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This Web Page tryes to explore the Historical Roots of my Surname.
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History of
Today, almost everyone has a surname, but this was not always the case...
Many of the Surnames we know today, are just mis-spellings of original surnames.
Did you
In Turkey, surnames didn't become mandatory until 1933!

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Historically, names
have served as a fingerprint of fife, perhaps a basic clue to one's personality. Knowledge
of naming practices in our ancestral country of origin can help us trace our respective
families back to a village or a place, tell us their occupation, or it can give us an idea
about what our ancestors looked like. The intriguing story of surnames dates back
thousands of years. How and where they began, what they originally meant, and their
various spellings, is called the study of onomastics. The first known people to acquire
surnames were the Chinese. Legends suggest that the Emperor Fushi decreed the use of
surnames, or family names, about 2852 BC. The Chinese customarily have three names. The
surname is placed first and comes from one of the 438 words in the sacred Chinese poem
Po-Chia-Hsing. The family name is followed by a generation name, taken from a poem of 30
characters adopted by each family. The given name is then placed last.
In early times, the Romans had only one name. However, they later changed to using
three names. The given name stood first and was called a "praenomen." This was
followed by the "nomen" which designates the gens, or clan. The last name
designates the family and is known as the "cognomen," Some Romans added a fourth
name, the "agnomen," to commemorate an illustrious action, or remarkable event.
As the Roman Empire began to decline, family names became confused and single names once
again became customary.
During the early Middle Ages, people were referred to by a single given name. But
gradually the custom of adding another name as a way to distinguish individuals gained
popularity. Certain distinct traits became commonly used as a part of this practice. For
instance, the place of birth: St. Francis of Assisi; a descriptive characteristic: Lambert
Le Tort, an Old French poet whose name means "Lambert the Nisted;" the person's
occupation: Piers, Plowman; or the use of the father's name: Leif Ericsson.
By the 12th century, the use of a second name had become so widespread that, in some
places, it was considered vulgar not to have one. However, even though this custom was the
source of all surnames used today, the second names used in the early Middle Ages did not
apply to families, nor were they hereditary.
Whether these second names evolved into fixed, hereditary surnames is difficult to
pinpoint with any accuracy since the practice advanced slowly over a period of several
hundreds of years. Many fixed surnames existed alongside the more temporary bynames and
descriptive terms used by the people as second names.
The modern hereditary use of surnames is a practice that originated among the Venetian
aristocracy in Italy about the 10th or 11th centuries. Crusaders returning from the Holy
Land took note of this custom and soon spread its use throughout Europe. France, the
British isles, and then Germany and Spain began applying the practice as the need to
distinguish individuals became more important. By the 1370's the word "Surname"
was found in documents, and had come to acquire some emotive and dynastic significance.
Men sometimes sought to keep their surname alive by encouraging a collateral to adopt it
when they had no direct descendants of their own in the male line, Although we can see
that the handing on of a surname has become a matter of pride, we can only guess as to the
reasons for adopting hereditary surnames in the first place.
Government became more and more a matter of written record. As the activities of
government, particularly in the levying of taxation and the exaction of military service,
touched an ever widening range of the population, perhaps it became necessary to identify
individuals accurately. in some of the larger urban communities especially, personal names
were no longer sufficient to distinguish people for social as well as administrative
purposes. in the countryside, manorial administration, with its stress on hereditary
succession to land, needed some means of keeping track of families and not just of
individuals. We can be certain that by about 1450 at the latest, most people of whatever
social rank had a fixed, hereditary surname. This surname identified the family, provided
a link with the family's past, and would preserve its identity in the future. It is not
surprising that the preservation of surnames became a matter of family pride. It was a
cause for much regret if a man had no male descendants to whom he could pass on the
surname he himself had inherited and had home with pride.
Beginning in the 15th and 16th centuries, family names gained in popularity in Poland
and Russia. The Scandinavian countries, bound by their custom of using the father's name
as a second name, didn't begin using family surnames until the 19th century, Turkey waited
until 1933, when the government forced the practice on its people.
In nearly every case, surnames were first used by the nobility and wealthy landowners,
and the practice then trickled down to the merchants and commoners. The first permanent
names were those of barons and landowners who derived their names from the manors and
fiefs. These names became fixed through the hereditary nature of their lands. For the
members of the working and middle classes seeking status, the practices of the nobility
were imitated, leading to the widespread use of surnames.
