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Out the New Book - By Mrs. Rose Ella Morton

"Our Family Keepers" - the story of multiple generations of the family of those
who once worked as slaves on the plantations of William Lowndes Yancey.
A must read for anyone doing genealogical research on their own slave ancestors.
[Click Here for more info]
Although it is often stated that the name of Yancey is of
Welsh origin , it should be kept in mind that there are, and have
been for some time, African Americans who carry the surnames
YANCEY/YANCY/ YANCIE (as well as a few other racial/ethnic
groups). The origins of these Yancey families is not often easy
to trace or determine - and any possible connection (and there
surely were at least some genealogical "blood"
connections) to branches of the family of "Anglo"
origin, is often very difficult to document. Although uncommon
prior to the Civil War, census records have recorded "free
blacks and mulattos" by surname Yancey as early as the late
1700's. Prior to the Civil War there were very few African
Americans using the surname Yancey. This was because most black
slaves did not carry a "surname" but were only referred
to by their first name. They only started using a surname, in
most cases, when they obtained their freedom. The how and why of
choosing the name of "Yancey", by these African
Americans, may have been very different from one family to the
next. Some may have chosen the name because of known, or
suspected, "blood" connections to the slave owning
families by surname Yancey. Others may have simply chosen the
name because it was the surname of their "Master".
There were probably a multitude of other reasons and trying to
generalize and stereotype these cases seems inappropriate. Many
of the early (white) Yancey families being southern plantation
owners having slaves, it is not surprising to see the large
number of blacks by surname YANCEY/YANCY which appear in the 1870
census - the first census taken after the Civil War when blacks
were granted freedom and counted in the same way that the whites
were. So great was the black Yancey population that in 1870 in
Virginia and North Carolina there were more black Yanceys than
white. Concentrations of Blacks by surname Yancey can now be
found concentrated in Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina,
Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and other scattered areas along the
East Coast.

Daniel Joseph Yancey [right] (1876-1953)
Family of Greene Co., MO |

Jimmy Yancey (1898-1951)
Famous Blues Pianist

Funeral Photo of Benjamin F Yancey (1870-1915)
- Educator of Albemarle Co., VA |

Marvin Yancy (1950-1985)
Musician and former husband of Natalie
Cole |

Bill Yancey, Negro League Baseball - 1930's

Joe Yancey (1910-1991) [left]
Olympic Track Coach for Jamaica

Allen Yancy (1842-????)
Father of Vice Prfesident Allen Yancy of Liberia Africa |

Jefferson Davis Yancey (1887-????) & wife Rebecca Alexander of Louisa County,
Virginia |

