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Keep the flame burning for the lost lives 9-11

They can't keep Old Glory down!

I Am Your Flag

(Now and Then)

Now, you display me on your homes
And your vehicles so proudly;
Then, you left me on the shelf
'Twas a burden to unfold me.

Now, those who stand and hold me high
Are called Patriots of our Nation;
Then, they were labeled 'flag-wavers'
With a negative connotation.

Now, at games when I am raised,
A reverant hush befalls the crowd;
Then, I might as well have been
Invisible, you were so loud.

While I revel in this sudden faith
In the ideals for which I stand,
I'm saddened at the toll it took
To wake this complacent land.

God Bless America!

I am your flag, I've always stood
For freedom and brotherly love;
Take heed, America, and learn
From this wake-up call from above.

Right now this nation has united,
'Spite of color, race, or creed,
Against the malignant evil forces
That have done this horrible deed.

But when this painful trial is over
Will you forget me once again;
Return to living apathetically
Just like you did back then?

So many people gave their lives
So that I may ever wave
O'er this wonderful land of freedom--
Do not desecrate their graves.

I am your flag--I stand for peace,
Don't forget me, I implore,
Raise me high and show the world
Now . . . and forever more!

Old Glory - long may it wave!

©10/04/01 Linda E. Newman
All rights reserved.

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My thanks once again to Ms. Newman for her kind permission to use her poem.

Star-Spangled Banner" is from:
Laura's Midi Heaven

Graphics from:

The flaming candle at the top of the page was made by
You may visit her site and get a copy of the graphic for your web page.

Pat's Web Graphics

Boogie Jack's


Copyright © October, 2001-2003 by Elzie Hayes. All rights reserved.