Catherine Essick
Malin, Pioneer of 1848
by Hazel Malin Black, DUP, [edited] and photos added by Lin Floyd,
"Commemorating the planting of one of the oldest trees in Utah, Camp 3-DUP has fastened a plaque to a black locust tree at 604 Second East Street that was planted in 1850 by Mrs. Catherine Essick Malin." [See her photo on the right from DUP files-I hope sometime to get a better copy of this tiny much copied photo.] The above short bit was in one of our evening newspapers of October 19,1939 and it was my great grandmother who planted the tree in front of her home in the valley just about two years after her arrival in 1848. This seems an opportune time to write her history as her ancestors came from Germany in 1736 or 205 years ago just as another bloody war (the Thirty-Year War) was drawing to a close and had almost depopulated the Rheinish Palationate, so naturally the remaining inhabitants were anxious to seek a home where they could have peace and more freedom. They had suffered so much they even thought of leaving the Fatherland to start afresh in the new unsettled country across the Atlantic Ocean, a trip which required from four to twelve weeks in those days.
Wm. Penn (5) knowing the sorry plight of these poor Germans and hoping to get just such a group of industrious people to settle his new colony here in America, sent [Lutheran?] missionaries into their country to stimulate immigration here where all would have equal rights. These missionaries were so convincing that about the year 1707 a great influx of German immigrants began to come to America. As early as 1717 public attention was excited at the number of Germans arriving in the new Pennsylvania. Ten years later, 1727, the Provincial Council adopted and enforced a resolution compelling every foreigner, at the time of his arrival in Philadelphia, to sign a document declaring his allegiance to the king of Great Britain and fidelity to the proprietor of the Province of Pennsylvania. These signatures are preserved in the archives of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It is through these records we are able to ascertain the correct date of the arrival of the Essick family in America.
On Sept. 16, 1736, 330 Germans
from the Rheinish Palatinate arrived at the port of Philadelphia
[port drawing on the left (1) ] on the ship Princess Agusta.,
Samuel Merch and Master. Among this number were Rudolph Essig,
aged 70 years, his two sons George Abraham, aged 40 and Hans Michael,
aged 30. These sons brought their families with them. It is from
the line of Hans Michael that my great grandmother comes. The
family settled in the vicinity of Trappe near Collegeville, Montgomery
Co, Pennsylvania as from records kept in the Augustus Lutheran
Church at that place in 1743 can be found the family names recorded,
which were translated from German to English and published in
the history of Pennsylvania German Pioneers.
Hans Micheal and his wife Justina Catherina Essig were the parents of seven children, the fourth born, Rudolph, to the one this history is interested in, was born about 1841 or 1742. He married Maria Berger on March 10, 1769 in the Augusta Lutheran Church. These are the parents of Catherine (my great grandmother). Her father Rudolph died Aug 6, 1815,, aged 74, he is buried in Brandywine Manor Church yard, (in 1939 when I visited in Pennsylvania I was taken to his burial place. The headstone is preserved beautifully and easy to read.) He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, with the troops form Vincent Township. It was during this period he changed his name from the German "Essig" to the English "Essick". [A ship's list of the Princess Augusta lists Rudolph "Essich" (70), Hance Michael Essich (30) and George Essich (40) couldn't find their families listed.(3)] During the time of distress at Valley Forge, he and some of his townsmen supplied horses for Washington's army and for this service their names were carved in the church they attended. I have a photograph of the list of names and the letter of appreciation. Valley Forge was near the county where my ancestors lived.
I have a copy of great great grandfather Rudolph's will made Jan 16, 1815. I am so very proud that in that day when illiteracy was so prevalent he, at past 74, could write a nice readable hand. Very proud too, I am of the love and consideration he shows his family in this fine old will and I quote, "I do give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary, the small house on the estate with the garden there to belonging, and whoever lives in the mansion shall cut and hawl her fire wood (and that of good quality) to her door, in suitable length for her fire, and I also give her one cow, the choice of my flock, which shall be well kept for her both summer and winter by the same person who shall purchase or occupy the plantation and I also give her the 1/3 part of the prophets (sic) of my plantation, all of which she shall and may enjoy for and during the term of her widowhood, and two feather beds, bedsteads and bedding such as she may choose, my bureau, her choice of the best chests, 1/2 a dozen tablespoons, 1/2 doz. pewter plates, 1/2 a doz. teacups and saucers, one teapot, a small walnut table, a small iron pot, a tea kettle, a coffee pot, two buckets, as much wheat and rye flour as will be sufficient for her for six months and meal equivalent there to for the same time and $40, to be paid herein cash within three months after my decease."
