Shantel's HomePage

Hi my name is Shantel. I am 10 years old and I am in the fourth grade. I hope you like my very own HomePage. Please don't forget to sign my guest book and let me know if you enjoyed your visit.

Shani at
Shawnee Mountain

This picture was taken at Shawnee Mountain, PA during a Celtic Gathering which I attended with my mother, aunt and cousin in September 1996.
We saw, what is now my favorite band , Seven Nations , for the first time. They were there performing with other Celtic groups.

Some of the things I like to do.....

Attend Celtic Festivals with my family.
Check out my "Friends" WebPage with lots of pictures of the new friends that I've made.

Attend Seven Nations concerts with my family.
Check out my personal Seven Nations Fan Page with lots of cool pictures of the guys and me.

I also have a Hadrian's Wall web-site.

Bird Watching with my classmates.

Visiting and climbing Lighthouses with my family.

Collect TY "Beanie Babies"
Peace Garcia Flip Zip Curley

Collect "Magic Attic Club" Dolls

Collect Mattel "Barbie" Dolls

Click HERE to see me helping Hairdresser David Evangelista, of the Rosie O'Donnell Show, style the hair on some dolls.

This is my cat "Tommy", he likes to run and play and sleep......

Here are some of my favorite links:

My cousin Kameron's HomePage
Seven Nations HomePage
Salford Hills Elementary School HomePage
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
National Audubon Society
My Aunt Barbie's Seven Nations Fan Page
My Poppop's Neil Anderson Fan Page
Celtic Music Information and Links Page.

If you wish you may View My GuestBook


Please don't forget to Sign My GuestBook before you leave.

This page is under construction so check back from time to time to see what I've added.

Last updated on 2/24/00.

You are visitor to this page since 11/22/97.

Copyright © 1997 - 2000 Shantel K. Lewis. All Rights Reserved.