I want to use this page to say thank you to a couple of great guys that have helped me a LOT with this homepage stuff.
First off Indrajeet who made the following images for me and also made a lot of the images and backgrounds and buttons on my pages, so I would like to give credit where credit is due. Thank you Indrajeet you are the Greatest!

Secondly I would like to thank Hatecapletters who has helped me Tremendously with all the HTML and coding and placement and yada yada yada. Who has answered my endless questions time and time again no matter how big or small. I am sure he thinks i am the most blonde person there ever was. LOL I think Griff/Blues said it all when he signed the guest book that we should all just hire ol capboy to retain our pages for us.... at least mine... hee hee THANK YOU

Finally I would also like to thank Griff who has made some images for me and taught me even More about html and pictures and OMG who would have ever thought that one person would have to know so much to be able to do this!
You guys have all been TONS of help and I want to Thank You so much!
AND now......... I would also like to thank everyone else who has helped me with doing all this. BWitchN, Pam, Kris, and Eric29 for all the help they have provided me with and Tom for showing me the little script trick. Thanks ! ! !

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