The PRUGH Family Histories
ID- P1
Philip Brugh (c.1800-)
Alias: Philip Van Brugh Migrated To: (c.1830) Lehighton, PA Occupation: cooperSpouse # 1: Ann Catherine Cassler () Alias: Nancy Cassler
Children: 1. John Prugh 2. David Brugh
ID- P11
John Prugh (c.1824-)
Father: Philip Brugh Mother: Ann Catherine Cassler Alias: John Brugh Burial Place: Easton, PA Occupation: lumberman in the PoconosSpouse # 1: Mary Geary ()
Children: 1. Josephine Prugh 2. Anna Prugh 3. Philip David Prugh 4. Millard Fillmore Prugh 5. William Henry Prugh 6. John Elsworth Prugh 7. Emma Prugh 8. Mary Prugh 9. Loutheria Prugh
ID- P12
David Brugh ()
Father: Philip Brugh Mother: Ann Catherine Cassler Burial Place: Easton, PASpouse # 1: ? ? ()
Children: 1. Mary Brugh 2. (daughter) Brugh
ID- P111
Josephine Prugh (1848-1859)
Father: John Prugh Mother: Mary GearyID- P112
Anna Prugh (1850-)
Father: John Prugh Mother: Mary GearySpouse # 1: Charles Ulmer ()
Children: 1. Lewis Ulmer 2. Emma Ulmer
ID- P113
Philip David Prugh (1853-)
Father: John Prugh Mother: Mary Geary Migrated To: Bound Brook, NJ Occupation: farmer, manager of sawmill and lumberyardSpouse # 1: Emma Gertrude Mitchell ()
Children: 1. Elizabeth Prugh 2. Ralph Prugh 3. Margaret Allen Prugh 4. Philip Leslie* Prugh 5. Byron Mitchell Prugh 6. Ben Geary Prugh
ID- P114
Millard Fillmore Prugh (6/5/1857-5/?/1945)
Father: John Prugh Mother: Mary Geary Birthplace: Easton, PA Burial Place: Riverside Cemetery; Shell Rock, IA Occupation: farmer Remark: He was a rabid baseball fan.Spouse # 1: Etta Adair (9/3/1861-6/?/1945) Wedding Date: 12/3/1883 Birthplace: Shell Rock, IA Burial Place: Riverside Cemetery; Shell Rock, IA Remark: Their unique courtship was almost entirely by letter. He brought the Parson with him the second time they were to meet.
Children: 1. Maud Mary Prugh 2. James Lyle Prugh 3. La Tosca* Prugh 4. John W. Prugh
ID- P115
William Henry Prugh (1859-)
Father: John Prugh Mother: Mary Geary BirthPlace: Easton?, PA Education: Drew Seminary; Brooklyn, NY Occupation: minister in the Methodist church.Spouse # 1: Emily C. Armington ()
Children: 1. Mabel Prugh 2. William Albert* Prugh 3. John Drew* Prugh 4. Merle Geary Prugh
ID- P116
John Elsworth Prugh (1862-)
Father: John Prugh Mother: Mary GearySpouse # 1: Ella Hartz ()
Children: 1. Mary Hartz Prugh 2. Derwin Elsworth Prugh 3. Mildred R. Prugh 4. Russell Prugh
ID- P117
Emma Prugh (1864-)
Father: John Prugh Mother: Mary GearySpouse # 1: R. B. Kinney ()
Children: 1. Henry V. Kinney 2. Russell V. Kinney
ID- P118
Mary Mae* Prugh (1869-)
Father: John Prugh Mother: Mary GearySpouse # 1: William Grannatt ()
Children: 1. Maud Grannatt 2. Arthur Grannatt
ID- P119
Loutheria Prugh (1866-)
Father: John Prugh Mother: Mary GearyID- P121
Mary Brugh ()
Father: David Brugh Mother: ? ? Prior Address: (1964) Easton, PASpouse # 1: ? ? ()
ID- P122
(daughter) Brugh ()
