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Canaan, Columbia Co., NY
Canaan is a small rural town in eastern New York
state bordering the Berkshire mountains in Massachusetts. It is located
close to many Berkshire attractions and ski resorts. Queechy Lake
is perhaps the main attraction, quite a beautiful lake where I spent many
happy summers. Canaan is the town where I grew up and most of my
family lives. Many of my ancestors also lived in Canaan, including
and many others.
Canaan was founded in 1778, originally part of the Kings District.
In 1791, the town was patented and officially given to the current settlers.
Canaan is in northern Columbia Co. and many of the original settlers were
New Englanders from Massachusetts who settled around 1750.
Canaan is rich in histry and there is a Bicentennial book of which is
out of print and I plan on including in this site someday. If someone
would like to write up a better history and send it to me, I'll put it
here and include your name as recognition.
1850 Canaan Census
Click the selection below to view my progress on transcribing the 1850
census for Canaan. Currently there are about 1000 entries out
of about 2000. I have put a hold on this project for now, due to time constraints,
however, I do have most of the Census records photocopied. Please
let me know if anyone else is interested in finishing this task. If not,
I'll probably get around to finishing it someday.
Last updated April 26, 1998
Old Pictures of Canaan
This picture was taken abt 1880. Believe me, it doesn't look like
this now. The big white house on the middle right hand side of the
picture is the old family homestead where my parents live now.

I am unsure when this picture was taken, probably the mid 1800's.
You are looking at the main road in Canaan which is now Old Queechy Rd.
My parents house is on the right hand side of the picture. Notice
the old hotel on the hill. This was called the Rubican and was taken
down in the early 1980's. |