------------------ Index to Vol 5 ---------------------------
V05P105 06/07/76 General Orders Stephen Moylan Appointed Quarter Master General
V05P214 07/03/76 to Congress Elizabeth Light Horse Drive stock off Staten Island
V05P245 07/09/76 General Orders Declaration of Independence Read to Troops at New York
V05P286 07/16/76 Col Thomas Seymour Dismissal of the Connecticut Light Horse
V05P320 07/22/76 To Congress Reminder to Raise a troop of light horse
---------- 09/01/76 ------------------ Index to Vol 6 ---------------------------
V06P080 09/28/76 General Orders Stephen Moylan Resigns as QMG
V06P270 12/16/76 Col Sheldon Commission For Connecticut LD Regt
V06P326 12/30/76 Col Bland Virginia LDs Marching north
V06P347 01/19/77 LtCol Baylor Command of LD Regt Major Alexander Clough
---------- 01/13/77 ------------------ Index to Vol 7 ---------------------------
V07P017 01/17/77 Col Baylor LD Officer Appointments* GW Recommendation
V07P037 01/19/77 Col Joseph Reed Morris County Light Horse* Anthony Walton White 3NJ
V07P050 01/23/77 General Orders Philadelphia Light Horse Capt Samuel Morris
V07P051 01/22/77 Congress Command of Horse to Reed Moylan, Baylor, Sheldon
V07P135 02/11/77 Gov Trumbull $33,3333.33 to Col Sheldon for Connecticut 2LD
V07P136 02/11/77 Mass Council 3000 Light Dragoons levied but not raised
V07P154 02/15/77 Col Baylor LD Officer Appointments* GW cousins
V07P190 02/23/77 Joseph Reed Command of Dragoons* Col Griffin offered post
V07P214 03/01/77 Col Baylor Carbines & Pistols Stith & Armistead
V07P309 03/20/77 LtC White Appointment to LD Private Letter
V07P321 03/27/77 Gen Weedon Capt William Washington promoted to Major 4LD
V07P323 03/28/77 Capt McLane Gather Intelligence about Cornwallis
V07P323 03/28/77 Col Baylor Equipping 3LD Cornet John Stith
V07P419 04/17/77 *List of Officers Officer Appointments* Baylor, Moylan, Sheldon
V07P420 04/17/77 James Mease Uniforms* 4LD Red Coats Possible mistakes
V07P459 04/30/77 Col Spotswood 3LD troop detached to Commander in Chief's Guard
---------- 05/01/77 ------------------ Index to Vol 8 ---------------------------
V08P030 05/09/77 James Mease Clothing for troops P.S. Red Coats to be dyed
V08P034 05/10/77 Congress Dragoons for Gen Gates
V08P053 05/12/77 Col Moylan Danger of Red Coats* Change the coat color
V08P055 05/12/77 James Mease Red Coats Moylan's 4LD
V08P098 05/20/77 James Mease Frocks to cover Red Coats Moylan
V08P108 05/23/77 Col Baylor 3LD Chaplain requirements & pay
V08P120 05/24/77 Col Sheldon 2LD to Peekskill Gen Putnam
V08P121 05/24/77 Col Moylan Reed to be General of Horse footnote from previous
V08P136 05/29/77 Gen Sullivan 4LD men from Philadelphia not for special purposes
V08P163 06/01/77 Gen Sullivan Enemy Horse in Green Barber & Horse to Somerset
V08P124 06/09/77 Col Sheldon 2LD ordered to HQ to relieve the Virginia Horse
V08P180 06/11/77 LtCol Armand Take command of Major Ottendorf's Corps
V08P240 06/13/77 Congress Dragoon Officer Horses Supplied by the Public
V08P254 06/16/77 Gen Schuyler Albany LD Troop to be raised locally
V08P262 06/17/77 Col Sheldon 2LD to HQ at Middle Brook 1 Troop with Gen Putnam
V08P272 06/20/77 Board of War Spears for LDs
V08P303 06/27/77 General Orders Determine LD COs Rank Returns of Battle Actions
V08P304 06/27/77 Col Malcom Lt Hallet of Malcom's Footnote #32
V08P305 06/27/77 LtC Aaron Burr Commission in Col Malcom's Regt
V08P437 07/19/77 Col Dayton Encl of orders to Col Moylan
V08P445 07/20/77 James Mease LDs intitled to 1 suit of Uniform annually
V08P446 07/21/77 General Orders 900 men and 12 LDs under Gen Maxwell
V08P447 07/22/77 BrGen Forman Movements of British Fleet* via Moylan at S Amboy
V08P447 07/22/77 Gen Schuyler Posted at Moses Creek *87 Kosciuszko