Father: David Brugh Mother: ? ? Prior Address: (1964) Easton, PASpouse # 1: ? ? ()
ID- P1121
Lewis Ulmer ()
Father: Charles Ulmer Mother: Anna PrughID- P1122
Emma Ulmer ()
Father: Charles Ulmer Mother: Anna PrughID- P1131
Elizabeth Prugh ()
Father: Philip David Prugh Mother: Emma Gertrude MitchellSpouse # 1: Alison R. Palmer ()
Children: 1. Dick Palmer 2. Peter Palmer
ID- P1132
Ralph Prugh ()
Father: Philip David Prugh Mother: Emma Gertrude MitchellSpouse # 1: Alice Ashworth ()
Children: 1. Betsy Prugh
ID- P1133
Margaret Allen Prugh ()
Father: Philip David Prugh Mother: Emma Gertrude MitchellSpouse # 1: Orville William Hollar ()
Children: 1. Billy Hollar 2. Peggy Hollar 3. Dorothy Hollar 4. Nancy Hollar 5. Betty Hollar
ID- P1134
Philip Leslie* Prugh ()
Father: Philip David Prugh Mother: Emma Gertrude MitchellSpouse # 1: Blanche Stryker ()
Children: 1. Jack Prugh 2. Bob Prugh 3. Ted Prugh
ID- P1135
Byron Mitchell Prugh ()
Father: Philip David Prugh Mother: Emma Gertrude Mitchell Prior Address: (1964) Plainfield, NJSpouse # 1: Mae Hoagland ()
Children: 1. Byron J. Prugh 2. Ralph Prugh
ID- P1136
Ben Geary Prugh ()
Father: Philip David Prugh Mother: Emma Gertrude MitchellID- P1141
Maud Mary Prugh (5/6/1886-11/?/1974)
Father: Millard Fillmore Prugh Mother: Etta Adair BirthPlace: Moville, IA Burial Place: Shell Rock, IA SSDI: 478-80-6822 IA @l.r. 50701Spouse # 1: George Jaquis (2/?/1880-12/?/1957) Wedding Date: 10/8/1910
Children: 1. Dorothy Jaquis 2. Ruth Jaquis 3. Georgia Jaquis 4. Paul Jaquis 5. Gerald Jaquis 6. Maryetta Jaquis 7. Irene Jaquis 8. Janet Jaquis 9. Merna Jaquis
ID- P1142
James Lyle* Prugh (7/19/1896-3/28/1981)
Father: Millard Fillmore Prugh Mother: Etta Adair BirthPlace: Shell Rock, IA Burial Place: Shell Rock, IA SSDI: 481-10-2826 IA @l.r. 50701Spouse # 1: Estella Mae* Prugh (6/5/1901-6/19/1995) Wedding Date: 6/12/1920 Burial Place: Shell Rock, IA WeddingPlace: Burton Ave, Church; Waterloo, IA
Children: 1. Vern Prugh 2. Lyle Adair Prugh
ID- P1143
La Tosca* Prugh (2/5/1892-11/?/1983)
Father: Millard Fillmore Prugh Mother: Etta Adair Remark: SSDI has 11/?/1973 for date of death? BirthPlace: Shell Rock, IA Burial Place: Elmwood Cemetery; Waterloo, IA SSDI: 482-22-0353 IA @l.r. 50701Spouse # 1: Emery E. Dickinson (11/25/1888-2/?/1968) Wedding Date: 6/15/1915 Remark: SSDI has Emory and 1/?/1968 for date of death? SSDI: 479-03-4081 IA @l.r. 50701
Children: 1. Jesse Dickinson 2. James Millard Dickinson 3. John Delbert Dickinson 4. Doris Dickinson 5. Robert Dickinson 6. Donald Dickinson
ID- P1144
John W. Prugh (5/?/1903-1/?/1968)
Father: Millard Fillmore Prugh Mother: Etta Adair BirthPlace: Shell Rock, IA Burial Place: Shell Rock, IAID- P1151
Mabel Prugh ()
Father: William Henry Prugh Mother: Emily C. ArmingtonSpouse # 1: Julius Schendel (11/5/1896-1/?/1980) SSDI: 483-42-2628 IA @l.r. 50528
Children: 1. Ruth Schendel 2. Alden Schendel 3. Florence Schendel 4. Mabel Schendel
