Malin, Elijah, Jun., an Elder who died while returning home to Winter Quarters from a mission, was born March 11, 1808 in Chester County, Penn., the son of Elijah Malin Sr. and Catherine Essick. In 1830 (Feb 4th) he married Sarah McQuicken [McGuckin], in Chester county [Pennsylvania]. She bore her husband four children, namely John McQuicken, Margaret Ann, Catherine and James Elijah Malin. Elijah Jr.'s parents had become converts to Mormonism, so Elijah Jr. and his family also joined the Church, he being baptized Jan 2, 1841 [another date in IGI is 29 July 1939.] Soon afterwards he was ordained to the office of an Elder by Lorenzo D. Barnes(1) and moved to Nauvoo. On Thursday, December 18, 1845: Elijah Jr., Eliza, and Sarah Malin received their ordinances in the Nauvoo temple. (3) Their stay in Nauvoo was short as the Saints were driven out and they soon moved slowly westward until they reached Winter Quarters in Nebraska.(2) Elijah Malin Jr. and his wife took their 3 children and Elijah's father and mother leaving 1 May 1846 to Nauvoo Ill. to join the Mormons. Son John was ordained to the priesthood in 1849 at Bird's settlement near Council Bluffs, Missouri. (5) [For details of their trip to Winter Quarters from Nauvoo see Elijah Sr.'s history.] On the journey westward from Nauvoo, Elijah lost most of his livestock and suffered with the rest of his co-religionists during those perilous times. (1)
Elijah Jr. assisted to fit out
the ship "Brooklyn,"which in Feb 1846 sailed from New
York with a company of saints, bound for California by way of
Cape Horn. ["The Brooklyn", a 445-ton ship, 125
feet long, was one of the first passenger ships to make the New
York to San Francisco journey, and was organized by the young
Sam Brannan, an Elder in the Church of the Latter-day Saints."
See photo of Brooklyn on the left. ] (7). By this ship Elijah
Jr. sent some very valuable goods, part of which was lost on the
voyage or after the arrival in California. He had sent a barrel
of metal parts for farming implements also a chest of dishes,
table linen, bedding, etc. as there had been no chance to get
these things from California to the valley. President Young had
them sold, the money was placed in the emigration fund and furnished
Elijah Jr.'s family with a wagon and cattle to bring them on west.(8)
Life was difficult in Winter Quarters for the family of Elijah Jr. Malin, Sarah McGucken and their three children. Elijah and Sarah Malin were desperately ill that hard winter of 1846, with rheumatic fever. Two of the children had canker in a bad form. Thus their son John was the only one able to care for the rest of the family. Towards spring provisions gave out and such bits of clothing or household goods as could be spared were sold. John was but thirteen years old and had a chance to drive a team to St. Joseph, Mo., for one who had money to buy food, he was paid in provisions. In looking back to that year the family marveled how they managed, until harvest. Corn bread they had most of the time, wheat bread but seldom. The sick children with sore mouths and throats could not swallow the corn bread.(6)
In the Spring of 1847 after the companies had moved on westward, following the pioneers, the Malin family moved to what was known as the South Line of the camp. All winter they had lived in a dugout a few yards outside the camp's west line. They put poles for the sides of the dugout above the ground, a fireplace was cut in the hill at the back. The front was made of puncheon, )thick boards sawed with a whip saw). Before these were put in place the bed from their wagon was lifted inside. In this the family slept snuggly all that winter. The spring of 1848 all who could get the necessary outfit came on to the valley of the Salt Lake. So few were left that it was thought best to return to the East side of the river [Iowa], as protection was better there should the Indians become hostile. This camp was called Bird's Settlement or Lake Branch of the church. The Malin family built a comfortable home here and as soon as such seeds as could be obtained were planted, Sarah's husband was called to return to his home in Penn., on a mission. Receiving his permit to preach Mormonism, he started back over the road he had covered but a short time before. He walked, rode when asked, and that part of the journey that had to be made by boat, he paid for his passage by sawing wood.(8)
In April, 1848, Elijah Jr. was called on a mission to the Eastern States, together with Henry Kearns. His principal field of labor was Chester County, Pennsylvania where he looked after some property which had been left there unsold at the time he first moved west. After laboring faithfully as a missionary, according to his appointment, he left Philadelphia in April 1849 to travel to the headquarters of the church on the frontiers, together with Wm. I. Appleby and others [including his little company of converts.] On the journey while traveling on a river steamer near Louisville, Kentucky. Brother Malin was stricken with cholera and suffered severely on the rest of the journey to St. Louis, where he died Mar 5, 1849 at his brother Samuel Malin's home. Elijah Malin, Jr., had planned to take his parents to Utah. His brother Sam and wife Mary had not made up their mind about going to Utah, but when Elijah Jr. died, Sam agreed to take his parents [Elijah and Catherine Essick Malin Sr.] They immigrated in 1849. (1)
