This is Lizzie! She is the "QUEEN" of the house, now that Percy isn't here. We adopted her on November 13, 2001. She was about 6 months old when we got her. Her entire litter was dumped off at a farm near our home.

Jetta and Lizzie seem to get along really well for now. A LOT better than Percy and Jetta do. Lizzie actually lets Jetta get close to her.

Percy on the other hand, is not very fond of Lizzie at the moment. I think he's jealous ;) I haven't even got a picture of Lizzie and Percy together, because they NEVER ARE!! This is Percy thinking of ways to get rid of that "new cat".

And this is Percy hissing at that "new cat".....Check out the FANGS!!! Watch out Lizzie!!!! Percy is out to get you!!!
January 17,2002

September 3, 2002

September 29, 2002

September 7, 2003
Lizzie can be such an idiot sometimes!! Percy will chase her around dramatically and Lizzie will run around the house looking for a place to hide from him. Her favorite place to hide?.....

This is Lizzie and her new friend, Cleo, playing on their new "cat tree".

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