Robert H Yancey -
Army Sargeant |

Lovie Yancey (1912-2008)
Founder of the Fatburger Fast Food Chain |

Luther Francis Yancey - World War II War Correspondent |

J Dilla [James D.] Yancey (1974-2006) - Famous Hip-Hop producer
!Click on any of the above
photos for more details!
Search the Yancey Family Genealogical Database
Branches of the Yancey family of
African American origin:
- Albert Yancey of Texas - Karen
Bell - I
am a descendent of Albert Yancy (African American) in
Marshall, Texas. My mother, Annie Yancy Webb, remembers
stories that her "Grand Pa" used to tell of him
riding on the shoulders of freed slaves as they walked
through the Smoky Mountians. I am now athering that he
was born a slave in either Virginia of North Carolina. He
died in 1959 at an age close to 100 if not more. Several
Yancy families settled here in East Texas but several
continued walking eastward Albert Yancey of Texas - K Richardson I am looking
for relatives of Albert and Sarah Yancy who were siblings. Sarah was married
to Malboro Hill Sr. before 1870 and they lived in Harrison County Texas. She
was born about 1845 in Texas. I do not have any other information on Albert.
Cory: - Albert Yancy
Sr. is my great-grand father, my grand father is Raymond yancy, and my
father is Robert yancy.
Patrice: - The
Albert Yancy your looking for where is he from? My ggg-grandfather is name
Albert Yancy and African American .
- Anthony Yancey
- All that I really know is that my family has
been in Dayton, Ohio for a really long time. Almost all of my Yancey
relatives live in Ohio. I don't know much of anything relating to the
genealogy. I have tried unfortunately my Grandfather Yancey has
alzheimer's. So needless to say I can't find out all that much. I know
that our family is full of muts...I have American Indian blood, Black,
German, and I believe some French. To be honest I think that is it.
- Antronette Yancey - My
father was born in Philadelphia, PA in 1914 (d. 1993), but grew up in Louisa
County, VA, the oldest of 7 children [of Jefferson D Yancey]. I noticed that there were a number of
mentions of Louisa Co. on your list. I had a chance to get to know a bit
more about my dad's side of the family (I grew up around my mom's family in
Kansas City) when I was a local health officer in Richmond, VA 1996-9. I'm
an associate professor in the Dept of Health Svcs in the School of Public
Health at UCLA now.
- B. A. Yancy (living 1930) -
- Booker T Yancy -died 1977 Harrison Co., TX -
info from:
T. Yancy - His father's name was Sam Yancy, my mother said Sam was
an Indian, either full blooded Indian or very close to it. Caddo
Lake Indian to be exact, from East Texas. Booker T.
Yancy's wife is Mary Black-Yancy. They had 6 children, Floyd E.Yancy, Mary
T. Yancy(John Ray Cheek), Eula Mae Yancy (Robert Goff), Willie Mae Yancy
(Cecil Henderson), Dorothy Jean Yancy (Earl Buchanan), and Annie Lee Yancy
(David Norton).
- Charles & Barbara Yancey of
Louisa Co., Virginia - Info from Dorothea
(Yancey) Randolph - - " I graduated from the HS [in Louisa
Co., VA], grew up in Mineral & Orchard,Va.
Grandparents raised me - Charles & Barbara Yancey
they are deceased but still have family living on one of
the homeplaces. People always asked where my last name
came from now I am a little more enlightened"
- Columbus Yancy - Pulaski Co., KY - From: Freda
Calloway - I found this website while researching my
on family tree. I came across the
name Columbus Yancy as a stepson of my great grandparents: Clark and Amanda
Stigall Carson. In 1880 they lived in Dallas Precinct 6, Pulaski County
Kentucky. Columbus
was a farm hand and was born in approximately 1862 he would have been listed
as a mulatto as were my great grand parents. So could this be the one and
the same Columbus Yancy???
Joseph Yancey of Greene Co., MO [Family
Photo] [Obituary
Info] [Census
Rachel Yancy - I am really impressed with your research, and
would just like to say thank you. I can know narrow down what state my
relatives were most likely slaves in. I am an African American Yancy, and
was spooked to see a picture of Daniel Joseph Yancey and his family on your
site. From what I've figured out, he is my grandfathers grandfather. Daniel
william yancey is my great grandfather, and Herbert Yancy is my Grandpa. In
Daniel williams obituary info, (in which my grandfather is mentioned) I
noticed that one of his brothers, Harold Yancy is not mentioned. Also Cora
lee Johnson is listed as Daniel williams daughter, but she was his step
daughter, Savannah is her mother. All of Daniel Williams children are now
deceased including my grandfather. I was wondering if possible, Is there
any way I could get a copy of the posted picture and/or do you know who the
others are? My Grandpa looked so much like Daniel Joseph Yancey that its
- Emma Yancey of Georgia -
Info from
My information is very slim... My grandmother
was Emma Yancy. She was born in GA (county unknown)
married a man surname Hayward/Hayworth. They had 6
children: Mary, Delilah, Hazel, Thomas, Henry, and George
who was blind.
- Fannie Yancey of Montgomery Co., MO
My great grandmother was a Yancy/Yancey
she had five sons that I know of some of my cousin said she had more
children. each son had a different father one was JACK
MURI/ MURE born: October 15.1878 died: September 9, 1970 his father was
white he
married Earthly Claborn, JOHN ROBINSON BORN: May 15, 1885 died: February
12.1983 in Troy Missouri, married Myrtle Kemp,Andy Gillette/ Gillett{e} is
my grandfather he married Clara Mitchell they
had fourteen children only three or living now my Mom Mildrerd, Russell,
and Ralph, Granddad died in
McKittrick MO August 7.1951 born: May 4, 1888 Roy Kemp born: July
