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Hey everyone I hope that you liked our webpage. Now
remember that it is for fun and it was created by 1 Mommy,
1-11 (Now 12) year old son and 1-7 (Now 8) year old son.
Thanks for visiting and come again as we will change often.
Take care!!*HUGS*!!

May The Power of Mommy Love Bless us all!! *hugs*

11/10/99 01:15:43
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

10/06/99 22:33:29
Name: Secret Hugger My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like this webpage idea: Yep
Do you have pets: Yes If so what: cats 5 dog 1

You look upon a Strange name.... And you Wonder who this is....... And the answer you get is..... YOU HAVE BEEN HUGGED!!! BY THE UNKNOWN HUGGER! (((((((((Hugs))))))

07/11/99 00:17:00
Name: Anita My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like this webpage idea: Yes
Do you have pets: Yes If so what: Cat

Hi and thank you for inviting me to visit your site. I love teddies too.....and what a lovely page you have created.....from one LOTH sister to another God Bless You.

07/02/99 17:01:55
Name: Lisa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Cartoon: Garfield
Do you like this webpage idea: yes Do you have pets: no

Thanks for coming by my page and signing my guestbook..I enjoyed my stay at your page. You have done a great job. The love and hard work you put into your site shows.

03/19/99 00:10:04
Name: Lisa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Garfield Favorite Xena Character: Gabreial Are you a Xena fan: yes
Do you like this webpage idea: yes Do you have pets: no..unless you count my computer :)

You have a great site. I enjoyed visiting with you.

12/02/98 02:56:23
Name: Jeff My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like this webpage idea: Bigtime
Do you have pets: 3 dogs

I loved your page,,, it had really nice graphics and found it a pleasure to visit.

11/28/98 07:30:53
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: earthworm jim Are you a Xena fan: nope
Do you have pets: no If so what: none


10/14/98 05:22:37

Name: Carrie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Calvin & Hobbes Favorite Xena Character: Xena Are you a Xena fan: Sort of.
Do you like this webpage idea: Yes Do you have pets: Yes If so what: A cat and fish

Hi! I just stopped by from SAHMOI to visit you. I love your page. I really like your poetry, its great!! ((hugs))

10/13/98 11:48:28

Name: richard phillips My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: all oldies, bugs,tweetie,roadrunner,yosimitysam,flintstones.ect. Favorite Xena Character: Xena for her agility, Gabriel for her sweetness, and Hercules for the good will to all Are you a Xena fan: when i can force myself to stay up that late
Do you like this webpage idea: yes Do you have pets: yes If so what: dogs, one dobie, sabbeth and one small long haired coushy

an excellent site that i hope to visit again

10/13/98 02:15:50

Name: Edie H. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Rugrats Favorite Xena Character: 8-) Sorry, never heard of Xena! Are you a Xena fan: Not yet......
Do you like this webpage idea: Yes! Do you have pets: Oh boy do I have pets...... If so what: Four cats, a dog and a fish

Peggy --- Just popped in to see your lovely site --- very impressive! I could stay here for hours! I wanted to get to know you better and welcome you to SAHMOI --- I hope you will find friendship and inspiration in our little group! Come visit me somet me!

10/12/98 20:11:07

Name: Edward Kleiner My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Cartoon: The Flintstones
Do you like this webpage idea: Yes Do you have pets: No

Hi Peggy I just surfed via a guestbook & came to your site. I like it a lot. You have a super great site. I like the way your welcome sign looks & your photo looks good & so does your image of the Swan Of Love. Your other colorful blinking Welcome Sign lo ks good too. I like your banner of Delaware City & you must enjoy being a Cub Scout Den Mother. On your photo album page I like your many photos of Matt & Mike & you look good in photos on that page too. Your truck looks good too. I hope they find your fr end Lauren soon. I also like your life story. So come on down to my Website tell me the things you like on it & sign my guestbook. Thank You Very Much. Sincerley Edward Kleiner

