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What We Did Today...
My Journal

NEW Journal entries below: Our 2000 Holiday Season
Rebecca at 18 months - December 2000
November 26th entry just added here

Click Here: [to Read about our Holiday Season - December 2000]

November 26, 2000

I enjoyed today. Julia and I went to church this morning. Mark kept Rebecca. Julia loves her Sunday School class and her teacher, Ms. Judy. I really like our pastor, Brother Steve. He has been preaching about faith and moving mountains. I keep thinking about the John Michael Montgomery song I love called “If You’ve Got Love”. One line of it says, “If you’ve got love you can move a mountain a little farther down the line. You can move it all at once or one rock at a time…” I want more love in my life. Less stress. Less strife. I don’t have any friends at church. I don’t fit in. I feel very different. Different background. I’m very shy and insecure. Still I like to go. I wish I could make one really good friend there. Hopefully when Rebecca gets a little older I will be able to get more involved. The girls were so good today. What a pleasure. Julia was minding me very well. I am enjoying them so much. They are so much fun! We dance and sing and read and play. Dancing is my favorite. Rebecca is adorable! She really gets into it. And Julia is awesome. Twirling around and so graceful. Gotta love it! I have been enjoying downloading music from Napster on the internet. Huge variety! Wonderful and free!

I have really been enjoying chatting with other SAHM’s on Yahoo IM, ICQ and our message board. They are a wonderful support system! I would give anything to live close to some of them!!

I did some Christmas shopping today. Ordered the girls gifts from Santa online. Wonderful not to have to drive and shop for them! Ordered Julia an Art/Paint Easel and a Ballerina doll and Rebecca a Pooh Doll and Stroller set.

We watched the movie, “The Santa Clause” on TV tonight. I laughed and laughed. Julia and Rebecca liked it too. It was so nice the 4 of us together sharing that. We have never done that before. Rebecca thought Santa’s Reindeer were cows. She kept saying, “mmmmooooo, mmmmooooo…” It was so cute!

Both the girls need new shoes. I have looked a couple times already with no luck so tomorrow we are heading out again. Hoping to get an early start as Julia has dance class in the afternoon. I still am not good with the new camcorder. UGHH! I am going to take it to her dance class tomorrow anyway. Mainly so she can practice with the tape during the week. Alice In Wonderland will be here before we know it. I am really excited about it! We are supposed to do cast/publicity photos this week. I hope we get a good one with Julia in it! Wow! I just can’t get over how lucky I am! The fact that we are doing the photos is wonderful to me! And Julia in it! Awesome! I hope to get a picture of her with Alice and one of her and her classmates with the Walrus. They are soooo adorable.

I was very homesick last week (Thanksgiving). Feeling some better now. Don’t know when or if we will next get to Indiana. Sigh. We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner at Starr’s in Valdosta. Yummy! The girls were good too. Next weekend we are going to spend the weekend with Starr and go to the Valdosta Christmas Festival. We enjoyed that so much last year. Visit with Santa, Carriage Ride, Christmas Play, Making ornaments and a Parade. Can’t wait! Mark is planning to finish the front hall and also re-sand and add another coat of polyurethane to the living room, and hall floors. So we are waiting until next Sunday after he finishes that while we’re gone to Valdosta, to go get our Christmas Tree. Looking forward to that!