V08P467 07/24/77 Col Sheldon 2LD to Gen Washington 1 troop to Gen Putnam
V08P477 07/25/77 Col Moylan 4LD repair to Philadelphia
V08P479 07/26/77 Col Moylan Stop at Trenton or proceed to Bristol
V08P480 07/26/77 Col Bland Stop at Trenton or proceed to Bristol
V08P488 07/27/77 Congress 3 & 4LD were at Bound Brook
---------- 08/01/77 ------------------ Index to Vol 9 ---------------------------
V09P024 08/05/77 Col Baylor Warrant for $20,000 to Compleat 3LD
V09P036 08/08/77 General Orders Col Moylan (4LD) Search for stragglers
V09P068 08/15/77 4LD Lieutenents Rank and pay of Lts Bird, Dorsey, Craig, Moore & Gray
V09P081 08/17/77 4LD Lieutenents Resignations* of Bird Dorsey, Craig, Moore & Gray
V09P099 08/19/77 General Orders Court Martial 4LD Deserters to infantry
V09P100 08/19/77 General Orders Court Martial 4LD Deserters (continued)
V09P112 08/21/77 Congress Franklin's Letter Favoring Count Pulaski
V09P114 08/21/77 General Orders 4LD with Gen Wayne 2LD with Stirling
V09P118 08/22/77 Board Of War Baylor / Gen Nash North Carolina Horse
V09P119 08/22/77 General Orders LtCol White president of Court Martial
V09P125 08/23/77 General Orders March to Philadelphia 1&3LD right; 2&4LD left
V09P131 08/25/77 Col Baylor Bring 3LD to HQ at Wilmington
V09P133 08/25/77 Congress GW with Light Horse to Wilmington
V09P134 08/25/77 Court Martial Capt Henry Lee acquitted LtCol White President
V09P143 08/28/77 Congress GW Reccomends Pulaski CO Cavalry
V09P145 08/28/77 General Orders 2LD to Gen Greene at White Clay Creek
V09P156 09/01/77 LtCol White Desertion of 4LD Trooper
V09P162 09/02/77 Gen Maxwell Armands Corps Violence at Elk
V09P166 09/02/77 Col Armand Corps recalled to HQ Complaints from Elk
V09P205 09/11/77 Col Baylor (3LD) British Movement* above Chad's Ford
V09P214 09/13/77 Col Moylan (4LD) Remove military stores from French Creek
MOY061 09/13/77 Col Moylan Guard the Schuylkill fords footnote of previous
V09P225 09/14/77 General Orders LDs reform with army #24 from Toner Transcripts
V09P288 09/30/77 Comte Pulaski 4LD detachment in Red Coats
V09P304 10/03/77 General Orders Court Martial of Von Heer Fleury to LD Brigade Major
V09P404 10/19/77 Court Martial Blands orders to LtCol Byrd Moylan Pres of Court
V09P432 10/25/77 LD Commanders Impressing Horses Branding Horses
V09P472 10/31/77 Court Martial Moylan acquitted of striking Zielinski
V09P475 10/31/77 Gen James Potter Dismantle Mills P.S. Capt Lee to assist *
---------- 11/04/77 ------------------ Index to Vol 10 ---------------------------
V10P032 11/09/77 General Orders Captured British LDs by Capt Craig & Lee
V10P138 12/04/77 Order of Battle 1 & 3LD on right 2 & 4LD on left
V10P228 12/30/77 Gen Stirling Horse purchased by Moylan for GW
V10P230 12/30/77 LD Officers Procurement of clothing and Accoutrements
V10P234 12/31/77 Pulaski Cavalry Drills*/ Lancemen Winter at Trenton
V10P256 01/02/78 Capt David Hopkins Dragoon Accouterments Major Blackden
V10P257 01/02/78 Gen Heath Dragoon Accouterments* Capt Hopkins
V10P305 01/14/78 Pulaski Cavalry Horses* Bedkin / Kowatz
V10P305 01/26/78 Pulaski Lancemen, Catonment Capt Craig
V10P368 01/29/78 Congress Cavalry Organization Cavalry Horses* Moylan
V10P419 02/04/78 Pulaski Sheep skin Saddle pattern* Capt Craig
V10P457 02/14/78 Pulaski Calvary Equipment* Zelienski
---------- 03/01/78 ------------------ Index to Vol 11 ---------------------------
V11P006 03/01/78 Count Pulaski Officer Seniority Assist Gen Wayne
V11P013 03/02/78 Gen Wayne Gen Pulaski to assist with Cavalry from Trenton
V11P020 03/03/78 Count Pulaski Marching to Gen Wayne with Bland's 3LD
V11P021 03/03/78 Count Pulaski Monsieur de Pontieres brevet Capt in Cavalry
V11P022 03/04/78 Col Baylor Purchase Horses & saddles Col Bland