10/12/98 10:25:55

Name: FreSpirit My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Bugs Bunny Are you a Xena fan: Not really, but I do like Hercules.. hehe` Do you like this webpage idea: This page is great!
Do you have pets: Yes If so what: Two adorable cats

I just stopped by to check out your page and welcome you to the BadGirls! Your page is great. Lots of cool links and tons of information. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you on the Board. *hugs*

10/12/98 07:46:38

Name: Prissy My URL: Visit Me Favorite Cartoon: Roadrunner
Are you a Xena fan: no Do you like this webpage idea: yes Do you have pets: yes
If so what: 6 dogs

Nice Page Peggy!!!!!! welcome to Bad Girls

10/12/98 00:21:14

Name: snowflake My URL: Visit Me Favorite Cartoon: me
Favorite Xena Character: peggy Are you a Xena fan: okyes Do you like this webpage idea: its beautiful
Do you have pets: son in law If so what: not sure what he is

peggy your homepag is just so beautiful

10/09/98 20:49:12

Name: Debra Roeder My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: South Park Do you like this webpage idea: Yes Do you have pets: yes
If so what: St bernards

Very nice pages.. really had a nice time here.. Please visit me sometime

10/07/98 19:07:11

Name: gigima My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Cartoon: LittleBear Are you a Xena fan: Nope
Do you have pets: yes If so what: Many cats, 3 dogs, and 2 fish

Great pages Peggy. It is obvious you are a very proud Mom. I am a member of the SAHMOI group, and I would like to welcome you to our group. I look forward to meeting and chatting with you there. {{{hugs}}}

10/02/98 11:04:22

Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/23/98 12:24:10

Name: Sleepy My URL: Visit Me Favorite Cartoon: Scooby Doo
Favorite Xena Character: Ummm... Are you a Xena fan: No, sorry... Do you like this webpage idea: Yes
Do you have pets: Yes If so what: 2 cats!

I had a wonderful time surfing around your site. I liked your photo album, and the Diana tribute pages - they brought back so many memories.

09/22/98 15:02:59

Name: Gloria My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: roadrunner Favorite Xena Character: n/a Are you a Xena fan: no
Do you like this webpage idea: yes Do you have pets: yes If so what: 1 dog, 2 cats, and 3 hampsters, and fish

I enjoyed my visit alot, some very interesting stuff . i am sure to return.

09/20/98 19:50:02

Name: Tara Murphy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you have pets: Yes
If so what: dog, cat, fish

Dear Peggy, First off..I have to send you great big hugs from the only other Delaware LOTH member {{{{{{{{Peggy}}}}}}}}}. I'm no longer alone on the BIG LONELY page LOL. I've had a wonderful time exploring your site...loved your poems, and really enjoyed the boy's pages.. I'm thinking of using the cube to do a fishing page for my hubby :-) I hope you'll visit my page *S*. *Even Bigger Hugs*, Your Delaware Sis, Tara aka Autumn

09/15/98 02:36:08

Name: snowflake My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: you and john Favorite Xena Character: all of them Are you a Xena fan: most of the time
Do you like this webpage idea: yes i do daughter Do you have pets: maybe If so what: take a guess

i think you did a great job on this document

09/09/98 22:12:48

Name: Jennifer aka Writergirl My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Mickey Mouse Are you a Xena fan: not really Do you like this webpage idea: yes I do
Do you have pets: yes If so what: 2 cats 1 dog

I came here via the Garden House webring and I'm very glad I did. Your site is very imaginative and well done. Thanks for the nice time I had here. Jennifer

09/09/98 19:39:46

Name: Falla/Angela My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Johnny Quest ;o) Are you a Xena fan: no sorry the kids are though Do you like this webpage idea: yes very good
Do you have pets: Fishy's

You sound like me, from the scouting to sports, got to keep them boys busy ;o))I surfed in on the LOTH train!!Very, very nice page. You've done an excellent job. I've enjoyed my visit to y ur home! Love the graphics.Love your sis, Falla/Angela

09/07/98 12:05:38

Name: peachis My URL: Visit Me
Do you like this webpage idea: yes Do you have pets: yes
If so what: two dogs and one car

pretty page

09/06/98 05:34:56

Name: helen
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi - your story is a real testimony to your strength and your ability to not only survive, but heal through forgiveness and love. I hope your boys realise what a special mum they have!

