Official Logo of the DAR

Hawkinsville Chapter, NSDAR

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The music you are listening to is called "The Highwayman." As you listen, you can imagine the pace at which our officers "hit the road" and work to get programs and projects done, recruit new members, complete reports, and all the other work that goes along with being an active Daughter! Sometimes the pace is hectic, but like true Daughters, we just keep on keeping on!

Our Hardworking Officers of 2006 - 2008!

RegentJacquelyn Wilson

1st First Vice RegentAlice Turner

2nd Second Vice RegentMary Jean Huff

ChaplainHarriet Hendricks

Recording SecretaryNellie Coley

Corresponding SecretaryOpal Sirmans

TreasurerKate Kezar

RegistrarOuida Smith

HistorianNancy Parker

LibrarianJudy Churchwell

CuratorAngeline Moore

Chapter RepresentativeSandra McPhaul

Appointed Office: ParlimentarianDoris Bridges

Members Serving National and State Society
in 2006 - 2008!

Honorary State RegentAnne A. Murphey

State Board of Management
Anne A. Murphey

State Vice Chairman, Credentials Committee
Sandra McPhaul

Our Hardworking Committee Chairmen for National and Chapter Committees for 2006 - 2008!

American Heritage & ConservationLinda Stephens

American HistoryMary Jean Huff and Nancy Parker

American IndiansJudy Churchwell

Community Service Sandra McPhaul

Constitution WeekAlice Turner

DAR SchoolsJudith Powers

Finance Committee members:
Kate Kezar
Doris Bridges
Opal Sirmans

Flag of the United States of AmericaOrma Royal

Literacy ChallengeMyrtice Henderson

MembershipOuida Smith

National DefenseOpal Sirmans

ProgramExecutive Board

DAR Service for VeteransHarriet Hendricks

Volunteer Information ServicesLinda Stephens

Chapter Chairmen, State Standing Committees

Cooperation of DAR with SAR and S.R.
Sandra McPhaul

Meadow GardenAnne Murphey

Medals and PrizesNellie Coley

PublicityMMary Jean Huff

Telephone Orma Royal
Opal Sirmans
Judith Powers
Alice Turner

This page last updated 03/06/08.

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