Remember that definition may have applied to someone who lived centuries ago. There are
obvious characteristic surnames, including Longfellow, Redd (one with red hair), and White
(white complexion or hair), and their Italian and German counterparts, Bianco and Weiss.
You cannot always take at face value what names seem to mean, because changes in word
meanings over the centuries. Hence the English name Stout, which brings to mind a rather
fat fellow, is actually indicative of an early ancestor who was easily irritated, a noisy
fellow. There are some names that leave us with an immediate picture of a person with a
most distinctive physical characteristic: Stradling, an English name meaning one with
bowed legs; the French Beaudry, -one with good bearing, beautiful; and the Irish Balfe -
one who stammered and stuttered. Many surnames have more than one origin. For instance,
the English surname "Bell" may designate one who lived or worked at the sign of
the bell, or it may refer to a bell-ringer, or bellmaker. It may from the Old French word
"bell" or pet form of Isabel.
When you begin your own intensive research in to your genealogy you will very likely
need to consult many sources outside your immediate family. One type of source which you
may find especially useful is fists of name - forms, their meaning and variant spellings.
Such fists, along with more extensive onomastic dictionaries, now exist for many
nationalities and name-groups. You will need to be alert to a wide range of spelling
variations. Many names became altered in moving from one language to another. Thus, the
German name Metzger (occupational in origin) became Butcher in English. Often, names were
changed for political or social reasons, to blur or obscure ancestral associations which
at a given time a family may have considered a liability. Some spellings may have been
altered for the sake of simplification, thus losing their relational, occupational or
locational prefixes and suffixes. For example, the surname "Rosenthal" - a
valley where roses grow - may have been shortened to Rosen or Rose. With the exception of
some place-names which still survive, most ancient Gaelic names in Ireland, Scotland, and
Wales have largely disappeared under their Anglicized forms: "Mac an
Bhreitheamhnaigh," meaning son of a judge, may have become Briany or Brien, or
Abraham (pronounced eh' brum), or even judge by translation. The Gaelic "ua,"
meaning grandson of, changed first to 0, then to 0', and was finally even dropped by some
families. Many of these dropped familial prefixes have since been restored, but is likely
that some accidental changes have entered the transactions.
We have mentioned the most common sources from which surnames are derived. We must now
examine some of the idiosyncracies for name giving for the country of origin. Different
cultures had different ways of choosing names for their offspring. Below are various
nationalities and ethnic groups and some of the ways in which their names are derived.
The Origins of Surnames Around the World
Although your last name offers you the most substantial clues to your family history,
first and middle names can also be valuable in tracing your family tree. We generally
think of names with three parts: first, middle and last. First names are called
"given" or "Christian" names, because early Christians changed their
pagan first names to Christian names at baptism.
Most first names used in the Western World today originate from five languages: Hebrew,
Teutonic (which included Germanic), Greek, Latin and Celtic (which includes Irish, Welsh
and Scottish).
It's fascinating to learn how easily first names fall into obvious categories. Hebrew
contributed biblical names, and about one-half of the English-speaking population have
first names from the New Testament such as Elizabeth, Mary, John and Joseph. The Teutonic
tongues gave us names linked with warlike characteristics, such as Charles (to become
adult), or Ethel (noble). The Greek, Latin and Celtic languages also gave us names for
personal characteristics and abstract qualities, For example, the Greek name Andrew means
"manly," the Greek Dorothy is "gift of God," the Latin Victor means
"victory in battle," and the Latin Laura translates to "the air."
Names of Celtic origin are almost poetic, such as Kevin meaning "gentle and
beloved" and Morgan meaning "sea dweller."
While there is a wealth of first names available, the actual selection process has been
somewhat limited. it is necessary to remember that in 1545 the Catholic Church made the
use of a saint's name mandatory for baptism, so for centuries first names have been
confined to the John - and -Mary tradition. in fact, in all western countries during the
Middle Ages, there were only about twenty common names for infant boys and girls. And John
and Mary were most frequently used. In the 1600's the Protestants rejected anything
associated with Catholicism, so in came names from the Old Testament, such as Elijah,
Priscilla and Joshua.
Middle names weren't used until the 15th century when a second "first" name
was used as a status symbol by German nobility. Many years passed before this practice
became widespread, and in the United States, it did not become popular until after the
Revolutionary War, when the fashion was to use the mother's maiden name.
Perhaps you have or will come across an ancestor's name with what appears to be a fide.