09/05/98 03:10:07

Name: Heather Marie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Scooby Doo Favorite Xena Character: Xena Are you a Xena fan: Yes
Do you have pets: Yes If so what: 2 cats/lots of fish/and perhaps a dust bunny or two :-)

You have a very nice site under way. I just stopped by to wish you a very warm welcome to the Garden House. May you find much support and friendship within GH. All the best to you.

09/04/98 01:29:43

Name: Connie Schuh My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Popeye Are you a Xena fan: Sorry Do you like this webpage idea: Much So!
Do you have pets: No

I saw your note in the Garden Vine, I'm sorry about your bad news. Things will be ok. Have faith. Your page is really nice, but I've got news for you, seems like there's always something else you'll think to do to it. But it's fun. Come by my site and pic up your gift. my son's name is Mike too, but he's 26. Gave my age(that's why I like Popeye)

08/31/98 01:09:50

Name: Nancy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Rugrats Are you a Xena fan: no Do you like this webpage idea: yes
Do you have pets: yes If so what: spoiled cat

Welcome to the Divas. Sorry I am late in welcoming you. Got behind on my guestbook signing. Take care

08/31/98 00:31:08

Name: Cygnet My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you like this webpage idea: I am almost in tears..go visit is new too...very...and I do not know how to domuch. but my name means baby swan! May I link to your page, PLEASE?
Do you have pets: love bird, who tells me when my ICQ goes OH OH, if I am not in the room If so what: also a german shepherd, and fish

Your site is absolutely beautiful. I was just told about it, from a sister survivor who found your's, and knew ME...I am deeply moved by your story...we have some similarities..I can write in Email...PLEASE email me. I lost my dad too..but I have a long ways to go...I held his hand too, as he died quickly of cancer......but..........! too painful to talk about now. I have not finsihed surfing thru here..but plan to soon. I LOVE IT.

08/26/98 02:27:05

Name: Jausten My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Mickey Mouse Favorite Xena Character: huh? Are you a Xena fan: guess not
Do you like this webpage idea: yes Do you have pets: yes If so what: 2 dogs & 2 cats

Hi Peggy, Welcome to the Diva's of the Net. I loved your poetry, and you are an awesome writer. Thank you. Peace & Serenity, Jausten

08/24/98 18:18:52

Name: Marsha My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Garfield Favorite Xena Character: don't know Are you a Xena fan: nope (sorry)
Do you like this webpage idea: of course! Do you have pets: no

Wanted to welcome you to the Diva's.......Sorry it has taken me a while to get over here. :) YOur site is very well done, you have an eye for design! Good job

08/24/98 03:30:26

Name: Teri My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Flintstones Favorite Xena Character: hehehe Are you a Xena fan: nope
Do you like this webpage idea: yep! Do you have pets: yep! If so what: siamese cat

Hi Peggy! Great site! Welcome to Diva! I love to read about the Titanic too...I know a great site if you are interested. Teri

08/22/98 19:32:39

Name: Kristen Lee My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Looney Toones Favorite Xena Character: Don't have one, sorry. Are you a Xena fan: Not really.
Do you like this webpage idea: Yes, very much! Do you have pets: Yes. If so what: One very old cat, two parakeets.

Welcome to The Diva Of The Net! It will be great to have you as a sister!

08/19/98 21:49:25

Name: Joanne My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Snoopy Do you like this webpage idea: Yes, very much Do you have pets: yes
If so what: a mastiff, a lab and 2 cats

Hello Peggy. Welcome to Diva of the Net. I'm sure you will love this group. Great homepage!

