Please read the story of Leisha's Lights below.
She gave so much to be so little
Gifts and Awards for Leisha's site
Leisha was born with 18q deletion which is translated to a partial deletion of the 18th Chromosome. Anyone wishing more information on this syndrome is very welcome to email me and I will be happy to share all information that I have. There are few children actually born with this syndrome because the rate of fetal viability is very low.
Leisha died at the age of 8. She weighed 14 pounds and this was the top weight for her. She had many problems, including failure to thrive (the most obvious), cleft palate (not lip), hypotonia, and microcephaly. And she was so beautiful; I can't describe her well enough - please check out her picture.
All that being said, I want you to know that she is my angel. I feel so very priviledged to have had her for as long as I did and I feel great comfort in knowing that she is back in God's hands and suffers no more. She is truly the 'little angel of mine'.
Leisha did not see very well and because of the difficulty testing her, how well she could see could not be determined.
Why all the lights?--you may ask....continue
One day not long after her first or second Christmas - I took the Christmas tree down as we all do. Leisha seemed to be looking at the spot where the tree was. She fussed out loud in the sweetest way and I tried to figure out what it was that she was trying to tell me.Then one day, I could tell that she was looking at a bright colorful light and smiling the biggest smile such a small girl could have....and it dawned on me that she could see the Christmas tree lights and she 'missed' them.
That very day I went out and bought a 6' silk ficus tree and put 280 or so lights on it and set it up in the living room (this was around February or March). I took Leisha in to lay on 'her spot' on the sofa and faced her to the tree. Then I cautiously and hopefully went to the tree and light switch and holding my breath---I turned on the lights... 280 of them. I saw Leisha's eyes shine and a smile came upon her face-and at that moment I knew that she could see - she could at least see colors, bright beautiful colors and the smile on her face was worth a million times the cost of the tree and finding the lights 'at that time of year'.
So year after year, at Valentine's Day, Memorial Day, Halloween, and every other day of the year----Leisha's tree was on for her when she was home in her comfy little spot in this earth---and she smiled, and smiled, and smiled, the smile that only an Angel has.
And I remember a Halloween night when children were coming to our door for their trick or treats; some parents that were accompanying their children saw the lights (and they were Christmas lights) so I explained briefly why they were there (this was October). I knew that some of those parents left there with a greater love for their own children.
God does protect us and watch over us, and he never gives us more than we can handle if we ask his help (or even if we don't ask).
Leisha, my little angel, here are the lights-- and they are all for you. Enjoy!
May 1992, three months before her fifth birthday, cradled in my arms.
Please give your child a great big hug tonight.
Angel In My Path
On my way to a usual place
I felt a presence near,
It seemed a routine trip at first
But I knew that she was here,I traveled along as I usually do
Hurried - with foot on the gas,
Then I spied the presence of
The angel in my path,
Disguised in a robe of yellow
She fluttered to be seen,
Her appearance as a butterfly
Surely did not fool me.The angel danced before me
In the breezes of the day,
She knew just how to touch my heart
In the sweetest way.
—Rhonda Highsmith—
I want thank all who have read this tribute to my daughter, Leisha. The creation of this site was a very large part of my healing process. I hope that you each leave here with an Angel in your heart and hope for tomorrow. Please sign our guest book.
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The music you are listening to is 'Angels In The Wind'.
Original music composed by Tom Williams III,
Copyright © 1996-98 Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.
Used With Permission.
Leisha's site was created in 1998.
Site was first and last updated on 6/2/2006