The inheritance of each of his
eleven living children follows in a clear and decisive manner.
Great grandmother Catherine was included, her dividends were to
be paid to her or her order. She grew to womanhood not far from
the slow-moving Brandwine River in Chester Co. which even today
is still beautiful, peaceful. [Map on right is of Pennsylvania
and New Jersey in 1835, X marks where Philadelphia is and also
Montgomery County, Chester County is directly SW of there.(4)]
At the age of 20 years Catherine married my great grandfather,
Elijah Malin Sr. and to them were born five sons and 5 daughters.
[Sidney-1800, Anna-1802, Sarah-1804, Nancy-1806, Elijah Jr-1808,
Levi-1811, Samuel-1813, Rudolph-1815, Thomas-1818 and Eliza-1820.]
My grandfather Elijah Malin Jr was one of the five sons.
In the winter of 1838, the Prophet Joseph Smith visited Chester
Co. and most of the Malin family accepted the message he brought.
Before the Prophet left he organized the Chester Co. Branch of
the church and pointing to my grandfather [Elijah Malin Jr.] who
was sitting in the rear of the congregation he said, "I choose
that man over there to be presiding Elder of the branch."
W.W. Rilir told us Elijah Jr.'s mother [Catherine Essig Malin]
was in the room when grandfather was called, she always regarded
the choice as prophetic as the branch grew and prospered until
their departure for the west in the year 1845 and 1846 during
which time practically the entire branch emigrated west. This
splendid man [Elijah Malin Jr.] never reached the place in the
west of his dreams, his lot was one of those pitiful graves beside
the Milman Trail. His courageous wife [Sarah McGuckin] with three
children, my father [John
McGuckin Malin-1833, Margaret
Ann Malin-1835 and James Malin-1839, a daughter Catherine Malin-1837
had died in 1839] continued the long hard trek west without him
[in 1852].
Catherine Essick Malin aged 69 years, (like her grandfather, Rudolph Essig, aged 70) who emigrated from Germany to America, made the long hard trip to Utah in 1848 [the Benson company came in 1849 but Elijah Sr (74) and Catherine (69) are listed in coming in 1848 in the Williard Richards Company with their daughter Eliza (28). I doubt they made the trip twice. They are listed in 1849 in the Benson company with their son Samuel Malin (35), his wife Mary A. (33) and infant son C.B. (Council Bluffs)] ...Their daughter Maria was married to Jacob Weiler who came to Utah the first year-1847. The aged Catherine and Elijah Sr. [see details of their coming to Salt Lake in Elijah Malin Jr's history] sent money with the Weilers so that their home would be ready for them in the Salt Lake valley when they could get here the following year. And so the home where Camp 3-DUP marked great grandmother Catherine's tree was the one Jacob Weiler [their son-in-law] had waiting. Jacob Weiler was one of the first Bishops in the Third Ward. His home was on the South part of the block on 2nd East 7th South.
Additional Sources:
Record of Elijah Malin Sr. and his wife
Catherine Essick (or Essex)
by Leah Yates Stowell, DUP, June 1977
"May 1, 1846, Elijah Malin
Jr. took his wife, three remaining children and his aged parents,
Elijah, Sr. and Catherine Essex Malin and started for the west
to join the Mormons. They went via Downington to Columbia. There
they took a stage to Middlestown, and a [train] car on to Harrisburg.
At Harrisburg they took a canal boat to Hollisdaysburgh. From
there they took a train to Johnstown over the mountains and then
canal boat to Pittsburg. The next place reached was Nauvoo, Illinois.
For further history of these pilgrims, will quote the biography
of Margaret Ann Malin Woodward [grand daughter of Elijah Sr.].
She writes: "My parents embraced Mormonism about the year
1840. My father [Elijah Jr.] was president of the Chester County
Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which
position he held until we moved to Nauvoo, Illinois in 1846. (Not
a correct date, as Elijah Sr and Catherine received their endowments
in Nauvoo 18 Dec 1845. Also patriarchal blessings by Hyrum Smith
on Mar 16, 1844, so the family was there sooner.) I have no recollection
of there being enough Saints left in Chester County to have an
organization after that. I think he stayed until all who wished
to immigrate were gone."