V11P028 03/05/78 Col Bland Col Baylor Purchase Horses in Virginia
V11P037 03/07/78 Major Jameson Assist Col Baylor LtCol Temple in Virginia
V11P058 03/10/78 Maj Tallmadge Procurement of Horses Col Sheldon
V11P079 03/14/78 Gov Livingston Morris County Light Horse Capt Arnold
V11P081 03/14/78 Congress Pulaski Resigns Pulaski's Corps*
V11P086 03/15/78 Gen Wayne Report to HQ Lt Peyton of Lee's
V11P098 03/17/78 General Orders Commander in Chief's Guard #51 The Model Corps
V11P114 03/20/78 Gen Lacey Take Quaker horses for the Light Dragoons
V11P113 03/20/78 Col Moylan Pulaski Resigned Col Moylan Commands
V11P114 03/20/78 COs 1 2 & 3LD Pulaski Resigned Col Moylan Commands
V11P147 03/25/78 Col Moylan Cavalry Winter Quarters* Near Mt Holly
V11P148 03/25/78 Col Armand New Corps not Authorized Marquis LaFayette
V11P149 03/25/78 Gov Livingston Cavalry Winter Quarters* Col Moylan
V11P168 03/28/78 LtCol Temple 1LD Recruits Return to take command
V11P198 04/01/78 Capt Henry Lee Remain in Cavalry instead of ADC Post
V11P203 04/03/78 Col Moylan Dragoon Escort* Mr Bankston
V11P213 04/04/78 Major Jameson Return to HQ LtC Temple to remain in Virginia
V11P230 04/09/78 Col Moylan Pulaski's draughts 2LD Serjeant
V11P230 04/09/78 Congress Officer Appointments in Pulaski's Corps
V11P244 04/11/78 Col Moylan A Rank Difficulty* Lt Craig
V11P251 04/12/78 Major Henry Lee Promotion of * Lt Lindsay & Cornet Peyton
V11P259 04/14/78 CO 2LD Reprimand for Neglect of the Horses
V11P275 04/25/78 Col Bland 1LD Recruiting Maj Jameson & LtC Temple
V11P305 04/25/78 Thomas Turner Present of Pistols* via Capt Fauntleroy
V11P322 04/29/78 Col Moylan Lack of Arms* Col Baylor & Bland
V11P337 05/01/78 Count Pulaski Enlistment of Prisoners* Horse men must be natives
V11P339 05/01/78 Col Baylor Dragoon Cornets* Peregrine Fitzhugh
V11P340 05/01/78 Col Baylor Procuring Horses LtCol Temple
V11P343 05/02/78 Court Martial Timothy Flood acquitted of Capt Craig's Troop 4LD
V11P345 05/03/78 Col Baylor Unauthorized Appointments Peregrine Fitzhugh
MOYP71 05/13/78 To GW Col Moylan Sends a Spy into Philadelphia
V11P384 05/13/78 Col Moylan Major Clough commended Carbines available
V11P385 05/13/78 Major Tallmadge Condition of Horses* Col Moylan
V11P394 05/15/78 Col Baylor Purchasing Horses Recruit bounties
V11P396 05/16/78 James Mease Condition of Dragoons footnote #61 MOYP71
MOY071 05/17/78 Col Moylan Detachment to Whitemarsh footnote #93 below
V11P420 05/18/78 LaFayette Detachment at Whitemarsh #93 50 LDs to join
V11P446 05/24/78 Col Moylan Bring horse into camp 2LD to remain at Chatham
V11P469 05/28/78 Col Moylan Stay near Trenton Check Gen Greene's horses
V11P478 05/29/78 Col Sheldon 2LD to North River Gen Gates
---------- 06/01/78 ------------------ Index to Vol 12 ---------------------------
V12P002 06/01/78 Gen Smallwood Philadelphia Reconnaisance Capt Allen Mclane
V12P002 06/01/78 Col Moylan 4LD Reduced to 120 Major Clough
V12P003 06/01/78 Major Clough 3LD detachment see if Philadelphia evacuated
V12P003 06/03/78 Major Clough Spies and actions of Capt Allen Mclane
V12P030 06/06/78 Col Baylor 40 Men & 50 Horses have not arrived as yet
V12P080 06/18/78 Col Moylan Cavalry to HQ
V12P096 06/20/78 Gen Dickinson LtC White remain with * Moylan
V12P108 06/22/78 Gen Dickinson Moylan with all horse to * Gen Morgan to join
V12P113 06/24/78 Gen Dickinson White's detachment to Gen Scott
V12P114 06/24/78 Gen Scott to Allentown LtC White to join *
V12P152 07/03/78 Col Bland Capt Cosmo de Medici North Carolina Light Horse
V12P162 07/07/78 Col Moylan Cavalry to North River Gen Heath
V12P192 07/19/78 Gen Gates Horse drive off Cattle between * & the Bridge #68
V12P192 07/19/78 Col Van Schaick #68 Capt Hopkins 4LD Stop supplies to NYC