8.1889 died: 1975 married
Pearl Cooper born: July 2, 1895 they had 9 children four living. Jim/
James Ritter born: December 6.1882 died: May 6, 1960 he had 6 children the
are all deceased he was married to Lula Kemp their Mother Fanny or Fannie
Yancy was born in McKittrick March 4. 1861 died January 27.1937 died
in McKittrick age 76, her father was Ben Yancy my
g-grandfather her mother Ternie Abry was a slave my mother say
grandma Fannie told the story how Terine kill her master wife and set her
in front of a trunk like she was still a live.the soldiers came and took
her out of church and hung her, pull all of her hair out of her head but
before she died she said hurry up and kill me i'm going to fight old Mossy
in hell. I have no dates for Terine, or Ben Yancy,but still searching they
would be my gg-grandparents. theres also a MaryYancy THEY ALL
LIVED IN McKittrick Missouri County Montgomery, maybe in those
Yancey i can fine my grandfather Jim Gillette Fannie. Yancey never married
so the search goes on for ever. that Andy Gillette father each son has his
father's name except Andy Gillete on his death certificate it says Jim
- Fanny Yancey of Burlington, NC - Infro from
: - Ive been doing a geneology search.My great great
grandmother was a native indian in or around Burlington N.C. in the late
1880s. Her name was Francis or Fanny Yancey.She married or had a black
boyfriend with the last name Pinnix. Who created my great grandmother
Lemmer Pinnix.Would you know how I canfind out more about her and that
side of my family.
- Frederick Yancey of Buffalo
Junction, Mecklenburg Co., Virginia - Info from Dana Hunter -
The information is pretty hard to
get because the relatives on this side of my family died
a while back and I haven't done my homework. Sorry. I
just know that my grandfather was born in Buffalo
Junction, Virginia and this is where the family is from.
Fredrick Yancey (d. 1918) wed Sally Taylor. Sorry, I
don't know the year. I do know that Fredrick died during
the Influensa epidemic of 1918. They had six children.
Harvey (m), Janey(F), Mack (M) Who died when he was
young, Robert Milton (M) 1914, Elsie Mae(F), Viola(F).
Robert Milton Yancey (d. 1975) wed Emma Gertrude Lear
Meyers ( born 1915 - d. 1997) in 1936. Emma gave birth to
four children. Mildred Roberta Yancey (b. 1937) [My
mother], Robert Milton Yancey Jr.(b. 1945), Bruce Wayne
Yancey (b. 1950), Edward Daniel Yancey (b. 1957)
- Frederick Robert Yancey of
Kentucky. Heidi Lawrence
Granddaughter of African American Frederick Robert Yancy
of Kentucky. Settled in Methuen & Andover, MA where
upon he worked for one Mr. Searles of the famed Searles
Estate in Methuen, MA. Looking for more information on
the family and which part of Kentucky.
- George Preston Yancey - Louisa Co., VA - Kindra S
Yancey -
Hi am I searching for any information regarding Yancy or
Yancey's, (my great aunt decided to add the 'e' in grade school) in the
Louisa County/Mineral area of Virginia before 1970. I am the great
granddaughter of George Preston Yancey and Rosa J. Yancey. They were
married and had 13 children. George was a railroad worker, and Rosa
was a homemaker. Some of their children's names were Mary (Garlic) ,
Elnora (Graves), Harvey, George, Jesse, David... All of their children
attended schools in Louisa County.
- George Yancey of Richmond, VA - Info from Rose Taylor -
My name is Rose Taylor and I am the mother of George
Alan Yancey. George is married to Sherelyn Yancey and Sherelyn
contacted you re: George's family name. My father: George Manuel
Yancey DOB: 6-19-14 Born in Richmond, VA Was an electrician, owned a shop
for radio and TV repairs, taught at an adult school, re-entered the Air
Force around 1953 and retired around 1972. Bought a home in Amarillo, TX.
Died: 5-13-79 of cancer and is buried in Amarillo. His father was also
George Yancey and he died of some type of accident when my Dad was 12
years old. He had 2 brothers, Charles Robert Yancey, DOB: 2-5-12 and
Joseph Wesley Yancey, DOB: unk.I know little about my grandfather. His
wife was Ann Ross Yancey, who was related to Kitty Harrison. I think she
was her mother, but I'm not positive. My mother: Louise Naomi
Eggleston Yancey DOB: 4-3-15 Born in Richmond, VA. (She was adopted
by the Eggleston's) I know nothing about her family
- Haborn Yancey - of Mecklenburg Co., VA /
Granville Co., NC - Descendant: Lisa Lee -
- Hannah Yancy - (Chanell
Hall) -
Hannah Cornelia Yancy (Jacobs), died @ age 62 on
1/15/1969. From Scottsburg, VA resident of Tuckahoe, NY; 2
brothers - John Yancy Sr. of Tuckahoe, NY & Samuel S. Yancy of
Scottsburg; 3 Sister - Mrs. Fannie Coleman & Mrs. Ruth Dobbins of
Scottsburg, VA and Mrs. Marian Coleman of New Haven, CT; 3 Daughters-
Mrs. Mary E. Hall (My grandmother), Mrs. Willa B. Coleman & Mrs Elzena
- Harry Yancey of Albemarle Co.,
Virginia. Query from Joanne Yancey - . I am searching for information on one Harry
Yancey and family, of African-American descent. Harry was
born in Howardsville, VA (Albermarle County) in 1910, and
I have reason to believe that he lived at Winter Green,
Florida when he died, I believe in 1969 (this is not
verifiable at this time). His mother's name was Louvenia
(sp?) Yancey and he had a brother named Edward. Louvenia
left Howardsville when her boys were very young. Harry
married Helen Mayo at Philadelphia, PA in the 1940s. They
divorced and I suspect that he may have relocated to
Florida at that time. They had three children, Helena,
Harvey and Joanne (that's me). Some of the Yanceys from
Howardville relocated to Newark, New Jersey. I've sent
mail to those Yanceys but haven't gotten any responses.
I've done letter writing to the Yanceys in Philadelphia;
