Thyme To Tour The Garden (continued)

Thyme To Tour The Garden

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"A rather stubborn Rhodedendron"

"Poppies and Clematis"

"Entering the Backyard"

"A not so stubborn Rhodedendron"

"Who says you can't have a garden if you live in town? My side garden is a bit tall and skinny, but better than not at all!! :)"


"The deck was certainly a point of interest when we bought our house, and it has definitely got a lot of use in the past years"

"There are baby birds in the birdhouse again this year :)"

"A shot of the side garden prior to much blooming going on"

"A Double Hollyhock"

"This is the porch set that was given to me by my Grandmother. I repainted it and got some new cusions, and now everyone wants one!!"

"My Stepdaughter Kate planted the deck boxes this year"

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