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The Meaning of the USA

I believe that it is up to each and every one of us to create our world.  By our thoughts and actions, we create our own perception of the world.  Equally as well, we influence other peoples' perceptions if they allow it.  This country's very existence is proof of this belief.


What is this country called the United States of America?  There was a Rabbi that once said, "All the Bible says is 'do unto others as thou wouldst have done unto thyself.'  All the rest is commentary."  The United States of America stands for people's inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  All the rest is commentary (or expanding on those rights).  EVERYTHING ELSE EXTENDS FROM THIS BASIC CONCEPT, INCLUDING THE CONCEPT OF SELF-RULE.

If any one word embodies what this country means, it is FREEDOM.  Unfortunately, that one word has many meanings and nuances for many people.  However, I believe it was intended by our founders to mean both freedom as an inspiration, and freedom with responsibility.  Without responsibility, there is no true freedom, merely the illusion of it.

What is meant by responsibility?  Accepting the consequences of each of our actions.  Doing what we say we will do, and when we don't, we make amends.  What else does it mean to you?

We must be vigilant and ever-careful not to abuse our freedom by taking it for granted.  First, exercise that freedom by doing what you are given the right to do.  Vote and participate in your life.  Find a way to get that education.  Find a way to better yourself EACH AND EVERY DAY!!!  Find a way to help your neighbor better him or herself.  Take the time to spend with your loved ones.  Come up with your own ways of exercising your freedom!!

However, when your freedom restricts the rights or freedom of someone else, you must be held to account for your actions.  Try to hold yourself to account.  Otherwise, someone else most certainly will.


Have you ever heard of the Greek civilization?  The Roman Empire?  The Persians?  Egypt?  The British, Spanish, Portuguese, and French Empires?  The Israelites and the Canaanites?  Of course!   Echoes of all of them will forever influence the destiny of individuals and nations.

Have you ever heard of the United States of America?  There is practically not a single person alive today who hasn't.  That is OVER SIX BILLION PEOPLE, more than have ever died in all of history!!  Is there anyone who doesn't either love and emulate, or hate and try not to emulate, the USA?  Very few.  We Americans are leaders in business, technology, education, ideology, theology, communication, humanity, charity, military, and almost all else.  We are not the only ones, but we certainly ARE leaders.

Is there anyone alive today who doesn't use a technology invented or realized in the USA?  A very small fraction of that 6 billion.

Will life ever be the same as it was 300 years ago, before Europeans migrated to these shores?  Will we revert back to that level of technology and forget everything since then?  Not likely.  This country alone, which currently totals merely 5 percent of the planet's population, consumes 25 percent of goods and services produced.  Our culture is emulated or known about everywhere, even in the most remote tribes.  Our actions that are inconsistent with our country's ideals are always loudly and publicly ridiculed, and our actions in the highest ideals of mankind are sometimes praised and noted.  Our language, English, is spoken by more people than the population of China (20% of the planet's people), mostly due to our business acumen and leadership!

Think about the legacy our founding and prospering has established for the next 2,000 years.  If Jesus Christ preached an idea that you should love your fellow man, and that led to people of all religions and nationalities following the same calendar (among other more meaningful affects), what kinds of changes will people living in the year 4000 attribute to our living in a country where we it is our duty to keep watch on our government, to ensure it serves the will of the people?  To uphold, with force if necessary, the freedoms and justice of all mankind?  To support those in need?  To foster an environment of competition within the rules, in which those of principle and fortitude prosper, and those of questionable morals eventually are curtailed or punished, despite their position and means?

If you have children, what kind of legacy does this leave them?  What responsibilities do you have to ensure they receive that legacy?

If you were deprived, persecuted, or otherwise had a hard life, what do you owe yourself to create an environment different than the one you grew up in?  What do you owe your fellow humans so that they don't have to go through what you went through?

If you had a great environment, what do you owe those important individuals that provided that for you?  What do you owe your fellow humans, so that they have the same? 



Copyright © 2001 by Jay Imerman.  This work may be reproduced in any form with or without the express written permission of Jay Imerman.

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