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To the families of the missing and injured and murdered, to the families of the people murdered in airplanes used in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, we humbly offer our prayers, our hopes, our deepest sympathy and our love to each and every one of you. May God bless you and give you a measure of comfort and peace during these trying times.

To the firemen, policemen, volunteers, doctors and nurses and everybody else who are donating their services to trying to locate the missing, we give you our heartfelt, "Thank You!" May God bless you for your unselfish acts of kindness.

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I felt pain in my heart as I watched in dismay.
Two towers exploded in fire and I began to pray.
The people stood in horror as the planes began to fall.
No sense could be made as I watched another fireball.

Moments became hours as the sirens screamed in pain.
The towers began to tremble as the steel began to strain.
Brave firemen and policemen ran to the beacon call.
As the towers began to falter and lost were they all.

I felt pain in my heart as I watched in disbelief
The people on the ground were running for relief.
The world watched and cried with lady Liberty.
The crumbling walls of security now felt the agony.

I heard the sound of silence as another plane came down
It crashed into a fortress of military might on the ground.
The soldiers died and bled but no reason could be heard.
As the fires ripped great buildings I could not say a word.

For many hours I watched and many hours I cried.
So many precious people for no reason died.
No one could stop it, no one could bring them back.
The day America cried from a terrorist attack.

Yet now my heart sees hope and no longer sees despair
For brother now joins brother as we begin to repair.
Our hearts grow closer to our Father up above.
We again lean on HIM and demonstrate HIS love.

I will not forget the day my nation cried.
I will always remember, all the heroes that had died.
I'll call upon my God who delivered us from that day.
And say, "God bless America again, Lord, I pray."

By Terry L Richardson
Copyright © September 14, 2001

World Trade Center

Used with the kind permission of the author.

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Dear Heavenly Father, We are moved by the alarming news and crisis that our country is facing. This is the greatest nation, founded in the belief that "In God We Trust" and the Land of the Free. Please have mercy on those suffering, hurting and in fear, and give wisdom, strength to those who are assisting. May the forces of evil be broken by your power and may we be humble before Thee, our strength and refuge.

Give wisdom to our President, our leaders and bring your comforting peace through the power of your Holy Spirit. Help us reach out to those that have been affected by this tragedy In the name of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. AMEN

The above was sent to me by my niece. Please send this to all your friends and create a prayer chain throughout this nation. Thank you!

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Background from Pansy's Pics.

American flag from Boogie Jack's Web Depot.

World Trade Center from Animation Factory.

Scrolling Background from Dynamic Drive.

Copyright © September, 2001-2003 by Elzie Hayes. All rights reserved.