08/19/98 05:00:20

Name: Jasmin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Japanese Animations...if that count counts as cartoons :) Favorite Xena Character: Xena I suppose :) Are you a Xena fan: ummm...not really... :)
Do you like this webpage idea: yes I do :) Do you have pets: I have a cat, used to have a dog If so what: My cat is 13 years old named Tinkerbell (Siamese/Calico), I had a dog named Tyrone, but he was dognapped in 1995.

Dear Peggy,

You have a wonderful site! Your children’s pages are wonderful, and your tribute to Princess Diana is very nice. I haven’t seen Titanic yet (the only person on earth who hasn’t!), but it’s out on video now, so I will definitely purchase a copy. :)

I wish you the best my Diva sis! :)


Click here to visit serenity...

Diva Of The Net

08/19/98 00:43:56

Name: DOONS My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Xena Character: THE SHOW Are you a Xena fan: OF COURSE Do you like this webpage idea: YES
Do you have pets: 2 CATS, 1 BOX TURTLE If so what: & 1 HAMSTER

Hi Peggy,, Love your site, Be Bad and Be SAFE

08/17/98 14:25:38

Name: Chynna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Batman Favorite Xena Character: none Are you a Xena fan: no
Do you like this webpage idea: Yeah Do you have pets: no

Welcome to the Diva's! *smile*

08/17/98 06:48:55

Name: Alice Schoonover My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: NONE Do you like this webpage idea: YES Do you have pets: YES
If so what: 3 Dogs

Peggy I wanted to stop in and sign your guest book and welcome you to the Divas. It is a fun bunch of women. Come and visit me when you can. Alice

08/17/98 01:14:30

Name: Diane
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hello and welcome to the Divas. I really enjoyed your poetry and your page. Keep up the great job and I look forward to working with you in the Divas.

08/17/98 00:31:54

Name: Denise My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: I love the Charlie Brown videos -- I have them all! Are you a Xena fan: Nope, sorry! Do you like this webpage idea: Indeed!
Do you have pets: Yes If so what: A black-and-white Cocker Spaniel named Oreo ("Ory")


Welcome to Divas of the Net! You are going to discover quickly what a super group of women this is! It sounds like you love being a Mommy. That's great! Keep up the good work. Stop by sometime and we'll do l nch ~ ha! ha!

God Bless You!

08/16/98 23:45:36

Name: Blondie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Cartoon: The Flintstones
Do you like this webpage idea: Yes Do you have pets: No

Welcome to Diva of the Net!!! I am sure you will enjoy being a member of this group of special ladies as much as I have!!!

08/16/98 20:34:41

Name: Debbie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Scooby Doo Favorite Xena Character: NONE Are you a Xena fan: NO NO
Do you like this webpage idea: Yes Do you have pets: Yes If so what: 4 Dogs

Hi Peggy....WELCOME to "Diva of the Net"...I'm on the information if you have any kind of questions please feel free to email me.... I really loved the pictures of you family...You have a GREAT web page..keep up the good work...

08/16/98 19:49:56

Name: Mary My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Pooh Are you a Xena fan: no Do you like this webpage idea: Yes
Do you have pets: no If so what: N/A

Hi! I dropped by to welcome you to the Diva's and found myself looking through your pages. You have some really nice sites and graphics.I can see that you have spent a great deal of time on your homepage. Mary from NH

08/16/98 18:47:25

Name: Teri Tippey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Cartoon: Lion King

Hi Peggy..wanted to say welcome to Diva of the Net and I hope you enjoy this group as much as I have. Teri

08/16/98 18:37:58

Name: Robin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you have pets: yes...
If so what: a dog named Tagalong

I loved your page and your tribute to Princess Di. I wanted to welcome you to Diva's! You will love this group of ladies! ~Robin

08/16/98 16:43:43

Name: Stormy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Cartoon: The Tick
Do you have pets: Yep If so what: Two kitties

