Areas I am actively researching
GRAHAM 6/5/98 I am currently trying to find information regarding my Grandfather William Joseph GRAHAM. I have requested a copy of his Military Records and I awaiting there arrival. Please see my GRAHAM PAGEfor more information. HIGGINS 6/5/98 Emma HIGGINS was my GGGrandmother. Wife of William G. GRAHAM, Grandparents of William Joseph GRAHAM. Emma was born in 1856 in Ireland and immigrated to the USA (don't know when). She died in March of 1916 in New York City. I have hit a road block here and don't know where to go. Any suggestions are welcome. Please see my GRAHAM PAGE for more information. DAVIS 6/5/98 Here is a copy of the posting I submitted to the Davis Mailing List: Looking for any information on GGGrandmother Elizabeth DAVIS. She was born 1/1/1874, died on 2/13/1954. She was married to John Lonzo HAZELETT. They had 10 children. I only know of them living in Lincoln.Logan Co. WV. I believe she may have been part Cherokee Indian. I have seen that an Elizabeth DAVIS (app#23900) is listed in vol. 9 of the book Cherokee by Blood and I am in the process of trying to look into that. Any information on DAVIS' of that region would be appreciated. Thank You, Pauline Please see my HAZELETT PAGE for more information. 7/28/98 Sent a request for Elizabeth (Davis) HAZELETT and John Alonzo HAZELETT's Death Certificates from West Virginia Vital Registration. BROCK 6/5/98 Here is a copy of the posting I submitted to the Brock Mailing List: Hoping someone out there might recognize this relative of mine. Sylvia Mae BROCK (She is my GGGrandmother) Born: 1877 Died: 1937 Buried: Warrick Cemetery, Lincoln Co., WV Married: Meredith BLEVINS I don't know where she was born, or married or where she came from. I do know that her and my GGGrandfather lived in Lincoln/Logan Co., WV. I am very unfamiliar with the Brock name as I just being this part of my search. Thank you, Pauline Graham Please see my BLEVINS PAGE for more information.