
Rebecca's Page

Hi and welcome to my web page!


["Click here to see more Easter 2000 Pictures"]

Here I am at 5 months old - December 1999.

["Click here to see Pictures with Santa 1999"]

Here I am at 2 months old with my big sister, Julia!

Here I am at 3 months old at Julia's 2nd birthday party!

This is me at one month old!

I was born on June 18th, 1999. Read all about it here:
Click here to read My 4 MONTH REPORT

Do you hear my favorite song playing?

My first halloween! was lots of fun!

Can you guess what I was? Quack, quack.

Rebecca - 4 months - Halloween 1999

Come back soon, I'm growing fast! Love, Rebecca

Visit my big sister, my Mommy, my Daddy, & our dog Annie:
[Julia's Page] [Mommy's Page] [Daddy's Page] [Annie's Woof Woof Page] [Main Page]

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