Donald Farris's Information

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Hope Farris
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ROOTS V, ver 5.01
DON2 Project Version 1
October 30, 1997

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Table of Contents

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(?), Aaron, Aldridge, Angle, Armstrong, Atkinson, Austin, Bacon, Baker, Barker, Barmore, Barth, Baskett, Bassham, Beacon, Bedell, Belden, Beldon, Bellcock, Bennett, Bergerhouse, Biesczczat, Bishop, Blodgett, Bodenhamer, Bowdle, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brede, Brigaman, Brigman, Brown, Browne, Burk, Butler, Byrd, Cairns, Campbell, Carpenter, Carter, Casey, Chapman, Chase, Chemokin, Church, Churchill, Clayton, Coffey, Cope, Copeland, Copley, Cottertail, Cotton, Courtney, Cox, Crawford, Cross, Curtis, Dabney, Davis, De Shazo, Demuth, Dierking, Dodson, Duncan, Duncanson, Dupeyre, Dutois, Dymoke, East, Ecklund, Edwards, Effland, Elebracht, Ellis, Engelke, Engelmann, Erbe, Fahsholtz, Faris, Farmer, Farris, Fears, Feucht, Fielding, Fink, Fish, Flewelling, Flournoy, Floyd, Freedman, Friedman, Frimann, Frost, Fuller, Furlong, Gardenier, Gentry, Genty, Gibson, Glessner, Gooch, Gragg, Green, Hannon, Harrington, Harris, Henderson, Hibbs, Hill, Hobaugh, Holler, Hopkins, Horne, Howard, Howell, Hummer, Hunter, Johnson, Jr., Karstetter, Keger, Kelly, Kincaid, King, Kinney, Knipp, Koeberle, Krantz, L, Larrabee, Larson, Lawson, Lee, Lewis, Ll, Lll, Long, Lyden, Lynden, M, Mac Davis, Major, Mann, Marble, Marchick, Martain, Martaiu, Mayfield, Mc Caleb, Mc Carroll, Mc Carty, Mc Ghee, Meriweather, Miller, Mills, Mittendorf, Moore, Murnan, Myron, Newcomer, Nichols, Nickoley, Ogden, Overshiner, Paige, Paine, Palmer, Parker, Parsons, Pattou, Payne, Pereira, Pesses, Peterson, Pippins, Pitts, Popham, Porter, Provance, Provanee, Ranyan, Reade, Reeves, Reiss, Rew, Ringle, Robards, Roberts, Roder, Rojo, Romero, Sammons, Sampson, Schilling, Schultz, Scott, Sellers, Sennholtz, Setser, Seymour, Shaffer, Sharp, Shelinbarger, Shirley, Shockley, Shupe, Smith, Southwick, Speyers, Sr., Stalcup, Stanton, Starkebaum, Stewart, Streeter, Talley, Taylor, Toland, Tolson, Torres, Trotman, Tuthill, Tuttle, Upton, Voorhies, Wales, Waller, Ward, Warden, Warner, Washburn, Washington, Watkins, Weaver, Wells, White, Wiesenthal, Wilmoth, Windebank, Wood, Woodhouse, Woodson, Wright, Young, Youngs

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