Charlottsville, VA; and Washington, D.C. -- to no avail.
I lost all of my archival information when I relocated
from Philadelphia to Maryland. Any information anyone can
provide would be greatly appreciated.
- Harvey Yancey, Mecklenburg Co., VA
- From Erica Yancey - I am just starting out looking for any info
about yancey's in va. My g father is Harvey Yancey
b.december25,1907 died in july 1980 last known address
was in Blackridge Va in Mecklenburg county. He married
Rosa Alexander and they had George, Ann, Harvey, Bob,
Elizabeth, Mary, and Martha Yancey I would appreciate any
help available.
- Henry B A Yancey of Pennsylvania -
Elizabeth Finn - -
Found your amazing site while
looking for information about my stepfather's family. He was Henry B A
Yancey born 23 Sep 1823 in PA and died in May of 2002 in
Rochester,Strafford,NH.the son of William.
- James & Hannah Yancey of
Massachusetts Ruth Benjamin: RVBENJAMIN@PARTNERS.ORG
concerning her family - also related:
- Joseph Jack Yancey of Louisa Co., VA - Info from
- I am living in Philadelphia and very interested to know who I am related
to. I was born in Louisa County, VA to Annie Mae Yancey and Archie
Mickens. My great-grandfather was Joseph Jack and my
great-grandmother was Mary Elizabeth Bullock-Yancey.
- Joseph Yancey, Tuskegee, Alabama
Info from: Norma - -
"Joseph C. Yancey b. 09/201879 d.1940 (mulatto);
Baptist (?)minister; moved to Ohio o/a 1920's (?).
Married twice. Had son Joseph, Jr. who stayed in ALA. Had
sister, name unknown who lived in Montgomery, ALA ( no
children). Second wife Sarah Watts b. 11/5/1885. Their
children Elberta b.12/2/1911, Cornelius 6/281909, Ruth,
Pearl Lila 1913 (i'm descended from her) d. 1933, Naomi
8/21/1906, James. All born in Tuskegee , I believe.
Joseph, Sr' s mother supposedly assaulted by Dutch
doctor. They left Tuskegee, suddenly- reason unknown .
- Rev. I. M.Yancey: Info
from Kenneth Yancey - - My great grandfather was Rev. I.M. Yancey. He
may have changed his name to I.M. when he moved to
Barberton, Ohio from Birmingham, Ala. I recently read the
obituary of my great grandmothers funeral and it said he
preached at many churches in northern Alabama. He was
married to the former Fannie Hawkins, and they had seven
children. This was his second marriage. As far as I know,
he left his first family in Alabama. We really don't know
much about his relatives or past. We do know, however,
his father was a White man whose name I think was
Greedlaw. He never spoke to any of his children about his
having any brothers or sisters, which I found odd in
light of those days and times. He left Alabama in 1920.
While I say he was from Birmingham, I have a post card
from Shorter, Ala. with a Tuskeegee postmark I. M. died
in 1948.
- Lucille Yancey of Manson, NC
- info from Val Scott - - I have Yancey/Yancy's in my family somewhere
out there! My grandmother, Lucille Yancy was from Manson,
NC. Her parents were Leonard and Sue Yancy. Her brothers
and sisters were: George, Greeney, Sandi, Toney, Paul,
Beatrice, Loraine and Mary Jane. My grandmother married
Watt or Wyatt Evans who was also from that area before
they moved to NJ. I don't know much at all about my aunts
and uncles and the host of cousins I'm sure are out there
some where. I'd gladly take any info anyone has
concerning the Yancy's from Manson, NC ... aka soul city!
- Moses Yancey - Info from: Elwood C Stith -
- I am not a Yancey descendant, but my grandmother, Delia John Fox Wright
Owes, married a Moses Yancey in the the 1940s. Grandpa Yancey and Delia
lived in Capron, Southampton County, Virginia. Grandpa Yancey, as we
called him, was my grandmother's third husband. We share the same middle
name "Cephus"They were both widows when they married. Grandpa
Yancey's parents were Tom and Minnie Yancey. He was born in 1890. I am not
sure, but I believe Tom and Minnie were from North Carolina.Grandpa Yancey
died December 21, 1958 in Capron, Virginia. He is buried beside his first
wife, Cora Banks Yancey, in the Rising Star Baptist Church Cemetery,
Capron. I do not know if Grandpa Yancey and Cora Banks Yancey had any
children. I have not heard anyone say. I was about 5 years old when he
died, but I remember him.
- Priscilla Yancey of Kansas.
info from Marion Douglas - - I'm researching African American and other
YANCYS who went to Leavenworth KANSAS; may have been from
MISSOURI; may have connection to KENTUCKY before that.One
of my Yancy ancestors was PRISCILLA YANCY who married
EDWARD MILLER. August 1875 in Leavenworth KS they had
adaughter, VIOLA MILLER. Who was the rest of their
family? ViolaMiller married REUBEN NICHOLS, also in
Leavenworth where she lived all her life. More info on Yanceys from Kansas & Missouri.
- Rhodey Yancey of Texas - Info from Miss Richelle Lambrazzio
- -
This information was taken from the 1900
Census-Texas 7th Ward, San Antonio, Bexar County, TX. Series T623,
Microfilm 1611 Book 2, page 231. Address: 615 Refurgio St. (all listed as
Black, and born in Texas) Head of Household-Hodges,Frank (M) b. April
1862, age 38, listed as laborer Wife-Annie, (F) b. December 1865, age 34,
listed as Wash Woman Mother-in-Law- Yancey, Rhodey,(F) b. April 1830, age
70, listed as Widow Daughter-Hodges, Bertha, (F) b. Jan 1890, age 10
Son-Hodges, Oscar, (M) b. Jan 1893, age 7 Rhodey Yancey's parents
birthplace listed as Louisiana. I don't know whose Mother she was, nor do
I know if Yancey is a maiden name or married name. What I do know is that
Annie Hodges father's name was listed on her death certificate as London
Morris, the accuracy?
- Rush Yancey of Ackerson, West
Virginia - Info from Janice Daniels - Comments: Looking for Afican American named
Rush Yancey. I am not sure of where he was born but was