V12P204 07/22/78 Col Bland Outfitting Recruits* LtCol Temple
V12P228 07/25/78 Col Moylan Forage about Hakensack Major Washington
V12P258 07/27/78 Capt Von Heer Return to HQ from procuring clothing
V12P267 07/30/78 General Orders Dragoon Piquets Col Moylan
V12P268 07/30/78 Col Moylan Return some milk cows taken from inhabitants
V12P288 08/03/78 Col Baylor Report to HQ Bring Lt Walker Baylor
V12P289 08/03/78 Col Bland Report to HQ see previous
V12P290 08/03/78 Congress Head Of Cavalry Arival of Count Pulaski 08/04
V12P290 08/07/78 General Orders Rank of Dragoon Field Officers
V12P470 09/19/78 Board of War Pulaski's Corps Clothing for LDs
V12P470 09/19/78 Count Pulaski Join Army at Fredrickburg Gen Maxwell
V12P474 09/21/78 Gen Scott Dragoon dispatches Gen Putnam
V12P478 09/22/78 Col Baylor Watch the North River for British Transports
V12P499 09/25/78 Maj Tallmadge Condition of Cavalry* Clothing for Cavalry
V12P499 09/25/78 Capt Stoddard Siezure of goods 2LD
V12P522 09/29/78 Council of War Gen Scott w/400 Cavalry Pulaski Corps in NJ
V12P529 09/30/78 Gen Woodford Dr David Griffith assist Col Baylor Maj Clough 3LD
V12P530 09/30/78 Gen Scott 4LD to Continental Village Sheldon
---------- 10/01/78 ------------------ Index to Vol 13 ---------------------------
V13P001 10/01/78 Capt John Stith 3LD to Springfield NJ Mr. Caldwell DQM
V13P025 10/04/78 Gen Stirling Major Washington w/4LD to *
V13P082 10/15/78 Gen Muhlenberg Officer Furloughs Lt Thomas Overton 9VA
V13P115 10/22/78 Gen Stirling Gather Intelligence Lees LD Det to return
V13P179 11/05/78 Col Bland Convention Troops Maj Washington to 3LD
V13P208 11/06/78 Col Bland #7 Command of Convention Prisoners in Virginia
V13P284 11/19/78 Gen Stirling 4LD Winter Quarters at Lancaster
V13P351 11/27/78 Congress Winter Quarters* Lancaster / Moylan
V13P356 11/29/78 Col Bland 4LD Det to escort Convention troops
V13P356 11/29/78 Gen Stirling 4LD Det to Sherard's ferry
V13P357 11/29/78 Henry Lee A Civil Arrest* Lt Carnes
V13P359 11/30/78 LtC Washington 3LD to Fredericktown 4LD Det to Sherard's Ferry
V13P371 12/06/78 LtC White To Winter Quarters
V13P397 12/15/78 Gen Greene Location of Cavalry* 4LD at Lancaster
---------- 01/12/79 ------------------ Index to Vol 14 ---------------------------
V14P024 01/19/79 Pulaski Legion Cavalry to Wilmington
V14P026 01/19/79 Caesar Rodney Pulaski's Cavalry to Kent & Sussex
V14P035 01/21/79 Col Armand Combining Armands and Pulaski's Corps
V14P049 01/27/79 Congress Encl Capt Stoddard 2LD Permission to go to France
V14P064 01/xx/79 Congress Military Arrangemets* Pulaski & Armands Corps
V14P066 02/01/79 LtC White Detachment to Baltimore Capt Hopkinks
V14P066 02/01/79 Capt Hopkins Troop to Baltimore #83 of previous
V14P078 02/08/79 Pulaski Legion to the South Capt Schott to remain
V14P086 02/09/79 Gen McDougall Northern Command Troop of Armand's to join*
V14P088 02/09/79 LtC Washington Cornet Baylor nixed waiting for Capt Smith
V14P092 02/10/79 LtC White Forage Problem Troop to Baltimore
V14P100 02/11/79 Court Martial Capt Von Heer Exacting money from Sutlers
V14P105 02/17/79 Capt Lewis Censure for absence from 1LD for 15 months
V14P151 02/26/79 Baron Steuben GW's 1st comments on Steubens Regulations
V14P133 02/17/79 LtCol White Transport GW Papers from Yorktown
V14P133 02/18/79 General Orders Lt Gill from 2VA Lt Coke(Cocke)
V14P213 03/09/79 Major Henry Lee promotion of Cornet Henry Archer
V14P228 03/11/79 Baron Steuben GW's 2nd comments on Steubens Regulations
V14P265 03/20/79 Board of War LtCol Anthony Walton White Not to enlist new recruits
V14P293 03/25/79 LtC White Request for Returns footnote on this page
V14P302 03/27/79 Lt Moore GW Accepted Resignation footnote - see V09P081
