Somewhere in time everyone, in one way or another touches the hearts of those around them & in the following pages I hope that I can in someway.... touch yours. Some of these pages were made with a touch of help from two very special little boys, my sons Matthew & Michael. We hope you enjoy your visit & come back often to see us *HUGS* And now.... Please step this way to begin your journey into, our little space in time.... but before you enter all we ask of you is this.... That when you leave our site each time.... that you leave with a smile *S*
~ Thank You & Now Onto Your Journey ~
Mommy Kisses
Each night I tuck you into bed, I brush my hand across your head, and in each tiny little fist, I place a magic mommy kiss....
Full of love and hope so bright, To keep you safely through the night, Mommy kisses in your hand, To guide you off to slumberland....
If you should dream of monsters mean, Or witches with faces masked in green, Of snakes that squeeze you oh-so-tight, Or darkness with no sign of light....
When nightmares hold you stiff with fear, A part of mommy still is near, Just open up your hand and blow, One mommy kiss and nightmares go....