For example, "Esquire" following a name meant someone much respected, one step
away from a knight. "Gentleman" was one step down from an Esquire. The title
"Goodman" (or a woman was called "Goody" or "Goodwife")
meant the person was head of a household. Many other terms from our past have changed
meaning. Esquire and Gentleman were expanded through the years to include persons with
special social standing in the community - doctors, clergymen, lawyers. Also
"Senior" and "Junior" placed immediately following a name did not
necessarily imply a father - and - son relationship. They could have been an uncle and
nephew who bore the same name and lived near each other. The term cousin was widely used
to mean "an extended family," not legally just the child of an aunt or uncle.
Belgian surnames are either of French or Dutch Origin. In the North, surnames tend to be
of a Dutch origin and are similar in nature to those found in the Netherlands. The
remainder of the country falls under French influence, particulary the Walloon dialect,
and surnames from these areas resemble those of the French.
Although China has over one billion people, there are approximately 1000 surnames, and
only 60 of these are common. Most Chinese surnames are only one syllable and are
characteristic of descriptive in origin. The most common Chinese names are Wang (yellow,
Wong (field or wide water), Chan (old) and Chew (mountain). Since almost all Chinese names
are one syllable and easy to pronounce, and because of strong Chinese family and ancestral
ties, few names have been changed. The Chinese still place their surnames first, although
this practice is no longer followed by the Chinese people living in Western countries.
Czech surnames are related to Polish surnames, but they tend to be shorter and easier to
pronounce, since they contain fewer consonants. It is common to find a Czech surname
derived from a nickname and diminutive forms are also widespread. Many Czechs have German
or "Germanicized" names. Some interesting Czech surnames include the following:
Hovorka (one who was overly talkative), Kostal (a dweller in a field where cabbages have
been cut) and Metnick (one who ground grain, a miller).
The vast majority of Danish names are patronymic in origin and end in -sen. Prior to the
late 1860's, these surnames were not hereditary, but changed with each generation. The son
of Jorgen Petersen would be known by the surname Jorgensen. In 1904 the Danish Government
began to encourage the use of surnames other than the traditional -sen names, and many
people then added a place or occupational name to their -sen name by hyphenating the two.
Other Danish surnames include: Henricksen (the son of Henry; home rule), Krogh (a worker
in an inn, or dweller in a corner), Pedersen (the son of Peter; a rock) and Jorgenson (the
son of George; farin er).
The use of hereditary family surnames began in the 13th and 14th centuries but did not
spread to the Low Countries until the middle of the 17th century. Many Dutch names are
recognized by the prefixes van, van der, van den, and ver which mean "from" or
"from the." The Dutch van is not like the German von which designates nobility.
Characteristic nicknames were also used as surnames by the Dutch, and, like many other
cultures, patronymics which changed with each generation were long a fixture in the Dutch
name system. The following surnames are of Dutch origin: Drukker (one who prints or works
as a pressman), Zylstra (a dweller near a lock, or drainage sluice), Groen (the young,
inexperienced, vigorous person) and Hartig (a strong, robust man).
By the end of the 13th century, Englishmen and English personal names were to be found not
just in England but in many parts of Scotland, Wales and Ireland as well. These personal
names were derived from a variety of sources. Some were biblical in origin, or were the
names of saints and martyrs of the early Christian Church. Many were Norman, and a handful
were Anglo-Saxon survivals or revivals. Also, saints who were popular in particular
regions, such as Cuthbert in the north, might influence the choice of personal names in
those regions. The following surnames are of English origin and their usage spread
throughout Great Britain: Palmer (a palm-bearing pilgrim returned from the holy land),
Weedman (one in charge of a heathen temple), Yale (a dweller at a corner, nook, or secret
place) and Schoolcraft (a dweller in a hut in a small field or enclosure).
Except for the difference in language, the French system of names closely resembles that
of the English. French contact with the English during the period of development of
English surnames is largely responsible for the similarities. Please find the following
surnames of French origin: Chevrier (one who took care of goats), Legault (a dweller by
the woods), Pegues (one who produced and sold pitch, or wax) and Rozier (dweller near a
rose bush).
Most German surnames are derived from occupations, colors or locations. Some are from
descriptive forms (characteristic) such as Mein (little) and Gross (big). The following
surnames are of German origin: Kreuser (one who had curly hair), Schluter (one who worked
as a doorkeeper of the prison), Tobler (a dweller in a forest, or ravine) and Shuck (one
who made and sold shoes).
