Coat of Arms
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Coat of Arms

 Coat of Arms There exists a coat of arms of a Engesser family, however, I have not yet found details. It was sometimes mixed up with a coat of arms of an Endgasser family in some publications probably due to a mispelling of Endgasser (as Engasser) in Siebmacher (Index).

Remarkably both coats of arms are similar in showing a bird. Therefore it cannot be completely excluded that Endgasser is a variant spelling of Engeser/Engesser, although Endgasser has the meaning "a person who lives at the end of a lane". However, the bird walks in the Engesser coat of arms from left to right and in the Endgasser coat of arms from right to left. In the Engesser coat of arms it is a crane, in the Endgasser coat of arms a goose. It may really be a coincidence.

Rietstap (no figures) gives as land of origin of the Engesser coat of arms Austria and Bavaria; Neubecker states that the Engesser coat of arms is from Austria.

© 1997, 1998 Theo Engeser