born 1864. Worked in the coal mines of Ackerson, West
Virginia. Has some connection to Yanceyville, NC.
- Thomas B. Yancey of Illinois:
Info from Diane Yancy - "We
dont know very much - my husband was born Godfrey Ellis
Yancy in St. Louis, MO in 1947 (have children info also).
His fathers name is Thomas B Yancey and lived in Chicago
- he is probably deceased now as he was very old when
Godfrey was born in 1947 - he was from down south - have
to get birth certs out to check on the state - as you can
notice the e in the yancy was dropped on the birth cert -
so you can see how it was changed many times - even in
the 1900s. They are afro-american so have spent alot of
time looking up info on plantation owners and census
records - the bad thing is that everybody is deceased up
to my husband and we don't know who relatives are in
chicago - kind of hard. I guess I should try to get his
dads birth cert from down south."
- Vincent M. Yancey -
- I've been looking for my brother Charles Yancey married with 2
children. The last we heard from him was in the late 1940's after WWII. We
think he settled in California. He has 15 brothers and sisters and he should
be about 76-77 years old. He is African-American and his wife is German.
- William Eugene Yancey of
Washington DC - Reggie Yancey - Looking
for any relatives related to Lillian & Eugene Yancey/Yancy. Also
looking for children of L. & E. Yancey. Alvin,a.k.a (Tony)last seen
Bklyn the 70's. Also looking for Alvin's son & daughter. Ages-
(son) should be around the age of 30 or 31. Mothers name Casandra.
(Daughter) should be around the age 27 or 28. Mothers name was Jewel.
Alvin was last heard from Army Military Post in W. Kansas (Dental Co.)
during 1976 or 1977. Already Know where abouts of most of Alvins brothers
and sisters except for Rodney & Fidel Jr. at this time. If anyone is
related to this family please email me. Also looking for family members
related to Eugene Yancey & Lillian. Eugene was from (Washington DC)
- William O. Yancey - - As an
African-American 4th generation descendant of Mollie Yancey of Granville Co.
(Oxford), NC, I am extremely interested in reuniting with relatives. 1
Mollie Yancey 2 Julia Yancey 3 Earl Yancey + Omelia Slaughter 4 Oscar
William Yancey + Vivian Wakefield 5 William O. Yancey (me)
- Willie T. Yancey - Gibson Co., TN - Marion
McCurry - -
Looking for any relatives of Willie T. Yancey
(Willie T McCurry)
African American Family from Gibson County Tennessee. This family's last
name changed over the years from Yancey (Yancy) to Ragan. Any help would be
greatly appreciated
- Yanceys of Atlanta, GA area - Martine Yancey -
- Yanceys of Been
Co., GA. - Charles or Joseph Yancey
- Yanceys of Caswell Co., NC. Researching
Yanceys from this area is: Constance Hazard: CHAZARD279@AOL.COM
- Yanceys of Caswell Co., NC. Margie Whitfield
- - The
Yancey's I'm researching are African Americans from
Yanceyville, North Carolina who are decendants of Oscar and Lulabell Yancey. Do you have any relatives from that
- Yancys of Crockett County, TN - Dinah Roberts -
- Yanceys of Culpeper Co., VA. Researching
Yanceys from this area is Sonia Yancy:
- Yanceys of Granville Co., NC - great-grand daughter of Verna (Yancey) Green of
Granville County North Carolina. Researching Yanceys of
Granville & Warren Co., NC
- Yanceys of Granville Co., NC - info from
Looking for any family members of Nancy Yancey, born April, 1835
in Mecklenburg Co, Va or Granville, North Carolina. Don't have any other
information but that. Would like to know if she had any siblings. Nancy is
my great grandmother and she married Meredith Wilkerson
- Yanceys of Granville Co., NC -info from
I know I have African-American heritage back 4-5 generations. I will speak
to my father and grandfather, Dan and Harold Yancey respectively, to see
if they have any specific information..
- Yanceys of Granville Co., NC.
- I'm looking for information about any of the Yancey
slaves from Granville County, NC. My ggm, Sallie Yance,
b. 1880 had several siblings, namely Emma, Patty, Mary,
Roberta, Charlie, and Buck. I am looking for anyone who
might have any information about them. Sallie's mother
was a slave named Izeal, and Sallie's father was a slave
owner named Yancey (don't know his first name yet).
- Yanceys
of Minnesota
- Yanceys of Orangeburg Co., SC - info from Fatima
Yancey - - yes my
name is fatima yancey moran my father name was ben louis yancey, his father
name was louis yancey his mothers name was maggie yancey they were born in
orangeburg sc my mother name was lee anna yancey i have two brothers ben
yancey and abdullah yancey they both live in new york he had three sisters
he was the oldest one. thank i will try and find out more?
- Yanceys of Texarkana, AR -
My Yancy family seemed to not to have existed except for 1920
in South Mansfield, Louisana, De Soto County (Edd, Eddie, Rudolph, Parlie
and Willie) and when they were first found recorded in Kansas City, Missouri
in 1924, Jackson County (Edd, Cora, Alberta or Bertha and Willie). If there
are any African-American Yancy's out there, I'm looking for: Edd Yancy, born
1885, Texarkana, Arkansas/ggf Rudolph Yancy, born 1880/? Parlie Yancy, born
1894/?/wife of Rudolph Cora (Coila) Yancy born 1897 Texarkana,
Arkansas/great aunt Eddie B. Yancy (female) born 1903, Texarkana,
Arkansas/great aunt Alberta or Bertha Yancy/born 1894/? Willie Yancy
(female) born 1908, Texarkana, Arkansas
- Yancy's of the West African
Country of Liberia. Contact: Dennis Yancey
From Maria to Bill
A Case Study in Tracing Black Slave Ancestry
By Johni Cerny
(with an interesting connection to the
Yancey family)
Major Branches of the Family
African American
Branches of the Family
Yancy Branch
