<center>Dilute (Blue and/or Liver) AND White Carrier German Shepherd Dogs </center>

Dilute (Blue &/or Liver) AND White Carrier German Shepherd Dogs

It is written in some German Shepherd Dog books that dogs who carry the white gene are basically the same dogs that carry the blue and/or liver genes. Although far from complete, exhaustive research shows that in fact, few dogs carry either or both dilutions of the black pigment (blue,liver) as well as the gene for the recessive white. Certainly, if the statement that the same dogs basically carry dilute AND white, then one would expect to see a far larger number of dogs that confirm this. Compare the number of dogs found so far that carry a dilution or both dilutions AND white to the separate lists of the dilute carriers and white carriers. The number of dogs carrying white AND dilution is extremely small in proportion to the numbers on either of the other two lists.

Here is the list of dogs that have been found to carry both white and either blue or liver, or white and both blue and liver. Note that when the colors carried are listed, this means that the dog carries the liver gene or blue gene and the white gene, this DOES NOT mean that these two colors were present in the coat of a single offspring. I mention this because someone asked me if a GSD listed as producing liver and white meant that the progeny were liver and white marked dogs such as Brittany Spaniels, and I want to clarify that the colors listed mean separate color genes.

Ch Anchor of Frohlich-prod liver, white
Int Ch Anthony of Cosalta CDX-prod liver, white
Arras ad Jurgensklause-prod blue, white
Condor vd Harbuchen CD-prod liver, white
Danny of Liebestraum-prod liver, white
Drusus vd Burg Kendenick-prod liver, white
Eika vom Aumunder Eck-prod liver, white
Fulda v Flemming-prod liver, white
Ch Garry of Benlore-prod blue, liver, white
Grafin v Branntwein-prod liver, white
Greif vom Cito-Haus-prod liver, white
Hansel v Liebestraum-prod liver, white
Harris v Hoheluft-prod liver, white
Ch Hy-Verta's Ace of Aces-prod liver, white
Ch Jackie v Diersburg-prod blue, liver, white
Jardo's Gustave-prod liver, white
Ch Jarno of Miloa CD-prod liver, white
Largo of Seamair-prod liver, white
Ch Luck von Dyck-prod liver, white
Ch Nordraak of Matterhorn CD, ROM-prod liver, white
Oldehove's Sable Lady-prod liver, white
Pax of Long Worth-prod liver, white
Peter vd Berg CDX-prod blue, white
Quiria v Zierenberg-prod liver, white
Roberta of Long Worth-prod liver, white
Ch Ronno van de Oldehove-prod liver, white
Rorik of Grafmar-prod liver, white
Rosamunde of Tatarus-prod blue, white
Ch San Miguel's Imp of Rocky Reach-prod liver, white
Siegfried von Niebelungen-prod liver, white
Ch Tasso of Villa Marina ROM-prod blue, white
Can GV, Int Ch Ulk Wikingerblut SchH3ROM-prod liver, white
Ursula of Gretana-prod liver, white
GVCh Valiant of Draham ROM-prod blue, white
Vidor of Rocky Reach UD-prod liver, white
Von Nassau's Sir Rahasah-prod liver, white
Zeal of Long-Worth-prod liver, white

As always, if anyone has any additional information that can be proven, it would be MOST appreciated! Back to Front Page
To Coat Pattern & Color Explanation & Information Article
Dilute GSD List
To Blue and/or Liver Carrier GSD List
To White Recessive Carrier GSD List