V14P303 03/28/79 Thomas Burke 1LD or 3LD to South Baylor & Bland
V14P324 04/01/79 Court Martial Ludwich Wolfe, MLD attempting to desert
V14P328 04/02/79 Congress Status Report Deficiency of Cavalry
V14P331 04/04/79 Board of War Blunderbusses Bland
V14P363 04/10/79 William Fitzhugh Lt Perigrine Fitzhugh #54 son of William
V14P373 04/13/79 Board Of War Capt Von Heer Proper horses for MLD
V14P424 04/22/79 Court Martial 4LD men Commiting Sundry Robberies
---------- 05/06/79 ------------------ Index to Vol 15 ---------------------------
V15P016 05/07/79 Col Spencer Commission Lt Hallet to 4LD
V15P121 05/21/79 LtC Washington 3LD to South #25 05/07/79 Resolve of Congress
V15P121 05/21/79 Col Bland to remain at Charlotte Ville footnote of previous
V15P127 05/22/79 Board of War Baron Woolfen Officer in Von Heer's Corps
V15P127 05/22/79 Board of War Resolve for 1&3LD to South Bland & LtC Washington
V15P177 05/31/79 Col Sheldon 2LD to the North River Under Gen McDougal
V15P211 06/01/79 General Orders Footnote Capt Von Heer Baron Woolfen Discharged
V15P212 06/02/79 Gen St Clair NCO & 8 MLD to join * P.S. 2 express riders to *
V15P220 06/03/79 Major Henry Lee to Pompton Prepare for Stoney Point
V15P220 06/03/79 Capt Bedkin to Morristown footnote of previous
V15P250 06/06/79 Major Henry Lee to Suffrans (Sufferns Tavern) Preparation for Stoney Point
V15P250 06/09/79 Capt Allen McLane to Suffrans near Smiths Clove meet with Major Lee
V15P251 06/09/79 Board of War Remount Baylor's (3LD) New Enlistment Bounties
JCCP720 06/12/79 Congress Memorial 4LD Officers
V15P260 06/15/79 Major Henry Lee Intelligence about Strength of Stoney Point
V15P300 06/15/79 Major Henry Lee Dismouting Dragoons Capt McLane's detachment
V15P323 06/26/79 Col Dey Serjeant Brackitt to Disipline a troop of Horse
V15P326 06/27/79 Major Tallmadge Intelligence Contacts 4LD marching to you
V15P328 06/27/79 Gov Clinton Moylan & 4LD to join 2LD at Bedford Area
V15P338 06/28/79 Col Moylan Command of Bedford Area Armand's Corps to *
V15P338 06/28/79 LtCol Temple Report to Gen Scott Col Bland's orders
V15P338 06/28/79 Col Bland The Convention Troops Exchange of De Geismer
V15P339 06/28/79 Maj Henry Lee A Spy for Stony Point*
V15P341 06/30/79 Maj Henry Lee Capt Allen McLane Troops for Stony Point
V15P373 07/05/79 Gen Wayne Steuben's Regulations*
V15P373 07/05/79 Col Armand Join Moylan at Bedford
V15P374 07/05/79 Major Tallmadge Lost Papers & Clothing Col Sheldon
V15P374 07/05/79 Major Henry Lee Watch for the Enemy at Tappan
V15P385 07/08/79 LtC Washington Remain at Wilmington for recruiting and training
V15P382 07/09/79 Major Henry Lee Mr Thomas Smith Executing Deserters
V15P391 07/09/79 Congress A Cavalry Skirmish* Tarleton's raid on Bedford
V15P394 07/10/79 Gen Heath British raid on Norwalk Col Moylan to join *
V15P399 07/10/79 Major Henry Lee Punishment of Deserters* Caution in Punishment
V15P399 07/10/79 Col Moylan Intelligence data Armand's Corps to join *
V15P414 07/12/79 Major Henry Lee engage country people as lookouts along the River
V15P458 07/22/79 James Geary Clothing issue to Cavalry officers
V15P472 07/24/79 Gen Stirling to Suffrans Bedkin's troop to join *
V15P473 07/24/79 Col Moylan Join Gen Glover at Ridgefield
V15P493 07/25/79 Maj Henry Lee Intelligence Note Situation at Stony Point
V15P495 07/27/79 LtCol Temple Rank from 03/31/77 Use Public Horses
V15P496 07/28/79 Gen Robert Howe Station at at Pound Ridge
V15P497 07/28/79 Major Henry Lee Report to HQ at West Point
V15P498 07/28/79 LtCol Fleury Certificate of Service to the US
---------- 07/29/79 ------------------ Index to Vol 16 ---------------------------
V16P015 07/30/79 Gen Heath Capt Hopkins commended action at ?