Beverly C
Yancey Branch
James Yancey
Family of Massachusetts
James H
Yancey Branch
Walter C
Yancey Branch
Yancey Branch
Miscellaneous Records
U.S. Federal Census
records containing
information concerning Yanceys/Yancys of African American origin
Marriages of
persons of color in North Carolina - Post Civil War era
Yanceys among the U.S.
Colored Troops during
the Civil War
Yanceys in Early Ohio
George Washington Yancey - slave faithful to the Confederate cause.
Slave information extracted from Yancey family Records
Slave Narrative of J. H. Banks - born on Yancey Plantation
Free African Americans in Virginia & North Carolina
History of Slavery
Slave Narratives
Thomas Jefferson on Slavery
The Underground Railroad
Yancey emancipated Slave
Sources on the WEB for Help in African
American Genealogical research
Search the Yancey Family Genealogical Database
Some African American Yanceys/Yancys on
the WEB:
- Apostle
Darrell Yancey
Arthur H Yancey, Emory University -
- Dr Asa G Yancey,
University of Colorado
- Benjamin
Franklin Yancey, started school for Black children. News
"Benjamin Franklin Yancey was born in
Howardsville, Va.; his mother's name was Fannie Yancey.
He was educated at Hampton Institute; married Harriet
Jackson of Esmont. First teaching position was at Black
Branch in Southern Albermarle County; later taught at
Porter Precinct School in Esmont. Was a member of the
Oddfellows. Was president of the Men's League. Had two
children: a son who became a lawyer [Roger? and a
daughter, May? -- a son named Ben who died? -- (these are
old notes from about 15 years ago -- some not too clear].
His daughter May married William Eason. They had
children. One's name is William Eason, Jr., 835 Bergen
Avenue, Linden, NJ 07036. May went to Hampton College and
was a teacher in Esmont. Mr. Yancey Became principal of
the Esmont School. Helped raise money to purchase the
land on which Yancey School now sits. Mr. Yancey died in
Benjamin F Yancey Collection at University of
- Antronette
K. Yancey - National Medical Fellowships -
- Bessie
Woodson Yancey, poet.
- Bill
Yancey, Baseball Player
- Brigetta D.
Yancy MD, Univ South Alabama
Carolyn L Yancey, Pediatrician
Cassandra Yancy - Arizona
Charles C.
Yancey, Boston City Councillor -
- Chester Yancy,
Mesa, AZ
- Clark
Yancy - Principal - Frank Borman Middle School -
Clyde Yancy -
David Yancey
- of Norfolk, VA
- Donna R
Yancey - Durham, NC
- Dorothy Cowser Yancy,
University President. -
- Doug
Yancey, Flint Michigan
- Floria Yancey - Artist
George C Yancey - Gethsemane Baptist Church
- George
Yancey - University of North Texas -
Black and White" -
- Harvey
Yancey - Owner - [website] Yancey's Jazz & Blues Cafe -
- J Dilla [James
D. ] Yancey - Hip/Hop Musician
[more info]
[more info]
[More info]
James O Yancey - Austin TX -
- Jimmy
Yancey, probably the most well known
American Yancey is the progenitor of
piano, a style that eventually became a recognizable
element of uptempo blues and early rock and roll. The
boogie-woogie craze came and went in the latter half of
the Thirties, but Yancey had actually been playing in
that style as far back as the 1910s and 1920s. A
self-taught pianist, singer and dancer, he performed in a
style characterized by rolling, rhythmic lines from his
left hand played off against percussive accents from the
right hand. He was inducted into the
Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. -
to a sample of his music.
- Joanne
Tolbert-Yancy - Speaker Divas
United -
A Yancey - University of Texas
- Joe
Yancey, was inducted into the National Track &
Field Hall of Fame. In 1948, 1952 and 1956, Yancey
coached the Jamaican Olympic team.
New York Pioneer Club
- Lacouir Yancey
- Lelia B Yancey -
- Linda Yancy -
Yancy & Associates -
- Luke Yancy
- Marvin
Yancey, was a former husband of Natalie Cole. Album.
- Marguerita
D. Yancy, selected as the Women of the Year 1994 by
the Miss Black Colorado Pageant
- Maxine Yancy - Miller Grove HS (Georgia) -
- Michael
- Monroe Yancie,
St Louis, Mo
- Mt
Moriah Apostalic Church, Philadelphia, PA
- Nsilo Yancey, of New
Quincy Yancy of Glendale, AZ
Prentiss Q
Yancey, Atlanta, GA -
Ramona Yancey
Richard Yancy, of Liberian
- Robert H Yancey, Korean War soldier, desegregation of the military
<more info>
Robert J Yancy, Atlanta -
Robert J Yancy,
Ronald L
Scott Yancy - golfer
Tanisha Yancy, Boston
Toni Yancey - Maryland -
Viveca Yancey - USDA -
Will Yancey - California
William A.
Yancey - early Virginia educator.
L. Yancey - The Moyniham Report
- Willie
N. Yancey - Pastor - New Zion Baptist Church -
- Yancey
Brothers, Newark, Deleware
- There does seem to be a population of YANCY's
living in the African country of Liberia. Before
and during the Civil War many freed slaves immigrated to
Liberia. It would appear as if the Liberian branch of the Yancy
family originated from a Yancy family of the Augusta, Georgia area who left
the US in the 1870's to go to Liberia. Here are some Web sites concerning Yancys in
Liberia or Yancys of Liberian ancestry.
Yanceys of Liberia -
Click Here for more info
Allen N Yancy, Vice President,
Allen N Yancy Jr.
Ernest Jerome
Yancy [Photograph]
Author of - "Historical Lights of Liberia's Yesterday
and Today" 1934.
Eva Yancy
Fulton Yancy
of Liberia
Namie S. Yancy
Ramona Yancy
Richard Yancy Football player
j) Robert Yancy
k) Roland
Evans Yancy
Sandy Yancy
m) Sue
Yancy Williams
From Augusta GA to Liberia
African American Yancey/Yancy - Obituaries
Yancey (2004)
Demetrius Lee Yancey (2002)
Enid Yancey
Felicia Yancey (1996)
Frederick Howell Yancey (1997)
James Yancey (aka Jay Dee, J Dilla ) (2006)
Yancey (1991)
Leonard A. Yancey (2005)
Yancey (1994)
Luther Yancey (1998)
Sylvia Farmer Yancey (1998)
Tamer H Yancey (2001)