ID- P1152
William Albert* Prugh (1891-)
Father: William Henry Prugh Mother: Emily C. ArmingtonSpouse # 1: Clara Shirley ()
Children: 1. Jack Shirley Prugh
Spouse # 2: Mary Mayme Hanley ()
ID- P1153
John Drew* Prugh (1895-)
Father: William Henry Prugh Mother: Emily C. ArmingtonSpouse # 1: Myrtle Anderson ()
ID- P1154
Merle Geary Prugh (2/10/1901-5/?/1976)
Father: William Henry Prugh Mother: Emily C. Armington SSDI: 520-24-3513 WY @l.r. 82601Spouse # 1: Helen A. Wamhoff () Remark: above may be Wamnoff? Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILE
Children: 1. John* Drew Prugh 2. Marle Gene* Prugh 3. Geary Lee Prugh
ID- P1161
Mary Hartz Prugh (1889-)
Father: John Elsworth Prugh Mother: Ella HartzSpouse # 1: William Achey (9/8/1898-10/?/1977) SSDI: 193-16-2317 @l.r. 18103
Children: 1. William Achey 2. Robert Achey 3. William W. Achey 4. Mary Jane Achey 5. Mildred Lou Achey 6. Marion Achey
ID- P1162
Derwin Elsworth Prugh (1891-)
Father: John Elsworth Prugh Mother: Ella HartzSpouse # 1: Geneva Machose (2/3/1893-10/?/1986) SSDI: 139-54-9570 PA @l.r. 18042
Children: 1. John E. Prugh 2. Marian Prugh 3. Margaret Prugh 4. James H. Prugh 5. William Prugh 6. Earl Prugh
ID- P1163
Mildred R. Prugh (1893-)
Father: John Elsworth Prugh Mother: Ella HartzSpouse # 1: James H. Elliot ()
ID- P1164
Russell Prugh (1896-1897)
Father: John Elsworth Prugh Mother: Ella HartzID- P1171
Henry V. Kinney ()
Father: R. B. Kinney Mother: Emma PrughID- P1172
Russell V. Kinney ()
Father: R. B. Kinney Mother: Emma PrughID- P1181
Maud Grannatt ()
Father: William Grannatt Mother: Mary Mae* PrughID- P1182
Arthur Grannatt ()
Father: William Grannatt Mother: Mary Mae* PrughID- P11311
Dick Palmer ()
Father: Alison R. Palmer Mother: Elizabeth PrughID- P11312
Peter Palmer ()
Father: Alison R. Palmer Mother: Elizabeth PrughID- P11321
Betsy Prugh ()
Father: Ralph Prugh Mother: Alice AshworthSpouse # 1: Robert Connover ()
ID- P11331
Billy Hollar ()
Father: Orville William Hollar Mother: Margaret Allen PrughID- P11332
Peggy Hollar ()
Father: Orville William Hollar Mother: Margaret Allen PrughID- P11333
Dorothy Hollar ()
Father: Orville William Hollar Mother: Margaret Allen PrughID- P11334
Nancy Hollar ()
Father: Orville William Hollar Mother: Margaret Allen PrughID- P11335
Betty Hollar ()
Father: Orville William Hollar Mother: Margaret Allen PrughID- P11341
Jack Prugh ()
Father: Philip Leslie* Prugh Mother: Blanche StrykerID- P11342
Bob Prugh ()
Father: Philip Leslie* Prugh Mother: Blanche Stryker Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILEID- P11343
Ted Prugh ()
Father: Philip Leslie* Prugh Mother: Blanche StrykerID- P11351
Byron J. Prugh ()
Father: Byron Mitchell Prugh Mother: Mae Hoagland Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILESpouse # 1: Eugenie Ditts () Current Address: ON FILE
Children: 1. Byron J. Prugh, Jr.