V16P024 07/31/79 LtC White Bridle, Stirrups & Spurs Present to GW
V16P029 07/30/79 Gen Heath Capt Hopkins intelligence purchase horses
V16P034 08/01/79 Col Moylan Return of Dismounted men for supplies
V16P056 08/06/79 Court Martial of Col Armand Col Vandeburgh
V16P056 08/06/79 Col Moylan Commendation for action against Emiricks Corps
V16P066 08/09/79 Gen Heath Col White's (4LD) action at Lower Salem
V16P085 08/12/79 Col Moylan Intelligence $ Mrs Moylan Ill
V16P113 08/16/79 Congress 11th Penna Letter from Capt Hopkins
V16P328 09/24/79 Encl to Moylan & Tallmadge Armand
V16P329 09/24/79 Col Moylan Reenlistment Bounty* Col Sheldon
V16P382 10/01/79 Col Moylan Reenlistment Bounty $ Patrick Bennet
V16P387 10/01/79 Court Martial Capt Von Heer abusing David Parks
V16P388 10/02/79 General Orders Uniform Regulations LD Blue w/white facing
---------- 10/21/79 ------------------ Index to Vol 17 ---------------------------
V17P034 10/25/79 Maj Henery Lee Intelligence for Count D'Estaing
V17P044 10/27/79 Gen Wayne Morris Town activity 3LD with *
V17P070 11/04/79 John Moylan Assistant Clothier General Delivery of blankets
V17P094 11/11/79 Dispatches for D'Estaing #81 Henery Lee
V17P094 11/11/79 Gen Heath Horses Stolen from 4LD Col Sheldon
V17P095 11/11/79 Gen Heath Armand commendation #85
V17P116 11/17/79 Gen Gates Winter Quarters* 2 & 4LD, Lees
V17P135 11/19/79 LtC Washington Troops March South* Charleston
V17P144 11/20/79 Gen Howe Moylan delivers letter
V17P146 11/20/79 Gov Trumbull Position of Troops* Col Moylan, Sheldon
V17P189 11/25/79 Wadsworth Winter Cantonments Lee
V17P190 11/25/79 General Orders Thanksgiving Proclamation from Congress
V17P199 11/27/79 Col Moylan Letter containing the following Instructions
V17P200 11/27/79 Col Moylan Instructions for the Cavalry in Winter Quarters
V17P201 11/27/79 Col Sheldon Cantonment of Cavalry Col Moylan
V17P202 11/27/79 Congress Disposition of Army 4LD & 2LD
V17P210 12/01/79 General Order Disposition of Cavalry at Morristown
V17P211 12/02/79 General Order Disposition of Cavalry Lee's to Burlington
V17P212 12/02/79 LtC Washington Proceed South Philadelphia / Stith
V17P212 12/02/79 Congress Cavalry for the South* LtC Washington
V17P291 12/20/79 Col Moylan Move to Colchester
V17P308 12/23/79 Board of War Dismounted Dragoons Col Armand
V17P310 12/24/79 General Orders Clothing for Cavalry Major Lee
V17P318 12/25/79 Col Moylan Request for Va Return
V17P321 12/26/79 Thomas Jefferson Virginia Troops* in 4LD
MOYP093 01/04/80 From Moylan 2LD to Colchester/Va Return Mr Hubbard, Capt Starr
V17P355 01/05/80 Col Moylan Officer Commissions to dtermine promotions
V17P392 01/14/80 Col Moylan Use of Cavalry* in Conn Gov Trumbull
V17P394 01/14/80 Gov Trumbull 4LD to Colchester
MOYP094 01/17/80 From Col Moylan A Southern Regiment in Durham / Mr Wadsworth
V17P412 01/19/80 General Order Compensation for horses
MOYP94b 01/22/80 From Moylan 4LD to Colchester Capt Pike & Craig to Recruit
V17P550 01/27/80 Congress Armand's Rank Claim
V17P460 01/28/80 LtC White Command of 1LD LtCol Temple to 4LD
V17P482 02/03/80 Col Moylan 4LD at Colchester Capt Pike & Craig at HQ
V17P483 02/03/80 Col Moylan LtC White to 1LD Temple, Bull, Fauntleroy
V17P483 02/03/80 Col Sheldon Enlistment Period* Fix the term for the War
V17P494 02/05/80 General Orders Pickett Guard
V17P495 02/05/80 General Order Returns requested*
V17P496 02/06/80 Board of War Combine Partisan Corps Bedkin
V17P497 02/06/80 Col Armand Partisan Corps* Bedkin
V17P504 02/08/80 Gen Steuben Size of the Army*
---------- 02/10/80 ------------------ Index to Vol 18 ---------------------------
V18P010 02/15/80 Col Moylan Return of NCOs & Privates by enlistment State
V18P015 02/16/80 Col Moylan 4LD Winter Quarters at Colchester
