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The Jewish New Year was ushered in this past September, the year 5762. Also, the new standard year is approaching. As part of the Jewish New Year, it is customary to spend some time reflecting on our sins, and to ask forgiveness from those affected by them.
I realized recently that, following the events of September 11, I have committed a sin against America, Americans, and all those who love freedom. My sin is one of inaction. I LOVE this country, and I am so grateful that my ancestors fought their way here for my freedom, and that the people of the armed forces volunteer their lives to maintain that. However, I have not expressed this in an effective way, nor have I communicated it to as many people as possible!!! For this, I am very deeply sorry.
Why is this such a great sin? Although most people don't realize it, as of September 11 it is blatantly obvious that we are in a desperate struggle for our very survival as a country (see The Meaning of the USA). How can a few thousand terrorists spread throughout the world threaten our existence? Well, what happens if we fail with our War on Terrorism?
If we fail, that means that groups that "hate" us are free to take out their frustrations on us at will. What kind of actions will we take to protect ourselves? What kind of laws will we enact to allow our government to watch over us (i.e. Orwell's 1984)? What kind of immigration restrictions will we impose, thus closing the opportunity that we offer the world to those who most need it or are most open to it? My imagination can come up with some scary, un-Constitutional scenarios. Let's not go there!!
What is required to win the War on Terrorism, since losing is not an option? Can we bomb every terrorist? Can we find and freeze every hidden account? Can we actually identify as many governments as it takes as fomenting terrorism, and actually enact measures without harming trade and any real chance of bringing them out of it?
The strongest weapons we have in this war are not military, nor are they political. THE STRONGEST WEAPONS WE HAVE ARE WIELDED BY EACH AND EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN. They are:
The U.S. Constitution and our laws.
Our actions and behavior.
Our thoughts and attitudes.
Fellow Americans and People With Families: WE MUST OFFER GREAT SACRIFICES TO WIELD THESE WEAPONS. I admire George W. Bush for his leadership, but I would like to request those sacrifices of all of us, and I would like him to request the same.
During John F. Kennedy's leadership, he asked us to "Ask not what your country can do for you...[but] ask what you can do for your country." I say that something even more is demanded of us now, because all of this country's history has raised the bar far higher since the 1960's. What is at stake is our country's survival, but even more, our country's example and leadership for the rest of humanity in achieving its highest ideals. Is that worth the sacrifice?
Here are the 5 sacrifices we must make in order to win the War on Terrorism:
Pride and vanity: Treat each and every person you have contact with, with respect. Even Osama Bin Laden! He believes he is doing what he must. If we treat even him with disrespect, what is the difference between him and us? Of course, he must answer for the consequences of his actions. We are a GREAT nation, but we really are no better or worse than any other. We are no more or less deserving. Each and every person on this planet has the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If that is not true, then our Constitution is baseless.
Venting our Frustrations: In EVERY situation in which you become angry (car cuts you off on the road, someone insults you, you're having a bad day and wait in line at the post office, only to find out they don't ship that way, or whatever), take a deep breath and act with forethought in stead of reacting with anger. TALK THROUGH THE ANGER IN AS NORMAL A TONE OF VOICE AS POSSIBLE, OR WALK AWAY. Think of the cost to individuals, businesses, this country of frivolous arguments and fights! Think of the waste of time and energy for you!
Be Over Courteous: Treat other people as you would like to be treated (I didn't invent that saying...). Leave room for the car to pull out in front of you. Open a door for strangers, or pick up something they dropped. Return found money. Just think of the miraculous change in attitude you will cause by acting this way. This attitude will affect all who see you, and inspire them to do the same. Imagine an entire city where people go out of their way to do something nice for complete strangers. Would you like to live there? How about a state like that? A country? A planet?
Pay it Forward: Watch the movie Pay it Forward, and then go do it!!! In the movie, a boy does something great for 3 people, something only he can do. Each person is obligated to do something great for 3 more people, passing on that obligation.
Give to charity: Even more so in this time of trouble and uncertainty, set aside SOMETHING, even if it is a dollar a month, and give it to a charity.
Why "must" we make these sacrifices? If we don't, then what was the point of founding this country? What is the point of our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters dying to ensure we didn't fall to Great Britain, Spain, Germany, and the Soviet Union? Why did we (or our parents) bother to immigrate here? Why do we bother to give aid to other countries? Why should we have stopped murdering monsters from having their way? And why, in God's name, should we continue to despise, expose, and prosecute corruption in our government?
We do not need to make these sacrifices if we are willing to put up with a world of cynicism, resignation, despair, and terror.
My question to you is this:
If you DON'T sacrifice, how can you look yourself in the mirror? How can you call yourself a citizen of the USA? How can you complain about that on which you are not willing to take action?
Copyright © 2001 by Jay
Imerman. This work may be reproduced in any form with or
without the express written permission of Jay
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