ID- P11352
Ralph Prugh ()
Father: Byron Mitchell Prugh Mother: Mae Hoagland Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILESpouse # 1: Ruth Menzler () Remark: R. Prugh Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILE Remark: R. M. Prugh Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILE
ID- P11411
Dorothy Jaquis ()
Father: George Jaquis Mother: Maud Mary PrughID- P11412
Ruth Jaquis ()
Father: George Jaquis Mother: Maud Mary PrughID- P11413
Georgia Jaquis ()
Father: George Jaquis Mother: Maud Mary PrughID- P11414
Paul Jaquis (3/21/1916-10/?/1983)
Father: George Jaquis Mother: Maud Mary Prugh SSDI: 485-22-7444 IA @l.r. 50669ID- P11415
Gerald Jaquis ()
Father: George Jaquis Mother: Maud Mary PrughID- P11416
Maryetta Jaquis ()
Father: George Jaquis Mother: Maud Mary PrughID- P11417
Irene Jaquis ()
Father: George Jaquis Mother: Maud Mary Prugh Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILEID- P11418
Janet Jaquis ()
Father: George Jaquis Mother: Maud Mary Prugh Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILEID- P11419
Merna Jaquis ()
Father: George Jaquis Mother: Maud Mary PrughID- P11421
Vern Prugh ()
Father: James Lyle* Prugh Mother: Estella Mae* Prugh Occupation: ministerSpouse # 1: June Buckler ()
Children: 1. James Prugh 2. Judy Prugh 3. John Mark Prugh 4. Jane Prugh
ID- P11422
Lyle Adair Prugh ()
Father: James Lyle* Prugh Mother: Estella Mae* PrughID- P11431
Jesse Dickinson ()
Father: Emery E. Dickinson Mother: La Tosca* PrughID- P11432
James Millard Dickinson ()
Father: Emery E. Dickinson Mother: La Tosca* PrughID- P11433
John Delbert Dickinson ()
Father: Emery E. Dickinson Mother: La Tosca* Prugh Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILEID- P11434
Doris Dickinson ()
Father: Emery E. Dickinson Mother: La Tosca* PrughID- P11435
Robert Dickinson ()
Father: Emery E. Dickinson Mother: La Tosca* PrughID- P11436
Donald Dickinson ()
Father: Emery E. Dickinson Mother: La Tosca* PrughID- P11511
Ruth Schendel ()
Father: Julius Schendel Mother: Mabel PrughSpouse # 1: Negley Teeters () Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILE Remark: Some records show Testers as surname, but none found in U.S.
Children: 1. Robert Teeters 2. Ralph Teeters
ID- P11512
Alden Schendel ()
Father: Julius Schendel Mother: Mabel Prugh Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILESpouse # 1: Mervyl Mellon ()
Children: 1. Sandra Kay Schendel 2. Merle Lynne* Schendel
ID- P11513
Florence Schendel ()
Father: Julius Schendel Mother: Mabel PrughSpouse # 1: Russell Castle ()
Children: 1. Richard Castle
ID- P11514
Mabel Schendel ()
Father: Julius Schendel Mother: Mabel PrughSpouse # 1: Kenneth Mellon () Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILE
Children: 1. Sheila Mellon 2. Meredith Mellon
ID- P11521
Jack Shirley Prugh ()
Father: William Albert* Prugh Mother: Clara Shirley Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILESpouse # 1: Helene Collins ()
Children: 1. George Eric* Prugh 2. Nina Eileen Prugh
ID- P11541
John* Drew Prugh ()
Father: Merle Geary Prugh Mother: Helen A. Wamhoff Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILE Employed By: Merck & Co.Spouse # 1: Sally Grove ()
Children: 1. John Michael* Prugh 2. Lynne Ann Prugh 3. Scott Mitchell Prugh
ID- P11542
Marle Gene* Prugh ()
Father: Merle Geary Prugh Mother: Helen A. Wamhoff Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILESpouse # 1: Pansy E. Martin ()
ID- P11543
Geary Lee Prugh ()
Father: Merle Geary Prugh Mother: Helen A. Wamhoff Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILEID- P11611
William Achey ()
Father: William Achey Mother: Mary Hartz PrughID- P11612
Robert Achey ()
Father: William Achey Mother: Mary Hartz Prugh Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILESpouse # 1: Anges Englehart ()
ID- P11613
William W. Achey ()
Father: William Achey Mother: Mary Hartz Prugh Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILESpouse # 1: Marie Costello ()
Children: 1. Regina Achey 2. Bob Steverns?