V18P044 02/21/80 Col Moylan Return of men of Connecticut
MOYP100 02/29/80 From Col Moylan 4LD in Straits Colchester
V18P105 03/08/80 Col Moylan Condition of 2 & 4LD Colchester
V18P184 03/27/80 Col Moylan Caps, Leather Breeches & Boots for the Cavalry
V18P193 04/01/80 LtC Temple from 1LD to 4LD to replace LtC White
V18P219 04/05/80 Col Moylan LtC Temple to 4LD Mrs Moylan ill
V18P280 04/18/80 Col Moylan Major Epaphras Bull to 4LD Arms to 2LD & 4LD
V18P281 04/18/80 Col Sheldon Cavalry Equipment* Major Epaphras Bull to 4LD
V18P494 06/10/80 Gen Robert Howe 4LD to Springfield 2LD to remain with *
V18P508 06/11/80 Major Henry Lee Commendation for recent action
---------- 06/12/80 ------------------ Index to Vol 19 -----------------------------
V19P040 06/20/80 Gen Howe Scarcity of Cavalry* divert the Marechasse Corps
V19P051 06/20/80 Col Moylan Intelligence Gathering at Kings Ferry
V19P052 06/21/80 Gen Howe British on Staten Island 4LD & 2LD needed
V19P052 06/23/80 Maj Richard Claiborne Remove stores from Morristown 20 horse to impress wagons
V19P094 06/29/80 Gen Parsons in Hartford no militia horse as Dragoons
V19P0120 07/05/80 Gen Heath Springfield NJ matters Footnote - Moylan at Little Falls
V19P120 07/05/80 James McHenry to Col Moylan Drafts of Patrol from Little Falls
V19P120 07/05/80 James McHenry to Col Moylan Note 2 of Patrol from Little Falls
MOYP120 07/05/80 Col Moylan Reply to Instructions for Patrol from Little Falls
V19P216 07/20/80 Gen Wayne Orders for Bulls Ferry 1&2PA & 4LD
COW039 07/20/80 Gen Wayne Div Orders for Bulls Ferry LtCol Harmer & 4LD
COW038 07/20/80 Gen Wayne 4LD Orders for Bulls Ferry Capt Blank
V19P218 07/21/80 General Orders Training Guards Return to regts
COW041 07/21/80 Gen Wayne Bulls Ferry Intelligence Capt Pike at Closter
V19P241 07/24/80 General Orders 4LD Captain to Attend Court Martial
V19P260 07/26/80 Congress Repulse at Bull's Ferry* Gen Wayne
V19P276 07/28/80 Col Moylan Impress wagons to move HQ
V19P466 08/29/80 General Orders Court Martial Capt Hopkins, Lt Trent, R. Pitts
V19P476 08/30/80 General Orders Court Martial Capt Peter Manifold
---------- 09/06/80 ------------------ Index to Vol 20 ---------------------------
V20P020 09/09/80 Gen Greene difficulties putting 4LD & Lee's together
V20P251 10/09/80 General Orders Col Moylan & 4LD take post near little falls
V20P186 10/15/80 General Orders 4LD on the right MLD & Bedkin's on the left
V20P251 10/23/80 General Orders 4LD furnish patrols take a new position
SPRP126 10/26/80 from Steuben Cavalry Organization
V20P236 11/01/80 General Orders Reorg of Army LD Legionary Corps
V20P255 11/05/80 Col Armand Armand's Partizan Corps 3 troops mounted LDs
V20P361 11/17/80 Col Moylan Worn Out Cavalry Horses* Lancaster Winter Quarters
V20P381 11/21/80 Col Moylan Secure Hackensack crossings Von Heers Corps to join you
V20P395 11/24/80 Col Moylan Cancel attempt against NYC Your Company at dinner
V20P411 11/27/80 Col Sheldon 2LD to Colchester for Winter Quarters
V20P441 12/08/80 Col Moylan Return of men from Connecticut
---------- 12/22/80 ------------------ Index to Vol 21 ---------------------------
V21P314 02/27/81 Congress Equip 4LD for South Col Lee Georgetown
V21P414 04/04/81 Gen Steuben Hopkins promotion Cadwaller Jones
V21P415 04/04/81 Col Moylan Completion of Cavalry* Maj Fauntleroy & Bull
V21P416 04/04/81 Maj Bull from 4LD to 1LD Maj Fauntleroy
V21P417 04/04/81 Fauntleroy Remain with 4LD Maj Bull
V21P470 04/18/81 Gen Greene Will send 4LD to *
---------- 04/27/81 ------------------ Index to Vol 22 ---------------------------
V22P101 05/22/81 Gov Trumbull Mounting and equipping a dragoon corps
V22P118 05/25/81 LtCol Varick Appointment as Recording Secretary
V22P119 05/25/81 LtCol Varick Instructions to Recording Secretary