Elijah Malin Jr's widow Sarah would
not be able to leave for the Salt Lake valley until 1852. Hazel
Malin Black tells us..."My little Quaker grandmother shouldered
the added responsibilities[after her husband's death.] She could
not leave for the valley as soon as her husband had planned, but
in the spring of 1852, Sarah sold her home to a merchant at Kanesville,
she received $90 in store pay. This helped provision them for
their journey across the plains. May 1st, 1852, the widow and
her three children left their home [see Wm. Christensen's painting
of Winter Quarters on the right] with sorrowful hearts, because
they were leaving behind the dear husband and father who had so
often expressed the desire to come to the valley.(8) They emigrated
to Utah, being partly assisted to the Valley by the Church [Perpetual
Emigration Fund.](2) Elijah Jr.'s son, John
M. Malin drove the family team across the plains and mountains.
They arrived here [in the Salt Lake valley] Sep 15, 1852. After settling with the emigration co., they had a wagon, one yoke oxen, and $7. President Young gave them the use of two rooms in one of his houses for the winter. [Sarah's children] John and Margaret Ann soon found work, Sarah keeping the little family together made a home in the 1?th Ward, on 3rd South between 3rd and 4th East Streets. Here she had a school, she taught as long as her help was needed. When her youngest child (my father) married and came to live in the 10th ward, he brought his mother with him, the house he built for her still stands just North of my home at 563 S 8th E. She remained here happy and useful until her death Oct 24, 1877. I never knew my grandmother, but mother taught me to love her with the brave courageous stories she told us about her. As I write I have a letter before me written by John Hayes of Spanish Fork, 84 years old: (8)
She had the quality of sincerity few people have. Pure in thought and action as the pure mountain streams. Noble in every sense of the work. A heart full of love and sympathy for those in need. She loved God with her whole heart, and loved God's children and neighbors with all the affection of a fond mother. Kind beyond expression to the lonely boy six thousand miles from every living relative, loving and caring for him as one of her own. Was tolerant towards him, fed him, and loved him to the end of her days. Sincere in her devotion to God and His servants. A lover of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the gospel He sent to the earth for the salvation of His father's children. She had self respect, which brings respect from others for you. Will power to accept the truth, and to leave all worldly ties behind, and courage to make the journey across the dreary plains. Bold in character she held the admiration of those who knew her. A heart full of humility, willing to serve others. Was industrious, clean in body and thoughts and home and always loyal to God and friends.
One of the Lord's noblest of daughters, tender and gentle, pleasant, useful and a true lady.
Signed John H. Hayes" (8)[Through some research I discovered that John Henry Hayes was 10 years old when he came across the plains alone in Samuel D. White's Company in 1862.] Photo credit (10)
(1) "Elijah Malin Jr." Latter-Day Saint Biographical
Encyclopedia, p. 674-675
(2) DUP. "Margarent Ann Malin Woodward." Pioneer
Women of Faith and Fortitude Vol. IV, p. 3442
(3) Bosley history mentions Elijah Malin Jr., see
(4) Mormon Overland Trail Diaries (1847-1868) see then click on "church history" then "Overland Trail Diaries"
(5) FGS in Archives James Erwin Essick record in Gen. lib, A8F53
p 26-27 submitted by Mrs. C. Wm. Burningham of Sacramento Ca.
(6) "Sketch of the Life of Sarah Mcquckin Malin, Pioneer
of Sept 15, 1852" by her grand daughter, Hazel Malin Black,
DUP collection
website about the Brooklyn including passenger lists, etc.
also photo used above
(8) Sketch of the Life of Sarah McQuckin Malin: Pioneer of Sept
15, 1852 by Hazel Malin Black, DUP History Dept.
(9) DUP. Women of Faith and Fortitude. (10) Photo of Sarah McGuckin Malin from DUP Museum in SLC photo collection, see then click on photo list
Margaret Ann Malin Woodard -daughter of Elijah Jr. and Sarah McGuckin Malin
born 14 Feb 1835 Penn. to Elijah Malin Jr. & Sarah Mc Guckin, died 17 Nov 1910 Draper SLC, Utah, pioneer 15 Sep 1852 Wagon Train co., Spouse Charles N Woodard m. 27 Apr 1856 SLC,SL,UT, Death 5 Jan 1912 SLC, Children: Charles N 3 Aug 1857, Margaret Ann 19 Feb 1859, John Franklin 11 Apr 1861, Jedediah 2 Jan 1863, Sarah Emily 5 Mar 1865, Catherine Eliza 10 Jan 1869, Emma 24 Feb 1871, James Elijah Malin 29 Aug 1875, and Anna Laura 15 Sep 1877Margaret Ann was born in Pennsylvania in 1835. Her father died in St. Louis in May 1849 leaving his parents and the rest of the family destitute. In 1852 they came west with the help of the Perpetual Emigration Fund arriving in Sept 1852. Margaret Ann taught school for a time until she was married to Charles Northrup Woodard in April 1856. They were wed in one of the upstairs rooms of the Lion House in SLC. They moved to Rhodes Valley (Kamas), Summit, Utah in 1869, where they lived until 1908. She was a counselor in the Relief Society for 22 yrs and always cared for the homeless and needy. She was the mother of 9 children, refined and well educated for the time. She always longed to return to SLC and about 1908 she moved with her son back to SLC. She passed away in 1910 after an illness of nearly two years and is buried in the little cemetery at Kamas, Ut.(9)
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