Rebecca at 18 months old - December 2000

Rebecca is growing by leaps and bounds! She is talking much more just lately and doing so many things. She is often right on Julia’s heals trying to do whatever big sis is doing. She can climb up into her highchair all by herself. She can also climb up on the step stool and wash her hands (rub a dub a dub) and brush her teeth all by herself. She loves to play dolls and she rocks, feeds, undresses, and sings to her babies. She puts them to bed and gives them rides in the doll stroller and swing also. She loves books and will sit and flip through books contentedly for extended periods of time. She also loves to be read to. She asks “what’s that” a lot, and she makes lots of animal sounds whenever she spies a cow “mmmmooooo”, bird “tweet, tweet”, dog “woof, woof, woof, woof”, owl “whoooo, whoooo”, or duck “quack, quack, quack”. She can identify and say two colors: yellow and blue. And she can count to three and say other numbers. She can point to and say, “nose”, “eye”, and “mouth”. If you say, “Who’s girl are you?” She replies, “Mama’s” Melts my heart!! She talks in short sentences too. For example she says “Julia gone night-night” and “Annie barks”. She can also say “Rock-a-bye Baby In the Tree Top”, and she sings along with me to Braham’s Lullaby. Very sweet. The best is when she says prayers. She folds her little hands and says “Bless Mimi, and Mama, and Julia, and Daddy” all on her own. Then I add more names and she repeats some of them. And when we get to “Grandpa Newton” she does a big raspberry! I love that!!

She is going potty some already, usually 1-2 times a day. I don’t push at all. She goes on her own. It is amazing to me! She is very good for diaper changes now (she used to fight me and wiggle like crazy). She is also good now for getting dressed and putting on shoes. She is still nursing. And she asks for her “num nums” occasionally. She sleeps well. After bath time we have story time. Both the girls select books and we pile up in Mark & my big bed, get really cozy and read and read. Rebecca and I get on the bed first pile all the pillows behind us, wrap up in the blanket, and then Rebecca will call Julia. “Juuuuliaaaaa!” It is really cute. Then Rebecca will say, “spot Julia” and pat the bed beside us, mimicking me saying “Here’s your spot, Julia”. Really adorable. After story time, I rock and sing to her and then lay her in her crib and she goes right to sleep. Usually between 8 and 9 PM. She gets up around 7 – 7:30 happy as can be. She takes 1 or 2 naps depending on our schedule. Either two one-hour naps at 11 and 2 or one two-hour nap from 1-3.

She loves to play outside. She can climb up the ladder and go down the slide all by herself too! She also loves the swing and the trampoline.

She loves Pooh and can say “Pooh” and “Roo” and “Bit” for Rabbit. Doesn’t say Tigger, Eeyore or Piglet yet. She also loves Teletubbies and says two of their names, “La La, and Po”. And she also says “Nu Nu” the name of the Teletubbies cleaning machine – wish I had one of those!! Cleans up every mess!

She is still very much Mama’s girl and cries if anyone besides Daddy & Mommy pick her up. She stays with Mema & Papa for short amounts of time occasionally and is doing fine with that now, but still will not stay in the Church Nursery without me.

She is a good eater. Some of her favorite foods are bananas, grapes, macaroni & cheese, green beans, raisins, hull-less popcorn & cheese. She can ask for what she wants more of by name and also say “milk” and “juice”.

She is very loving and affectionate. Gives kisses and hugs, loves to be held, laughs and smiles a lot. She also has a mind of her own and says “no” and “mine!” frequently. She is learning to share. Sometimes she and Julia do very well together and sometimes it is all out war.

Previous Journal entries:
[Journal Entries September 2000] [Journal Entries June 2000] [Journal Entries through May 11, 2000] [Journal Entries for December 1999 through February 2000] [Journal Entries for December 12th, 1999] [Journal Entries for November 26th, 1999] [Journal Entries for November 6th through November 20th, 1999] [Journal Entries for October 9th through October 30th, 1999] [Journal Entries for September 26th through October 8th, 1999] [Journal Entries for September 18th, through September 25th, 1999] [Journal Entries for September 8th, through September 17th, 1999] [Journal Entry: As Julia Approaches 3 Months - Dec 13th, 1997] [Journal Entries: Julia At 4+ Months - Jan 24th & Feb 3rd, 1998] [Journal Entry: Julia is 6 months old... - March 15th, 1998] [Journal Entry: Time crunch... - Sunday, June 21st, 1998] [Journal Entry: Decisions, decisions... - Saturday, July 25th, 1998]

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