V22P160 05/31/81 Col Sheldon Prepare 2LD for march via Major Tallmadge
V22P192 05/31/81 Col Sheldon Equipment for 2LD Stable Jackets
V22P149 06/01/81 Capt Von Heer care and attention troop Remounting MLD
V22P101 06/07/81 Joseph Reed 64 LDs from Penna More LDs for VA & MD
V22P101 06/07/81 Caesar Rodney 32 Dragoons from Delaware More LDs for VA & MD
V22P101 06/07/81 Thomas Sim Lee 64 Dragoons from Maryland More LDs for VA & MD
V22P352 07/10/81 Joseph Jones Status of 2LD & MLD Moylan's (4LD) witheld from South
MOYP120 07/10/81 Joseph Reed New 4LD Lieutenants Defer to LtCol Temple
V22P362 07/13/81 *Instructions Reconnoiter enemy posts north end of York Island
---------- 08/16/81 ---------------- Index to Vol 23 -- The Yorktown Campaign --
V23P140 09/26/81 General Orders 4LD Cpl & 4 men at Williamsburg HQ
V23P194 10/06/81 LtCol Lewis Morris Dragoon Reinforcements for Gen Greene
V23P198 10/08/81 LtCol White to Richmond 4LD Detachment
V23P200 10/08/81 Col Moylan Reequip 4LD men coming from Head of Elk
V23P202 10/08/81 Capt John Heard Charges against LtCol White
V23P216 10/13/81 Maj Fauntleroy ordered South to Gen Greene
V23P220 10/14/81 Gov Nelson 1LD Clothing LtCol White at Richmond
V23P266 10/25/81 Col Armand Moylan to Command
V23P270 10/26/81 Col Moylan Captured Horses to South Armand's
V23P304 10/31/81 Court Martial LtC White Capt Heard
V23P312 10/31/81 Col Moylan Orders to march South Gen St Clair, Armand's
V23P313 10/31/81 Col Baylor Moylan to command Cavalry Copy to Col White
MOYP124 11/01/81 Gen Washington Sataus of 4LD go to Philadelphia
V23P317 11/01/81 Col Moylan Request leave to go to Philadelphia
V23P317 11/01/81 Col Armand Legion in Charlottesville
V23P319 11/03/81 William Moore Moylan to Philadelphia to get supplies for 4LD
---------- 02/18/82 ------------------ Index to Vol 24 ---------------------------
V24P044 03/05/82 Capt Allen McLane Certificate for duty in Philadelphia 11/77
V24P081 03/20/82 Col Armand Passed over for promotion
V24P112 04/12/82 Baron Steuben Count Beniowsky Cavalry recommendation
V24P310 06/05/82 Court Martial Michael Moran (4LD) Committed Perjury
V24P530 08/10/82 Chevalier de Chastellux Adieu and thank you for services to USA
---------- 08/11/82 ------------------ Index to Vol 25 ---------------------------
V25P002 08/11/82 ORDERS Dragoons & Expresses Kings Ferry & Boston
V25P010 08/12/82 Col Sheldon Dragoon Expresses Hartford to Peekskill
V25P011 08/12/82 Col Armand Cavalry System* Proposal shelved
V25P173 09/17/82 Capt David Hopkins A Rank Claim* Majority Capt Swan
V25P182 09/20/82 Col Moylan Sgt Morris Mrs Moylan
V25P306 10/26/82 Col Sheldon 2LD from Fishkill thro Litchfield to Hartford
V25P311 10/30/82 Col Armand Corps Honored Capt Segond
V25P400 11/27/82 Col Sheldon Thank you for Intelligence
V24P381 11/27/82 Major Tallmadge Plan for raid on Huntington, Long Island
V25P382 11/30/82 Court Martial of Louis Soso Lt John Sullivan
V25P420 12/03/82 Col Sheldon Lt Horace Seymour to Dobbs's Ferry
V25P420 12/03/82 Col Sheldon Countermand Previous orders
V25P421 12/03/82 Major Tallmadge Go ahead with Raid on Huntington
V25P450 12/10/82 Col Sheldon Prepare to move to Winter Quarters
V25P451 12/10/82 Major Tallmadge Raid failed Capt Brewster wounded
MOYP127 12/15/82 Gen Washington Reduction of the 4LD
V25P466 12/25/82 Col Moylan Reduction of the 4LD General Lincoln
Vol Page mm/dd/yy To/From*fnote# Title*/Subject/footnote#nn Named / Location / Notes
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---------- mm/dd/yy ------------------ Index to Vol 38 ---------------------------
---------- mm/dd/yy ------------------ Index to Vol 39 ---------------------------

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