"On May 18, 1846, we left Nauvoo, Ill. and started on our journey westward [across Iowa towards the west having been driven out of Nauvoo by mobs] not knowing our destination. We travelled in the company headed by Stephen Markem [Markham?]. It was not though wise to continue the journey [to Salt Lake Valley] that fall, and all hands went to work to cut hay and prepare for winter. The place chosen lay on the west side of the Missouri River then in Indian territory and now in Nebraska, and was called Winter Quarters or Camp Israel. Towards spring, our provisions gave out. Then we sold our clothing. How we managed to live that year until the harvest I cannot tell. Corn bread I could not swallow except it was the outer crust. Wheat bread we had but rarely. I remember going to visit a girl friend [Margaret the teller of this story was about 12 at this time.]. Glory, they had wheat bread, butter and milk for supper. I shall never forget how that table looked. When I was ready to go home, Mrs. Beers asked me if we had any flour. I told her "no" She gave me a quart to take home. O, wasn't I glad. I almost flew home so the family could have wheat bread for supper."
"All winter long we had lived in a dug out (a large hole dug in the side of a hill; we had put poles for the sides and cut a fireplace in the hill, the sod of which was cut out, served to build the chimney. The front of the dugout was made of puncheon (thick boards sawed with a whip saw). Before these were put in place, we took the bed from our wagon and put inside. In this we made our beds and slept warm all winter. In the spring of 1847, after the companies had gone westward (following the pioneers). we moved to what was known as the south line of the camp. In the spring of 1848, all who could get an outfit to come to Salt Lake Valley, did so. So few were left that we were not safe, should the Indians become hostile towards us, so who were left, returned to the east side of the river. After father (Elijah Jr.) had built us a house and planted such seeds as we could get, he started back to Pennsylvania on a mission. He arrived in Chester County and stayed there until the spring of 1849. He started home with a small company of Saints and was taken with cholera. He died in St. Louis, Missouri May 5, 1849 at the home of his brother, Samuel Malin. His death left us and his aged parents with on one to look to for support. Samuel Malin came on from St. Louis, and, having means, came to Salt Lake the same year, bringing his father and mother and his sister Sarah with him. He kindly offered to share his outfit with us, but my mother didn't think it best for us to accept." [See Elijah Malin Jr history for details of the family's trip to Salt Lake in 1852. The excerpts above are from the journal of Margaret Ann Malin Woodward-daughter of Elijah Malin, Jr. Ref # in SLC Family History Library is PB 29.2#767 Malin family or microfilm FHL US/CAN Fiche 6018146.]
Life in Nauvoo for the Malin Families
by Lin Floyd, 2005
In May 2000, I was able to make
a ten day trip to Missouri and Nauvoo to learn more about my ancestors.
I had for a number of years, (since 1960 when I started gathering
my genealogy), known that many of my ancestors on both sides of
my family lived in or near Nauvoo and were Mormon pioneers. Now
I wanted to go and see where they lived and try to understand
their lives and the sacrifices they made for the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints.
A quick stop in the Nauvoo Land and Records Office revealed that
some of my ancestors (Elijah Malin and Albert Clements) lived
across from each other. Unfortunately none of their houses are
still standing but a photo of the house of Elijah Malin Jr's and
his son-in-law Jacob Weiler's house which is still standing, were
located in a book at the land office.(1) How fun to stand on Elijah's
property and try to imagine what daily life was like for them
in old Nauvoo. On the map on the right, X marks the spot where
Elijah Malin Sr.'s home stood. It's on the main highway into Nauvoo
on the lower level near the Mississippi River and not far from
Joseph Smith's home. Towering on the hill above and slightly NE
is the restored Nauvoo Temple on lot #1 which Elijah and family
would have helped build and attended before their exodus from
"The Elijah Malin home was built on the west side of Durphy (Hwy 96) between Mulholland and White streets. Nonextant two story brick home. (Block 91, Lot 4) Elijah Malin [Sr.] was born on 1 Feb 1774 at Willistown, Chester County, Penn. He married Catherine Essex on 19 Mar 1797 in Chester County, Penn. Malin was apparently baptized in 1840. He was endowed in the Nauvoo Temple on 18 Dec. 1845." (1) In the photo below from the same book, Elijah Malin's home is on the right and Jacob Weiler's (he married Elijah Sr.'s daughter Anna Maria Malin) home is on the left. Jacob Weiler's home has been restored and is used by missionaries and not open for tours, but there is only a vacant lot where Elijah Sr.'s home once stood.