Asa G. Yancey Sr,
a former medical director
of Hughes Spalding Pavilion of Grady Hospital
in Atlanta, Georgia, was the first African-American
member of the medical faculty of Emory Univ.
Yancey was medical director from 1972 to 1989.
His son Arthur is on Emory’s faculty today.
From Various Editions of: "Who's
Who Among Black Americans"
Asa G. Yancey Sr,
Professor of Surgery, Medical Director. Son of Arthur H. Yancey
and Daisy S. Sherrard. Born in Atlanta GA. Lives in Atlanta, GA.
Family: Son of Daisy L Sherard Yancey and Arthur H Yancey; married Carolyn E
Dunbar Yancey Dec. 28, 1944; children: Arthur H II, MD, Carolyn L, MD, Caren L
Yancey-Covington, Asa G Jr, MD. Education:
Morehouse Coll, BS 1937; Univ MI, MD 1941. Military/Wartime Service: US Army 1st
lt Medical Corp 1941. Memberships: Bd trustee GA Div Am Cancer Soc; fellow Am
Coll Surgeons; diplomate Am Bd Surg; ed bd Jrnl of Natl Med Assn 1960-80; Am
Surg Assn; Southern Surg Assn; Atlanta Bd of Ed 1967-77; life mem, golden
heritage mem NAACP; Fulton-DeKalb Hospital Authority, the trustee body of Grady
Memorial Hospital. Addresses: Home: 2845 Engle Rd NW, Atlanta, Georgia, United States 30318-7216. AWARDS Recip
Distinguished Serv Morehouse Coll; Service Awd Atlanta Inquirer; Aven Cup; Hon
Doctor of Science, Morehouse College; Hon Doctor of Science, Howard
University.Achievements:Author, "A Modification of the Swenson Operation for
Congenital Megacolon," Journal of the Natl Med Assn, Sep 1952, published 10
years prior to Soave's publication of the same operation.
CAREER Vet Admin Hosp Tuskegee AL, chief surg 1948-58; Hughes Spalding Hosp, chf
surg 1958-72; Grady Mem Hosp, med dir 1972-89; Emory Univ Sch Med, assc dean
1972-89; Georgia Medical Care Foundation Inc, associate medical director,
1989-91; Emory Univ School of Medicine, prof of surgery emeritus; Morehouse
School of Medicine, clinical prof of surgery.
Carolyn Lois Yancey, Pediatrician. Daughter of Mr. & Mrs.
Asa G. Yancey. Born Tuskegee, Alabama. Works in
Landover, MD.
[more info]
Charles Calvin Yancey, City Official. Son of Howell T. Yancey
and Alice White. Born in Boston, Massachusetts. Works
in Boston, MA.
Dorothy Cowser Yancy, Educator, Labor Arbitrator. Born in Cherokee Co., AL. Married Robert James Yancy. Works in
Atlanta, GA. [More Info]
Earl L. Yancy, Researcher, Educator, & Business
Executive. Born in Lafayette Co., LA. Lives in
Irving Victor Yancey, son of Frederick Howell & Ana
Bosfield Yancey. Born in Suffolk Co., MA.
Laurel Guild Yancey, International Broadcast Attorney. Husband
of Arthur H Yancey II, MD. Works in Washington DC.
Preston Martin Yancy, Educator. Born in
Sylvester, GA. Son of Preston Martin Yancey Sr & Margaret
Elizabeth Robinson. Lives in Richmond, VA.
Prentiss Q. Yancey, Attorney. Born in Atlanta, Georgia.
Lives in Atlanta, GA.
[more info]
Robert James Yancy, Educator. Born in Tifton,
Georgia. Son of Preston Martin Yancey & Margaret Elizabeth
Robinson. Works in Marietta, GA.

