My REAL first name: Tiffany
My Faith: PRAISE JESUS! Christian all the way <><
Why Christian?: The Good Lord has impressed much upon my heart. We have been blessed much more than we are worthy and I owe all to Him. The Lord first Loved ME, He guides me and protects me and has great things in mind for those who follow him. He died for MY sins as well as those of man kind so that we, ourselves would have everlasting Life in Him. He has stood by me during all the Wonderful, Happy, Sad, Horrid, Depressing and Lonely times. I may not have always felt him but my Will knew he was there. Sometimes, Ive even turned my back on him but he ALWAYS has been there by my side, Ever so faithful, willing to forgive, willing to take me back into his arms. Im so Blessed that he is Faithful in such a perfect sense. The love Jesus has for us is Amazing! I can not Earn nor disqualify the Grace the Good Lord has lovingly given to me. I will spend eternity with Him in His House and my spirit is as peace knowing that.
Favorite pastimes?: DOING NOTHING. You know in this fast paced world, we all need to slow down sometimes or just STOP. WE NEED A REST! The world is not going to stop because I or WE take a break. (ok now Tiff, All you need to do know is take your own advice!) Always good at giving advice but taking it???
Favorite person?: 1st place is Jesus, 2nd (and very close at that) is Hubby and My babygirls.
Favorite shows: YIKES ummmm I really like touched by an Angel and to show im so unpredictable, I like X files also. Cartoons are fun and I like to watch rug rats with Britny. HOme improvements is a hoot to watch and we NEVER miss Xena and Hercules. Dont laugh but i like MAMA's FAMILY also.
Yuck-o-rama shows: Friends (sorry all, cant stand it!)and Seinfeld (dodging tomatoes from visitors).
Favorite Color: Earthtones
WORK?: Yes it is an UGLY word.
Passions?: Pro-Life to the point of extreme, My family, Wishing I could find and meet my real Father, FOOD (Just the eating part LOL)
Tender moment?: My daughter woke and came to lay down with us. Her feet were FREEZING! i wrapped her feet up with the blankets and between my legs and feet to warm them up (i mean to tell you they were ICECUBES) she rolled over, tucked my hair behind my ear, kissed my cheek and whispered "I love you mommy". Im so blessed to have her in my life.
Pleasures: Im so very easy to please, i find pleasure in the simplest things in life. they are usually the most innocent also. I find pleasure in nature and the country side.
What is annoying?: Loudness in general, The 10th time my daughter says MOMMIE-MOMMIE-MOMMIE, inconsiderate actions, DRIVING TOO SLOW! (im talkin 20mph in a 55mph zone and not much traffic) ARG!, Having all but ONE ingredient needed for a dish (you discover this when your almost DONE), Back stabbing and dishonesty. (i Figured my annoying list would be longer than my pleasure list *giggle*)
Anything else?: Will indulge more later!!!
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OHH M'GOSH i got the music right the first time, Its a miracle! *S*