"Jacob Weiler
was born on 14 Mar 1808 in Churchtown, Lancaster, Penn. He married
Anna M Malin on 12 Aug 1830 in Chester County, Penn. Weiler was
baptized on 16 March 1840. The Weiler family arrived in Nauvoo
on 6 July 1840. He was a contractor by trade and worked extensively
on the temple. He was endowed in the Nauvoo Temple on 18 Dec 1845."
In the same source, he tells how he bought his land: "After
looking around for a few days [after their arrival in Nauvoo]
I purchased a lot from the Prophet Joseph Smith in a very nice
part of the city for which I paid eight hundred dollars. I afterwards
built a nice brick home for my family...We enjoyed our home in
the city very much but our enemies were jealous of our happiness
and prosperity and were determined we should not remain long unmolested...I
crossed the river [June 1846] on a flat boat, having sold my house
that cost me $1200 for $200." (1)
I believe from records I've found that the Jacob Weiler, Elijah Malin Sr. and Jr. families all moved to Nauvoo about the same time in 1840 and lived there until they were driven out in 1846. (5) Temple endowment info shows that on Dec 18 1845 the following Malin family members were endowed: Elijah Sr, Catherine his wife, their daughters Eliza Ann, Sarah, and Maria and her husband Jacob Weiler. Catherine and Elijah Malin Sr. were sealed.(4) Daughter-in-law Sarah McGuckin Malin, wife of Elijah Malin Jr., was endowed after she came to SLC on 10 Jul 1852. Both Sarah and Elijah Jr. were baptized in 1839. Information on when they left Winter Quarters varies as can be seen in the list below.(7) It's more likely that Catherine and Elijah Malin left in 1849 with son Samuel as the above stories confirm. They were too old to make the trip twice back and forth to SL valley. Interesting notes below the lists of the Ezra T. Benson's company's trip.
Willard Richards Company (1848)
Malin, Catherine Essex (69)
Malin, Elijah (74) sr.
Malin, Elisa Ann (or Eliza) (28)-their youngest daughter
Ezra T. Benson Company (1849)
Malin, Catherine (70)
Malin, Council Bluffs (infant) samuel and mary's baby
Malin, Elijah (75)
Malin, Mary A. (33)
Malin, Samuel (35)
[Ezra T. Benson Company, Departure: 15 July 1849, Arrival in Salt Lake Valley: 25-29 October 1849. (4) Company Information: The company began its journey from the outfitting post at Kanesville, Iowa. They combined with the George A. Smith company as they traveled close together crossing the plains. List of travelers included: Bosley, George W. (10), Malin, C. B. (infant), Malin, Catherine (70), Malin, Elijah (75), Malin, Mary A. (33), Malin, Samuel (35), Malin ( or Young ), Sarah (43). This would be Elijah Jr's unmarried sister Sarah Malin or Young-she was married in polygamy to Brigham Young in a cave at Winter Quarters or Far West, Elijah Sr. and wife Catherine, their son Samuel Malin and his wife Mary Bosley, their child Council Bluffs (C.B.) and possibly Mary's brother George Bosley. Elijah Malin Sr. (74) and Catherine Essex Malin (69) are also erroneously listed as coming in 1848 in the Willard Richards Company with daughter Eliza Malin (28). But I doubt they made two trips across the plains. Don't know when daughter Eliza came.] (5)
"Last year we requested of the merchants in Kanesville to procure good and substantial materials for wagon covers, which was wanted by the imigrants to the valley, and we expected they would procure it, and they assured us they had, and we purchased under that consideration; but be assured we have been deceived, as the material (although double), will not prevent the rain from coming through and wetting our provisions, beds, &c. We would therefore counsel our brethren, that intend making purchases of material for wagon covers for future emigrating, not to purchase any such material as that sold to us, but purchase good, substantial, glazed cloth or bed ticking. Our statistics are follows, as near as we can ascertain at present: - 129 Wagons, 4 Ponies, 74 Chickens, 2 Marriages, 467 Souls, 514 Oxen, 22 Cats, 2 Births, 125 Men, 243 Cows, 26 Dogs, No Deaths, 23 Horses, 70 S. Cattle, 21 Ducks, 157 Guns, 1 Mule, 100 Sheep, 4 Turkies, 38 Pistols. 12 Pigs, 2 Doves,""We are composed of Yankees, English, Welsh, Norwegian, &c., yet we are one, although of different dialects and nations. The English are doing first rate, as also the Welsh. They are well fitted out with teams and provisions; are in good spirits, are joyful, and make the camp resound with the songs of Zion in the evening after carreling. We left Winter Quarters on the 14th day of July, with about 130 wagons. At the Platte Liberty Pole, for convenience, herding, &c., we divided the company into two camps, denominated G. A. Smith's camp, including the Welsh company (under Captain Dan Jones, consisting of some twenty-five wagons) and E. T. Benson's, including the Norwegian company, making two camps, yet traveling and encamping near each other all the while. Our progress, thus far, you will perceive has been slow, owing to the wet, muddy, and miry state of the roads, rendered so by the incessant rains we have experienced since we left the Elk Horn; indeed it has been shower after shower of wind, rain, thunder, lightning, and hail. There has been no scarcity of water all through this Indian country, nearly every creek that was dry heretofore when the emigrating companies passed, has now plenty of water in them, and the grass on their prairies is very little behind the prolific yield of the prairies of Illinois." Source Smith, George A., Ezra T. Benson, and William I. Appleby, [Letter, 21 Aug. 1849], Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star, 15 Nov. 1849, 348-50. found on Ezra T. Benson Company 15 Jun 1849 (5),16272,4019-1-65,00.html
Patriarchal Blessing-Elijah Malin [Sr.]
