My Testimony

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This is the testimony of Michael D Higginbotham

 My Christian experience begins when I only about 6 years old. My family and I attended church for many years, but without the Spirit guiding us. We stopped attending church before I finished grade school, and I didn't really miss it all that much.

Throughout my teen-age years, I avoided most temptations. I was basically clean-cut, with no drugs, alcohol, sex, etc... I avoided most of the common pitfalls of youth. Overall I was honest and a "good person", and I thought I was going to Heaven. I learned the truth, later.

My senior year in high school I met the girl of my dreams. I knew, instantly, that we would marry. I had only to convince her. She was a born into the Church, Christian, solid in faith. This didn't bother me, I was open and tolerant. I even started attending her church. As our relationship grew, a gulf was apparent between us. This gulf didn't grow out of nothing, it was always there, invisible. One evening, my girlfriend called "enough!!" She was tired of the gulf, and drew a line. I must either fill the gulf, or leave. She loved me, I had no doubts, but she loved another more. Jesus was her first love, and she asked if he would be mine also, I had heard many sermons preached concerning accepting Christ, and usually left comfortable in my "goodness". That evening, the Spirit flowed forth from that young lady and touched me. I then knew the gulf was real, not imaginary. I also came to realize that the gulf wasn't a piece of ground, but rather an open space in my soul, my heart.

At times prior to this, I had prayed and spoken with God. (He does speak to the unsaved.) This time, however, I prayed as I had never prayed before. I was praying for my life. I may not have had my physical life threatened, but my soul was at stake, with my physical self sure to follow.
Simply stated, I found God that night. I know now, that there is no other way to heaven, except through Jesus Christ's shedding of blood. He wasn't lost, I was. He brought light into a dark life, and my eyes opened to things I never knew existed.

What followed was a roller coaster. I initially reached a pure high, uncluttered with life and world experiences. There is no experience comparable to a new life in Christ. Unfortunately, I didn't remain this pure. At times I let the world get to me. I struggled with temptations in college, and early married life. Mostly I followed the path Christ set forth, but sometimes I fell, hard. At these times of despair, however, Christ held onto me. I always had someone to lean on and to take me back. We all need His help to carry our burdens.

Today, my wife and daughter are the dearest things in the world to me. First, however, I love Jesus Christ. I seek council of him in all things, and have learned to listen to what he says. I present this testimony, because He wants me to tell people. I felt this was a way to reach those I know, and some I will never meet. To all of you, I pray you take this message to heart. Pray to God, and listen to what He says.

God Bless you all.

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