Hawkinsville Chapter, NSDAR The music you are listening to is called "The Highwayman." As you listen, you can imagine the pace at which our officers "hit the road" and work to get programs and projects done, recruit new members, complete reports, and all the other work that goes along with being an active Daughter! Sometimes the pace is hectic, but like true Daughters, we just keep on keeping on!
Our Hardworking Officers of 2006 - 2008! Regent 1st First Vice Regent 2nd Second Vice Regent Chaplain Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Registrar Historian Librarian Curator Chapter Representative Appointed Office:
Members Serving National and State Society Honorary State Regent State Board of Management State Vice Chairman, Credentials Committee Our Hardworking Committee Chairmen for National and Chapter Committees for 2006 - 2008! American Heritage & Conservation American History American Indians Community Service Constitution Week DAR Schools Finance Committee members: Flag of the United States of America Literacy Challenge Membership National Defense Program DAR Service for Veterans Volunteer Information Services
Chapter Chairmen, State Standing Committees Cooperation of DAR with SAR and S.R. Meadow Garden Medals and Prizes Publicity Telephone This page last updated 03/06/08.
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