She looks so much like a horse. One time when a little kid and my dog was outside the little kid thought that she was a horse so she or he I forgot what one it is, well the kid thought she was a horse and the kid clime on my dogs back. It was a little bit funny because my dog just start running with the kid on her back. Then I was noticing that my dog is a dog, not a horse. Then I tried to tell the kid that this is my dog not my horse.
My dog just loves to bark all the time. That barking of hers is always just getting so much on my nerves. I hate it! Now not so long ago my dad got a muzzle for my dog. Each time when my mom or dad say “Jasmine please be quite” and she’s still going crazy then one of us put on the muzzle. She just hates it and that is good because then she will learn that if we say to be quite that we want you to be quite.
My dog is not really friendly because she is a shelty. Shelties are not a type of a dog that will be friendly. A lot of shelties I know that bite a lot of people. I don’t like dogs that bite but my dog will never bite. Nope not once. My dog always try to partake us because shelties are sheep dogs and sheep dogs take care of the sheep and owners. Shelties partake there owners by biting other people but my dog never bites. The way she partake us is by barking. She barks and maybe snap a little bit. If Jasmine see some one in her provisory see start chase them til she cant reach any more because my dog is tide up. My dog is really nice but some times she may bark a little bit to much.
My dog is really good trained because she can do about any thing She can sit, down, stay, come, rollover, and a lot more! She can even do this, get a treat and tell the dog to sit or tell her to do down. Then put the treat down on the floor right in front of her. Then tell her to stay. Then I go upstairs and hide up there for a minute then I go down stairs and the treat is still in front of her. Then I tell her she can eat her treat now. Then she dose. My dog can do anything even craw. I love my dog.
-- This page written by Kristen in 1999.
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