Welcome to the Diva's Peggy...hope you enjoy it as much as I have. They are a wonderful group of women. Your page is so adorable...I am a mother of two boys myself, 5 and 3. :) Also, I'm on the information committee for the Diva's so if you need anything just let me or another member know :)

08/16/98 15:39:23

Name: Lacie
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

greetings, welcome to divas of the net!!!so nce to meet a new member and visit their world....may you be blessed Namaste' Lacie

08/16/98 13:43:46

Name: Diva Tosha My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: don't watch them Favorite Xena Character: Xena or Gabby Are you a Xena fan: YEP!
Do you like this webpage idea: web pages are great Do you have pets: yes If so what: 3 cats who think they own the houseand wonder when we are going to


Welcome to the Diva's !!
I'm sure you will be a great asset.
Please stop by my page and pick up my special
for gift to you! Also you can find the index to some
wonderful dedication pages made by your new sisters!

Special meanings from special sisters, visit these wonderful dedication pages

08/16/98 11:53:20

Name: Mo
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Peggy.. it has been wonderful getting to know you thru your pages... *smile*.. your boys sound GREAT... welcome to the Diva... *hugs*

08/16/98 10:05:01

Name: Kristi My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are you a Xena fan: No
Do you have pets: Yes If so what: A cat

Hi Peggy, Welcome to the Diva of the Net!! I've enjoyed looking around your homepage. HUGS!!!!

08/15/98 14:25:19

Name: tom (razors edge) campbell My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: probably..gargoyles.its the only one i watch Favorite Xena Character: gabrielle Are you a Xena fan: i watch the show
Do you like this webpage idea: yes. Do you have pets: yup If so what: two cats

hey,good page peggy.cant wait till i get a homepage sothen i gonna harras y'all to sign up the good work.:)

08/15/98 12:46:47

Name: Xena2011(Audra) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Ren & Stimpy Favorite Xena Character: Xena of course!*S* Are you a Xena fan: YEAH!!!!!!!!
Do you like this webpage idea: I love the web page but especially the photo book! Do you have pets: 3 cats! And a cabana boy!*G* If so what: cats!!!


08/15/98 07:27:57

Name: Diva Welcoming Committee
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Peggy, On behalf of the Diva Welcoming Committe, I would like to present you with this beautiful Welcome gift made by Diva Mary. We are so glad you decided to join the Diva's and we are all looking forward to getting to know you better!You have a love y family and a wonderful website. We invite you to join us in our United Causes and we are here to support you in your causes. Again welcome, Mary, Sheryl, Vicki, Stephanie, Jill, Lynne & Doreen Welcome

08/14/98 20:35:30

Name: Kim "Fork" Fleming My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: The Popples Favorite Xena Character: Joxer (ducks) Are you a Xena fan: Yeah
Do you like this webpage idea: Yes, it's great Do you have pets: Yes If so what: 2 cats, 1 dog, we had a hampster and 2 mice but they went bye bye. Oh and we have fishes.

This was great, I really liked your poetry, it was fantastic... I think you should put up more.

08/13/98 20:46:55

Name: Jan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: southpark Favorite Xena Character: xena Are you a Xena fan: i watch it sometimes *s*
Do you like this webpage idea: yes Do you have pets: yes If so what: a cat

You've created a wonderful cyberhome here in Heartland. Keep up the great work!

08/11/98 01:14:05

Name: Julie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Bugs Bunny Favorite Xena Character: None Are you a Xena fan: No
Do you like this webpage idea: Yes Do you have pets: Yes If so what: Mn Schnauzer-Chief

Your page is real cool. I like the Titanic section. Stop by & visit me sometime. Julie

08/07/98 17:47:48

Name: Sarpedon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Heavy Metal the movie, RoadRunner on tv Favorite Xena Character: Xena Are you a Xena fan: YES I AM
Do you like this webpage idea: Yes very much Do you have pets: I did. I'm inbetween at the moment. If so what: I may get a cat.