ID- P11614
Mary Jane Achey ()
Father: William Achey Mother: Mary Hartz PrughSpouse # 1: Lawrence Erdman ()
Children: 1. Susan Erdman
ID- P11615
Mildred Lou Achey ()
Father: William Achey Mother: Mary Hartz PrughSpouse # 1: James Gibbons ()
Children: 1. Sharon Gibbons
ID- P11616
Marion Achey ()
Father: William Achey Mother: Mary Hartz PrughSpouse # 1: Charles Youngcourt ()
Children: 1. William Youngcourt 2. Kathy Youngcourt
ID- P11621
John E. Prugh ()
Father: Derwin Elsworth Prugh Mother: Geneva Machose Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILESpouse # 1: Eva Seigel ()
Children: 1. Jane Prugh
ID- P11622
Marian Prugh ()
Father: Derwin Elsworth Prugh Mother: Geneva MachoseSpouse # 1: Harry Goodman ()
ID- P11623
Margaret Prugh ()
Father: Derwin Elsworth Prugh Mother: Geneva MachoseSpouse # 1: William Battillia ()
Children: 1. Barbara Battillia 2. William Battillia
ID- P11624
James H. Prugh ()
Father: Derwin Elsworth Prugh Mother: Geneva MachoseSpouse # 1: Marie Weigman ()
Children: 1. Linda Prugh
ID- P11625
William Prugh ()
Father: Derwin Elsworth Prugh Mother: Geneva MachoseSpouse # 1: Shirley Hedden ()
Children: 1. William Prugh 2. Garry Prugh
ID- P11626
Earl Prugh ()
Father: Derwin Elsworth Prugh Mother: Geneva Machose Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILEID- P114211
James Prugh ()
Father: Vern Prugh Mother: June BucklerSpouse # 1: Sandi Wright ()
Children: 1. Michael Prugh 2. Mark Prugh 3. Glenna Prugh 4. Michelle Prugh
ID- P114212
Judy Prugh ()
Father: Vern Prugh Mother: June BucklerSpouse # 1: Randy McConnell () Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILE
Children: 1. Tina McConnell 2. Richard McConnell
ID- P114213
John Mark Prugh ()
Father: Vern Prugh Mother: June Buckler BirthPlace: IA Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILE Education: 1978 B.S., University of Dayton; Dayton, OH Occupation: deputy sheriff Employed By: Greene Co. Sheriff's Dept.; Xenia, OHSpouse # 1: Ruth Ann Lotz () Current Address: ON FILE Education: 1978, Cedarville College; Cedarville, OH Email: AT WORK Employed By: Cedarville College; Cedarville, OH
Children: 1. Julie Prugh 2. Angela Prugh
ID- P114214
Jane Prugh ()
Father: Vern Prugh Mother: June BucklerSpouse # 1: Randy Cagwin ()
Children: 1. Cody Cagwin
ID- P115111
Robert Teeters ()
Father: Negley Teeters Mother: Ruth Schendel Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILEID- P115112
Ralph Teeters ()
Father: Negley Teeters Mother: Ruth SchendelID- P115121
Sandra Kay Schendel ()
Father: Alden Schendel Mother: Mervyl Mellon Current Address: ON FILESpouse # 1: Michael Backer () Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILE
ID- P115122
Merle Lynne* Schendel ()
Father: Alden Schendel Mother: Mervyl MellonID- P115131
Richard Castle ()
