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riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay...                  

          Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce

        It has been many years since I wrote the first edition of this manual, and in that time my love of Wheatens has not diminished. Through the best and worst of times, Wheatens and I have had a love affair. I still find this breed the most unique, most loving and most rewarding of any I know. If you come to know Wheatens, you'll learn they simply cannot be replaced.

        This manual's purpose is to share with you something about the breed, a bit about us, and hints on how to find a reputable breeder. Some distinctions about breeders: First, there are breeders who research bloodlines, study pedigrees, learn about canine health and breed carefully. Second, there are occasional breeders who decide to have a litter - knowing little about their dog's background. Third, there are commercial breeders - often "puppy mills" - whose primary concern would appear to be money with health and quality far less important.

        How are you to know the differences among breeders? Many of us live in other parts of the country from you. To help you, I have prepared a list of questions appropriate to ask of any breeder with whom you speak or correspond. You will find it on the Questions to Ask of Any Breeder page. Your breeder is absolutely as important as the puppy you choose! He/she should be a person whom you know you can trust to help you at every step of your puppy's development. After all, in adding a new member to your family, you are making a long-term commitment. You should be certain your puppy is healthy, is a good representative of the breed, and has been socialized at an early age to live happily with its human family.

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A Great day for Riverrun...

Best of Breed,
Best of Winners,
Best of Opposite Sex

        This manual begins with a short history of the Wheaten. While other historical material is available, this tells of the beginnings. You'll also find additional material I hope is helpful to you in your search for a Wheaten puppy. One admonition: Be patient. That pet shop puppy may be cute, but is he healthy? What guarantees does he carry with him from the breeder? Will you ever know the breeder at all? Will you receive any written guarantees to guard your investment? You may have to wait a long time to get a good Wheaten. But the wait is worth it.

        Welcome, then, to the world of the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier...                                                                                                 Donna Henseler, Ph. D., Riverrun, 1999

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    Main Page
Riverrun Types | Foreword  |  Wheaten Beginnings  |  Wheatens at Riverrun  
Characteristics  |  Puppy Coat  |  Wheaten Coat in Ireland / U.S. 
Wheaten Health  |  Questions to Ask Breeder  |  Wheaten Puppies Need Lots of Love & Attention