Most Greek names are patronymic in origin or derive from geographical place names. The
most popular Greek name is Pappas, meaning descended from a priest. The following Greek
surnames are derived from a religious, or characteristic origin: Kraikos (one who follows
God), Xenos (the stranger), Galanis (one with blue eyes) and Psiharis (one who contributes
for the good of his soul).
Up until the early 19th century, most Jewish names were patronymic or locational. However,
during the persecutions in Germany, they were forced by law to take permanent surnames.
Many were able to pay officials to choose their own surnames, usually one describing
beauty. Unfortunately, many were unable to pay and were assigned names that were purposely
offensive. Since many European Jews were strictly limited in their choice of professions,
only a limited number of surnames are occupational in origin. Below please find some
surnames of Hebrew origin. As you will see, they are mostly descriptive in nature: Meier
(the scholarly man), Ury (fire, fight), Joffe (the handsome or beautiful person) and
Shiffin (descendant of Shifra; beautiful).
Hereditary surnames were first used in Ireland as early as the 10th century, but the
custom did not become widespread until the 12th century. Because ownership of land was
determined by family relationships, pedigrees were accurately maintained from early times.
This interest in descent is also the reason most Irish names are patronymics, which are
signified by either 0 or Mac. 0 stands for the old Gaelic word ua, meaning descended from,
while Mac means son and is sometimes abbreviated to Mc or M'. Because of persecution, many
people dropped the 0 and Mac from their names, but in modem times, the use of these
prefixes has been resumed. Some interesting Irish surnames include the following: McClary
(die son of the clerk), Rogan (one with red hair, or a ruddy complexion), Ryan (the
grandson of Rian; little king) and Tamory (the son of the gympanist).
All Italian surnames end in a vowel and many of them have been derived from a descriptive
nickname. Even after hereditary surnames had become the rule in Italy, descriptive
nicknames were often passed from one generation to another and gradually replaced the
hereditary surname. This practice has produced numerous animal, fish, bird and insect
names. The following surnames are of Italian origin and all end in a vowel: Cannella (a
dweller where bent grass grew), Medici (one who practiced medicine), Pelficanno (one
thought to possess the characteristics of a pelican) and Rotolo (one who made or wrote on
Throughout most of the history of Japan, only the nobility had surnames. However, this
changed in the late 1800s when the Emperor declared that everyone must have a last name.
Whole villages then took the same name. For this reason, there are only about 10,000
surnames in use in Japan and most of these are locational. The following are examples of
Japanese surnames: Arakawa (rough, river), Yamada (mountain, rice fields), Hata (farm) and
Shishido (flesh, door).
The most prominent characteristics of Polish surnames are the endings -ski and -orocki.
These were originally used by the nobility as a way to distinguish themselves, but
gradually the use spread to the peasants who used the suffixes to mean "son of."
Many Poles had German names due to German influence. However, since World War 11, many
have changed their surnames to remove any reminder of the German occupation. The following
surnames are of Polish origin: Drozd (a dweller at the sign of the thrush), Pajak (one
with spider-like characteristics), Rudzinski (a dweller near a mine where ore was
obtained) and Gorcyzka (one who raised and prepared mustard).
Portuguese nobles and wealthy landowners began using surnames in the Eleventh century, but
these didn't become hereditary until the 16th century. Wealthy nobles often chose the name
of their estates as a surname and this practice spread as commoners began using place
names. An unusual type of surname is found in Portugal - it refers to religious devotion,
such as "da Santa Maria." Surnames of Portuguese origin include the following:
Henrigues (the son of Henry; home rule), Marques (descendant of Marcus; belonging to
Mars), Mello (one who came from Mello in Portugal) and Souza (one who came from a salty
Each person in Russia received three names: a first name, a second name derived from the
father's name and the surname. Most are locational in origin. After the Revolution of
1917, many religious names were changed so that they were more acceptable to the Communist
Party. Peasants also changed their names at this time to shed the offensive names Oven to
them as serfs. The following are examples of Russian surnames: Droski (one who drove a
coach), Shiroff (the son of a big, or wide man), Kosloff (one with the characteristics of
a billy goat) and Rosoff (the son of Roza; Rose).
During the Middle Ages, the infant mortality rate in Scotland was high. For this reason,
many Scottish families would use the same name over and over so that one family might have
several children with the same name if more than one child survived. They also changed
their surnames if they changed residence. Even through the 18th century, many Scottish
women retained their own names when they married. This may be a carry over of an even
older custom of the man taking the wife's name at the time of marriage.