Father: Russell Castle Mother: Florence SchendelID- P115141
Sheila Mellon ()
Father: Kenneth Mellon Mother: Mabel SchendelSpouse # 1: Alan Katz ()
ID- P115142
Meredith Mellon ()
Father: Kenneth Mellon Mother: Mabel SchendelID- P115211
George Eric* Prugh ()
Father: Jack Shirley Prugh Mother: Helene Collins Remark: (Bedard) shown in family tree? meaning?ID- P115212
Nina Eileen Prugh ()
Father: Jack Shirley Prugh Mother: Helene Collins Remark: (Bedard) shown in family tree? meaning?ID- P115411
John Michael* Prugh ()
Father: John* Drew Prugh Mother: Sally Grove Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILESpouse # 1: Bridget ? () Current Address: ON FILE
ID- P115412
Lynne Ann Prugh ()
Father: John* Drew Prugh Mother: Sally GroveID- P115413
Scott Mitchell Prugh ()
Father: John* Drew Prugh Mother: Sally Grove Current Address: ON FILE Telephone: ON FILEID- P116131
Regina Achey ()
Father: William W. Achey Mother: Marie CostelloID- P116132
Bob Steverns? ()
Father: William W. Achey Mother: Marie Costello Remark: Bob could be Regina's husband rathar than brother.ID- P116141
Susan Erdman ()
Father: Lawrence Erdman Mother: Mary Jane AcheyID- P116151
Sharon Gibbons ()
Father: James Gibbons Mother: Mildred Lou AcheyID- P116161
William Youngcourt ()
Father: Charles Youngcourt Mother: Marion AcheyID- P116162
Kathy Youngcourt ()
Father: Charles Youngcourt Mother: Marion AcheyID- P116211
Jane Prugh ()
Father: John E. Prugh Mother: Eva SeigelID- P116231
Barbara Battillia ()
Father: William Battillia Mother: Margaret PrughID- P116232
William Battillia ()
Father: William Battillia Mother: Margaret PrughID- P116241
Linda Prugh ()
Father: James H. Prugh Mother: Marie WeigmanID- P116251
William Prugh ()
Father: William Prugh Mother: Shirley HeddenID- P116252
Garry Prugh ()
Father: William Prugh Mother: Shirley HeddenID- P1142111
Michael Prugh ()
Father: James Prugh Mother: Sandi WrightID- P1142112
Mark Prugh ()
Father: James Prugh Mother: Sandi WrightID- P1142113
Glenna Prugh ()
Father: James Prugh Mother: Sandi WrightID- P1142114
Michelle Prugh ()
Father: James Prugh Mother: Sandi WrightID- P1142121
Tina McConnell ()
Father: Randy McConnell Mother: Judy PrughID- P1142122
Richard McConnell ()
Father: Randy McConnell Mother: Judy PrughID- P1142131
Julie Prugh ()
Father: John Mark Prugh Mother: Ruth Ann LotzID- P1142132
Angela Prugh ()
Father: John Mark Prugh Mother: Ruth Ann LotzID- P1142141
Cody Cagwin ()
Father: Randy Cagwin Mother: Jane Prugh
Home | Surname Index | Sources Referenced | Descendants of Jakob BRUCH (PRUGH). Descendants of John JAY. | Descendants of James Ellsworth ORR. Descendants of Samuel HANEY. | Descendants of Samuel S. SAVAGE. Descendants of Philip BRUGH (PRUGH).Copyright 1997, 1998 by William L. Prugh. All rights reserved. Last updated 07-15-1998.