My daughter, Leisha, was born with a partial deletion of the 18th> Chromosome. She was the most special thing in my life. She went to heaven on October 1, 1995. I have made a special page just for her, follow the link to 'Little Angel of Mine'. I would love for you to meet her.
I can close my eyes and see her playing with the angels, running, and laughing. She waited so long to be able to do those things.
Then I have Molly, my Border Collie. Molly was a rescued puppy and was given to me in November of 1995 after Leisha passed away. Molly, of course, could not replace the void that I felt from the loss of my child, but Molly had needs that helped to fill the empty spaces of time. She gave me something to focus on other than the 24 hours a day of emptiness that I carried. Molly is a very loyal and affectionate dog and she knows that she is loved by our family very much. She is always obedient - so eager to please.
She is 13 years old.
We also have one of Molly's puppies, Dale, who is just as smart, pretty and loyal as his mom. He is 9 years old now.
Leisha and Me, My favorite Photo
Molly, who had 6 male puppies on 2/2/99.
Dale, a loyalist!
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