Letter Summaries

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Here is a list of all of the letters and a summary of their contents.

Happy reading!

In the transcriptions,the original misspellings have been preserved,but the punctuation and capitalization have been corrected to enhance readability. Sometimes, the words were difficult to read. I usually didn’t make a guess. If there was any doubt, I simply included question marks.

Letter Summaries

Date From Location To Subjects Names
2/19/1862 Isaac Overall Post Summersville 36th Ohio Reg Company I Wife Jane Overall -Trip on a boat to get to Summersville
-Arrival of artillery and pack mules
-Carney Chambers getting married
3/9/1862 Isaac Overall Camp Summersville Wife Jane Overall -Selling his overcoat
-Going to Gallipolise
-Wants news from Chambersburgh
-Caught a rebel
-Looking for the old man
3/17/1862 Isaac Overall Camp Summersville Wife Jane Overall -Neighbors are being good to Jane
-Got stamps from Unkle Ab
-Sending a coat to Jane
-Marching orders are coming
-Not afraid to fight the rebels
-Sent a picture
-Unkle Ab
-Mr. Chambers
5/10/1862 Isaac Overall Camp Summersville Wife Jane Overall -Been out scouting for horse thiefs and bushwhackers
-Hung two of them
-Rebels cut head off a young boy and killed the mail carrier
6/2/1862 Isaac Overall Camp Meadow Bluff Wife Jane Overall -Location near Louisburgh
-Missed battle at Louisburgh
-Account of James Overall’s injury at battle in Louisburgh
-Hew Nibert not here yet
-William Marcil
-James Overall
6/18/1862 Isaac Overall Camp Meadow Bluff, Va. Wife Jane Overall -One of the men shot his finger off
-Wants postage stamps
-Tell Sarah that James is well
-Asking for information on Andrew
6/26/1862 Isaac Overall 36th Reg Company I, Care of Capt. RL Nye, Meadow Bluffs Greenbrier County Va. Wife Jane Overall -Good account of an attempted attack on Heath None
7/6/1862 Isaac Overall and Nephew HL Nibert Camp Meadow Bluffs, 36 Ohio Regt Jane Overall Eureka PO, Gallia County Ohio -Anxious for pay
-Want stamps and a fine tooth comb
-Section written by HL Nibert
7/21/1862 Isaac Overall Camp Meadow Bluffs, 36 Ohio Regt Jane Overall -Reinforcerments
-New recruits and a new bill to double men
-Needs stamps
7/30/1862 Isaac Overall Camp Meadow Bluffs, Greenbrier County Va. Jane Overall -9th Virginia companies captured by rebels
-They are short on news in their camp
-New family in Chambersburg
Undated but before June of 1863 Sallie Howell Christiansburg Champaign Co Ohio Aunt Jane Overall -Living at Mr. Cramer’s until harvest is over
-Ma cried when she opened Jane’s letter, which had a picture of Isaac
-Begs Aunt Jane to come see them
-Mr. Cramer
10/1/1862 Isaac Overall Camp on the Potomic Md, Co I 36th Ohio, Kanawha Division, 9th Army Corps via Harpers Ferry Jane Overall -Location at Antietam Creek and moving to Harpers Ferry
-Will send 60 dollars to Black’s Store
-Will send paper to family so they can send more letters
-Running the Maryland invaders back to Richmond
-James is still in Washington
-Will Shaw at Black’s Store
-Dr. Fletcher
11/12/1862 Isaac Overall Gauly Bridge Jane Overall -Sending 10 dollars
-Left Summersville and camped on the -Kanawha River
12/30/1862 Isaac Overall Camp Crook Charleston Western Va Jane Overall Account of where his money is going -Jim Clark
2/20/1863 Isaac Overall Camp Near Nashville Tenn Wife Jane Overall -Big army and prediction of a big fight
-Several sick soldiers
-Andrew Overall in Murfeesboro
-Jim has not been heard from
-Naty(?) maybe his child
4/1/1863 Isaac Overall Carthage Tenn Wife Jane Overall -Rebels camped on other side of river
-The 11th Ohio is fortifying
-Want stamps
-Stakes is here with his cavalry
-Jasper Hanes is with him
-the old man
-Hugh (probably H.L. Nibert) got a letter
-Within 3 miles of Wesley Overall’ s house
5/1/1863 Isaac Overall Carthage Tenn Wife Jane Overall -Pay is overdue
-Some dissertion
-A new colonel
-Some problem with a fence
-The old man sent postage stamps
-Tell Naty to be a good boy
5/13/1863 Isaac Overall Carthage Tenn. Wife Jane Overall -He claims good health
-Hanging of rebel spy, J. Smith
-Has not heard from Andrew
-Tell Sarah Overall about a letter he received from her to Jim
6/15/1863 HL Nibert Murfeesboro Tenn. Aunt Jane Overall -Announce death of Isaac Overall, Jane’s husband -David Kent
-Captain Henry
7/8/1863 Wesley Martindill   Mr. Clark -Documents death of Isaac Overall
-Dismissal of Capts Nye and Kelly
-Appointment of new Colonel Wm Jones instead of Davol
-Mention of Lee’s army overthrow at Vicksburg
-George Crook
-Wm Jones
-Capt Nye
-Capt Kelly
8/10/1863 Sallie Howell Addison Champaign Co. Ohio Aunt Jane Overall -Sorry about Uncle Isaac’s death
-Ma and pa wants Aunt Jane to sell out and come live with them
4/??/1864 Salli Howell   Aunt Jane Overall -Sorry to hear aunt can’t come up -Ma wanted her to come
-Penciled in names:

-Miss Florence V Overall
-Mr Jacob A Overall
-Mr John W Overall
-Mr Jasper V Overall
-Mrs Martha J Overall
-Miss Ellie Carter
-Miss Augusta ???tcher

10/8/1865 Lorena Estep Columbia Furnace, Shenandoah Co. Va. Sister Martha Jane Overall -Sorry for Jane’s loss of husband
-Bad times and wants to move to Jane’s
-Children’s names
-Sister Elizabeth’s death
-Clarry’s son
-Mary Elizabeth
-4 children
-Victory Catherine
-Virginia Bell
-Pheby Jane
-Ann Rebecca Cartine(?)
-Death of Sarah Jane and husband Samual Hannon
-They left a son, James Franklin, who now is living with John in Wheeling
-Liz married Martin Wetzel and has 3 children
-Brother Lewis Meyers and Betsy
-H.L. (Nibert)
1/12/1866 Mary and Martin Wetzel Columbia Furnace Shenandoah County Va. Aunt Martha J Overall Death of infant son Daughter Emma
-Cousin Betty McElvy
-Son Willie
-Son Franky
-Aunt Lirenah
-Brother John in Wheeling
-Aunt Clouy
2/22/1866 Nephew John W Middleton and wife   Aunt Jane Overall -How the Middleton’s got to Wheeling - John and his father captured by the rebels and later escaped
-Lamenting on the war
-Child Mary Catherine - death
-Child James Franklin - death
-Child Sarah Jane
-Child William Preston - 6 months old
-Little Sarah looks like sister Sally
4/8/1866 Mary and Martin Wetzel Columbia Furnace Aunt Martha J Overall -Was nervous over getting Jane’s last letter
-Carpet to weaver
-Lack of suffering since married
-Sorry Aunt Jane was left a widow
-Aunt Srenah
-Uncle Adam moved to Pine Forge
-Uncle Jimmey was injured in Mexican war and is lame
-Sister Sally is buried at Stony Creek next to her son Willey. She died 4 years ago in March. She left an 8 month old baby but it is dead.
-Sister Sally’s husband was killed in the war
-Brother John (Middleton) has her oldest child Jimmy
-Martin Wetzel’s brother John Wetzel went to see brother John (Middleton)in Wheeling
-Daughter Emmey
-son/daugher unreadable
-Aunt Can(?)
-Aunt Clarn(?)
12/23/1866 Sallie Howell (Ray) North Hamilton Clark Co Aunt Jane Overall -Sallie got married
-Father has been ill
-Sallie Myers is helping ma
-Sallie Myers
-Mr George Ray


For correspondence, email me at  goverall@hotmail.com