Picture of Arthur H Yancey - Father of Asa G Yancey (cited above)
source: "Images of America in Black Atlanta" by Herman Mason.
New York Times, July 29 1972
- "Jersey Woman Sentenced in Slaying of County Judge"
Elizabeth, NJ - July 28 -- Mrs. Naomi Stout was sentenced today
to a 10-to-15 year jail term in connection with the slaying on
Feb 9 of Essex County Court Judge Roger
Yancey. Mrs Stout , who lives in East
Orange, pleaded no defense to the shooting. The plea came on the
seventh day of her trial. Judge Yancey, who in 1967 became the
first black county court judge in New Jersey, was shot to death
in a room at the Gateway Downtowner Motor Inn in Newark.
Further info
concerning Roger Yancey from Joanne Yancey -
I learned about this
story when I visited Howardsville, Virginia about 15 years
ago and spoke with an old woman by the name of Dosher White
(sp?). Ms. White has probably died -- she was quite old. She
informed me that the property where my father (Harry Yancey)
was born was adjacent to her land in Howardsville. At the
time of my visit, only three chimneys stood on the land where
once there were houses. Roger Yancey had his roots there
also. She informed me that some of the Yanceys who had
inhabited the land there in Howardsville had migrated to
Newark, NJ. She told me about Roger Yancey's murder. I
researched her story and following is what I learned: Roger
Yancey lived 1905-1972. Roger Yancey was named "Man of
the Year" by Newark Student Council in 1958. At the time
he was an Essex District Court Judge. First black county
court judge in the state in 1960[?], selected by Governor
Robb B. Meyner. Previously served in Meyner administration as
Deputy State Attorney General. Graduate of Hampton and
Rutgers U. School of Law. Served 10 years as Assistant U.S.
Attorney until 1952. Became an assistant Newark Corporation
Counsel [something] [my notes are not clear here]. Named to
Essex District Court by Meyner in 1956. Died at Mortland
Hospital. He was 67. Lived at One Somerset, Newark, NJ.
Survived by wife, Adele, two daughters Jacqueline and [St.
Claire or Mrs. Yvonne Amos -- notes unclear], a son, Roger,
Jr. (in the armed forces) and five grandchildren. Funeral
services were Monday, February 15 at Bethany Baptist Church,
117 West Market Street, Newark, NJ, officiated by the
Reverend James E. Churchman. Buried at New Hope Cemetery,
Esmont, [?]. Naomi Stout aka Mrs. Naomi Berry, convicted of
his murder, lived at 7 North 17th Street, East Orange, NJ.
She was convicted of stabbing Yancey in the neck in his
chambers and placed on probation in 1967.

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