A Patriarchal blessing of Elijah Malin son of Thomas and Hanah Malin Born in Willistown Township County of Chester State of Pensylvania Feb 1st 1746 [1774]
Brother Elijah I lay my hands upon your head in the name of Jesus of Nazareth to place and seal a blessing upon you touching the points that are most escencial in relation to rights inherent Priesthood as also inheritance according to the law of Israel statutes and judgements of God. Behold I say unto you Elijah you shall be blessed in your old age and shall have and recieve a part in the promise and blessings that are left on record unto the seed of Abraham and shall enter into the rest that was left for the people of God and you shall be blessed even spiritualy and temporaly notwithstanding there are trials incident to your age day and generation in which you live neretheless there shall be comfort and consolation in the administrations of the Holy Spirit and in the oracles and in the knowledge that shall be imparted and you shall be blessed with the Priesthood and you children also and with an inheritance in the lineage of your Father, which are rights that are inherent the same rights to pass down in lineage unto posterity from generation to generation and your name shall be perpetuated and handed hown in honor unto the latest generation and I ordain and confirm upon your head the High Priesthood which is after the order of Melchisadec which is after the order of the Son of God & ordain ou an High PRiest in this Church of Jesus Christ to preach repentance and Remission of sins throough faith in the name of Jesus Christ and the endurance of faith in his name unto the end therefore if you will bear testimony from time to time you shall recieve your King and a blessing for your labour in the eleventh hour and come up unto Mount Zion and sing the Song of Moses and the Lamb and stand with those which are sealed in their foreheads and will enter into life eternal and recieve a fulness of the everlasting covenant with the Remnants of the seed of Joseph. These blessing I seal upon your Head even so Amen. given by Hyrum Smith Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ Mar 17, 1844 (3)
(1) Holzapfel, Richard. Old Mormon Nauvoo and Southeastern
Iowa, Santa Ana, Calif: Fieldbrook Productions, 1991, p. 74-75)
(2) Esshom, Frank. "Elijah Malin Sr." Pioneers and
Prominent Men of Utah, 1913, p. 1021-biographical info but
no photo
(3) Patriarchal Blessing-"Elijah Malin" (41-241)
from Church Historical Dept-SLC, given Mar 17, 1844 in Nauvoo
by Hyrum Smith
(4) Nauvoo Land Office-copy from Nauvoo Temple Endowment Register,
1845-46, p. 28, Dec 18, 1845 (endowments+sealing of Elijah
Malin Sr and Catherine Essex Malin); house located on block 91
Lot 4. Not sure if Eliljah Jr and his family lived here also but
perhaps he did.
(5) Nauvoo Land Office-copy of Black, Susan Easton. Membership
of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, p. 162-165.
Lists references where Elijah Malin's name is found: Illinois,
Nauvoo City Tax Lists 1842, Nauvoo Property Transactions 1841,
1846, Illinois, Nauvoo Federal Census 1842, Utah Fed. Census 1851
which states that in 1850, Elijah had a household of four, a real
wealth of $60 and no personal wealth.
(6) Wiggins, Marvin. Mormons and Their Neighbors, p.
(7) Mormon Pioneer Overland Trail website,16272,4019-1-65,00.html
© 2005 Lin Floyd, to contact me for more information, sign my guest book on my Main page