This page is a wonderful tribute to a wonderful woman, Princess Diana, who brought such inspiration, hope and help to so many. Thank you for making it so complete and nice.

08/04/98 02:43:38

Name: Joxer's Girl My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: The Mighty Ducks! I'm crazy that way Favorite Xena Character: Who do ya think Are you a Xena fan: Do fish swim?!
Do you like this webpage idea: Yep I do! Do you have pets: Oui If so what: Une Chatte...Uh sorry a cat...*teehee*

Peggy...I love your page! It's me Joxer's Girl...I loved your tribute to Princess Diana...She was (and is) the Queen of our Hearts! Your boys are SO cute! Gotta go... Take care. BATTLE ON! YIYIYIYI Viva forever... JG "Good-bye England's rose..."

06/11/98 16:30:22

Name: Arebella My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Taz Favorite Xena Character: Ares, who else? Are you a Xena fan: You betcha
Do you like this webpage idea: It's boffo! Do you have pets: yes If so what: 2 cats

I love your Realm of Ares page. I didn't know it existed until I saw it on the banner rotation. You should get it linked to the some of the other Kevin Smith/Ares pages. You have about the best collection of articles that I've ever seen. Great job, babe Arebella, Priestess/Temple of Ares

05/10/98 08:59:02

Name: Lavaya My URL: Visit Me Favorite Cartoon: gargoyles
Favorite Xena Character: Xena and Ares Are you a Xena fan: Yep Do you like this webpage idea: Love it
Do you have pets: Yep If so what: a cat and a dog

Love the page Sis keep it up *lopsided S*

04/15/98 02:27:29

Name: gopher My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Scooby Doo Favorite Xena Character: XENA!! Are you a Xena fan: Sure Am!!
Do you like this webpage idea: Nice Site!! Do you have pets: Yes If so what: Collie-German Shepherd Dog

You have a real nice site here.. bright and colorful.. I can tell you have kids around you. Best of luck with it!!

03/01/98 22:33:13

Name: Hakko (Lamar) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: hmmm Favorite Xena Character: Callisto..can I pick more than one?? Like Xena and Gab also Are you a Xena fan: Yes
Do you like this webpage idea: Absolutely!!! Do you have pets: Yes If so what: fish :(

Hiya Peggy.. I can't beleive I haven't done this sooner.. I'm such a baddddd boy.. *EG* The page is cool.. especially happy to see your pics up or the family..

03/01/98 21:32:12

Name: Jetthead My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Cartoon?? Favorite Xena Character: XENA!!! Are you a Xena fan: OH Ya!!!
Do you like this webpage idea: Great! Do you have pets: Ya you want them? If so what: I have many pets!

Great site!!I love it! I also love the border you have for you site the Heart with Roses. I love Roses!!!Hugs Jett..

02/21/98 04:04:35

Name: Robbin K. Rose My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Garfield Favorite Xena Character: Xena (of course) Are you a Xena fan: Definetly
Do you like this webpage idea: Yes! Do you have pets: Yes! If so what: Black lab

Your doing a great job with this web page!

02/19/98 11:00:28

Name: Tuatha de Danaan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: Wallace and Grommit Favorite Xena Character: Salmoneus Are you a Xena fan: You'd better believe it!!
Do you like this webpage idea: Yeah Do you have pets: Used to If so what: A cat

This is a very smart page, Peggy ~kotc~

01/04/98 03:54:52

Name: john My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: road runner Favorite Xena Character: who? Are you a Xena fan: don't think so
Do you like this webpage idea: yes Do you have pets: yes If so what: dogs,cats

you are doing a really good job on your pages. guess now you can help me. love john

11/29/97 18:10:57

Name: peggy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Cartoon: ScoobyDoo Favorite Xena Character: Xena Are you a Xena fan: Yes
Do you like this webpage idea: Yes Do you have pets: Yes If so what: 3 cats, 2 dogs

I'm just testing this out to make sure that it works!!*HUGS*

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