There are two groups of Scottish surnames: Highland and Lowland. The Highland surnames
developed slowly, and it was not until the 18th century that a man ceased to be designated
by his father's name. The clan system was largely responsible for preserving the old ways
of the Highlanders. A man would join a clan for protection and, to show his allegiance, he
would then adopt a clan surname - usually Mac followed by the chiefs name. As
chieftainship was hereditary, the names were mainly patronymic. In the Lowlands, the use
of surnames developed much the same as English surnames, although at a somewhat slower
pace. Many Lowland surnames are indistinguishable from English ones. Some examples of
surnames of Scottish origin include the following: Mawhiney (son of Suibhne; well going),
Peebles (a dweller in a tent, or assembly hall; one who came from Pebbleshire), Scrimgeour
(one who taught fencing, a fencing master), and Rutherford (one who came from a river
passage used by cattle).
According to legend, Spanish names actually began as cries between Christian families,
warning each other of the approaching Moors. Most surnames in the Spanish world today are
patronymic and locational in origin. Before surnames became hereditary, a father's name
was generally used as a surname. These were distinguished by the endings -es and -ez which
mean "son of" Some of these names gradually evolved into hereditary family
names. Lords tended to use the name of their estates as surnames and sometimes the estate
name was combined with a patronymic. A recent custom has been to use the father's surname
in conjunction with the mother's. in these names, the father's surname comes first and is
joined to the mother's by "y" (and) or occasionally by a hyphen. Other Spanish
surnames include: Palo (a dweller near a tree), Tirado (the sharpshooter, or marksman),
Labrador (one who cultivated the land; farmer) and Seda (one who dealt in silk).
Swedish and Norwegian
Since the early 10th century, Norwegians have traditionally taken a name associated with
the family farm. Swedish surnames are of more recent origin and are generally patronymic.
As a matter of interest, there were so many "sons" in Sweden that the government
asked for new family names to be instituted. Accordingly, the National Family Name
Committee approved fifty-six thousand new names, making record keeping a bit easier in
Sweden. Some interesting surnames of Norwegian or Swedish origin include the following:
Utter (otter), Raske (one who was daring; a soldier name), Seaberg (sea, mountain) and
Hallberg (boulder, mountain).
Few surnames originated in Switzerland. Most are of French, German, Italian or Romansch
origin. Most of the common Swiss surnames are of German origin. Below please find the
following eclectic surnames of Swiss origin: Pallin (a dweller near the marsh, or swamp),
Gonda (dweller at the stony slope), Rush (an excitable person) and Pestalozzi (one who
cuts bones, a bone cutter).
Fixed family names are a recent introduction to Wales. Before they were imposed for legal
purposes, fixed family names were neglected in favor of patronymic surnames. These were
essentially a genealogical history of the family, where one generation was connected to
another by ap, which means "son of." Names such as Llewelyn ap Dafydd ap, Leuan
ap Griffith ap Meredith were not uncommon. At the end of the 19th century, this practice
ceased and ap, was usually combined with one name to yield surnames such as Upjohn (from
Apjohn) and Powell (from Aphowell). The following surnames are of Welsh origin: Heavens
(descendant of Evan, the Welsh form of John), Mattock (son of Madog, or Madoc; fortunate),
Parsons (the son of a parson, or son of Peter) and Ryder (the rider, or trooper; a mounted
guardian of a forest).
American Indian Names
Indian names reflect the culture of a particular tribe. Generally, most Indians have a
birth name, such as "Sunrise Beauty;" a family name, "Smooth Water;"
and an adult name, "White Mountain." These names are always symbolic, although
each tribes has its own naming practices. Sometimes names are kept secret because of
religious laws, in many tribes, a child will be given one name at birth, and other names
during various stages of his or her life. As individuals take a new name, they discard the
earlier one. For legal identification purposes, many Indians assumed
"Americanized" names such as Frank Beaver, or Willard Rivers.
Emigrant Black Names
The majority of the names of black North Americans are similar to those of the white
population. During the years of slavery, many were given names, some biblical, by the
plantation owners. After slavery, many black Americans adopted the surnames of their
former owners. But after the rise of the Civil Rights Movement, some blacks changed their
names for religious reasons or to reflect their African heritage. Some blacks have
converted to the Muslim religion and taken Muslim names. Others have given their children
names from such African languages as Arabic, lbo, Iikuyu, Swahili, or Yoruba. Some
children have such names as Aba (born on Thursday), Dakarai happiness), Aduke (much loved)
and Marjani (Lord). |