In order to become a foster home in Wisconsin, you must obtain a foster home license, unless you are a relative or guardian of the child. There are several qualifications a person must meet to become licensed as a foster parent. These include;
Potential foster parents need to participate in several interviews in the prospective foster parents home. The purpose of these interviews is to see if the home, as well as the prospective foster parent, satisfies the state's requirements and meets the needs of the children available for placement. For more detailed information, please see Qualities Of A Foster Parent
A physical examination is required. The prospective foster parents and all household members must provide a written statement from their doctor stating they are free from diseases harmful to children and that they are physically and emotionally able to care for children under the age of 18.
Prospective foster parents and any children over the age of twelve that reside in the home must agree to undergo a criminal background check. The applicant
and any children over the age of twelve residing in their home cannot possess any criminal charges that may have an impact on their caring for children in a safe and appropriate manner.
Prospective foster parents must furnish proof of their automobile liability insurance as well as their homeowners and/or renters insurance.
If prospective foster parents drive an automobile they must provide proof that they have a valid drivers license.
A prospective foster parent must have sufficient income to meet their own expenses. While the agency reinburses the foster parent for the child's basic needs, foster parents should not think of this as a way to make an extra income. Foster parents are paid for the child's room, board and some clothing. Basic monthly payments start at $299.00 and can increase based on the child's age and needs. Medical insurance for children in foster care is covered under Title 19 (Medicaid).
A foster home license is issued for not more than 2 years at a time. At the time the license expires, the foster parents may apply for a renewal. There is no charge for a foster home license.
All foster parents are encouraged to attend training and courses responsive to their demonstrated interests and needs.