Wheaten Puppies Need Lots of Love & Attention
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        Perhaps more than many other breeds, Wheaten Terriers thrive on human interaction and love. While they do get along without it, we have found that puppies are particularly responsive to their human family. Thus, from birth we keep puppies close to us - right in the middle of our daily lives. And we have been rewarded constantly with early, demonstrative affection from our little kids.

        Through the years, we have occasionally observed puppies born in kennels or outbuildings of some kind that do not respond easily to humans. Indeed, these puppies turn to their siblings for companionship, running from people when given the chance. Or even more disturbing is the puppy that sits in a far corner of its pen, refusing to come when called, apparently not understanding human attempts to befriend it. Such observations taught us years ago that if we wanted to have people-oriented babies, we needed to start cuddling and loving them right from birth.
        Consequently, breeding a litter of Wheaten puppies becomes a huge task involving far more than simply cleaning, feeding, and exercising the babies. Even before eyes and ears open, puppies at Riverrun get daily cuddling so they can learn our scent. And when eyes finally open and ears start hearing at last, we give even more individual attention to assure happy personalities.

        And what have 30+ years with Softcoated Wheaten Terriers taught us? We have been the recipients of devotion and companionship, freely given - of shared joy in simply being alive - and of hundreds of canine kisses that seemingly MUST be given. We have never taken our Wheatens' love for granted. They are our Irish blessing who have seen us through joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, up days and down.

        If we may be of service to you in any way as you look for or live with a Wheaten, please let us know. We are always ready to help people owned by Wheaten Terriers ;-).

       -Ken & Donna Henseler, Riverrun, e-mail: pensmoke@byelectric.com

        For additional information, please visit our other website at www.pageweb.com/wheaten7

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Peek-a-boo, I see you (and you and you and you and you)!

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At 5 wks., the puppies love to go out for a walk.


  Puppies climb into the dish when they
  first discover solid food!

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Ken with a shy little 4 wk. old boy.
  Sorry, the black face doesn't stay black.
  Sometimes an adult Wheaten will have
  gray ears and muzzle, but not often.
  Eye rims should be black.

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This little 9-wk.-old girl hasn't had her topknot trimmed!

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Wheaten puppies love to cuddle with themselves as well as humans.


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Main Page
Riverrun Types | Foreword  |  Wheaten Beginnings  |  Wheatens at Riverrun  
Characteristics  |  Puppy Coat  |  Wheaten Coat in Ireland / U.S. 
Wheaten Health  |  Questions to Ask Breeder  |  Wheaten Puppies Need Lots of Love & Attention