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Welcome To The

"First Official"

Fan Pages

Dedicated To


"The Antipypr"

and the

Full Circle Band

Visit the
"Official Neil Anderson Website"

* Visit the "Un-Official Neil Anderson / Full Circle Friends Club" Pages*

I first saw Seven Nations, America's #1 Celtic rock band, at Hunter Mountain NY during the International Celtic Festival held August 14 & 15, 1998. My family had seen them perform several times before and we decided to take our vacation so we could attend the "Festival"........... what a BLAST!!!

Seven Nations performances were fabulous and ALL the members of the group were really great. One of the founding members of Seven Nations, Neil Anderson, performed on the highland bagpipes, the uilleann bagpipes, several tinwhistles and the mandolin. At one point in time he played, simultaneously, the uilleann bagpipes AND the tinwhistle.

Neil's performances on the tinwhistle really made me a big fan of both Neil Anderson AND the tinwhistle; not to mention his outstanding bagpiping abilities. I hope, by presenting these Neil Anderson/Full Circle Fan Pages on the internet, I can get others interested in checking out this very, very talented young man who I am proud to call a "Friend".
And besides that Neil is just an all around "nice" guy!

In November 1998 Neil decided to leave Seven Nations, spend more time with his son Colin and "do his own thing". If you want more info on Neil Anderson, "The Antipypr", be sure to check out his webpage. It's a great source for information on Neil's current activities and it's a really great site.

NOW......on to the Picture Show!

Neil Anderson
Neil Anderson
Photo courtesy of Neil's Mom, Faye Anderson

Colin and Neil
Neil with his son Colin at Stone Mountain, GA. - Oct. 1998

Shani and Neil
My granddaughter, Shantel, and Neil at the Celtic Classic, Bethlehem, PA

Neil and Sandy
Neil with Mom Z at The Scottish & Irish Fling
PA Renaissance Faire - Cornwall, PA - 7/10/99

Current Picture Gallery

Some NEW pictures of Neil with Full Circle and
Various Other Groups...

"Full Circle", The First Album, CD Release Party - 2/11/99

Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #1 - 2/13/99

Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #2 - 2/14/99

Special Presentation - 2/14/99

McGeary's Saint Patrick's Day Show - 3/17/99

Glastonbury, CT Show - 3/19/99

Allentown, PA - Mayfair Festival - 5/28/99

Arlington, TX - Texas Scottish Festival - 6/5/99

Fredericksburg, VA - Scottish Highland Games - 6/12/99

Cornwall, PA - Scottish & Irish Fling - Page #1 - 7/10/99

Cornwall, PA - Scottish & Irish Fling - Page #2 - 7/10/99

Mid-Summer Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #1 - 7/17/99

Mid-Summer Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #2 - 7/17/99

Mid-Summer Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #3 - 7/18/99

Fergus Highland Games, Ontario, Canada - 8/14-15/99

Longs Peak Highland Festival, Estes Park, CO - 9/11/99

Celtic Classic, Bethlehem, PA - 9/26/99

Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #1 - 2/19/2000

Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #2 - 2/19/2000

Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #3 - 2/20/2000

Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #4 - 2/20/2000

Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #5 - 2/20/2000

Fair Hill, MD - Highland Games - 5/20/2000

Irish Day By The River 2000 - Clinton NJ - Page #1 - 5/21/2000

Irish Day By The River 2000 - Clinton NJ - Page #2 - 5/21/2000

Irish Day By The River 2000 - Clinton NJ - Page #3 - 5/21/2000

Mayfair Festival 2000 - Allentown PA - 5/29/2000

Fredericksburg, VA - Highland Games - Page One - 6/9-11/2000

Fredericksburg, VA - Highland Games - Page Two - 6/10/2000

Western Massachusetts - Highland Games - Page One - 6/24/2000

Western Massachusetts - Highland Games - Page Two - 6/24/2000

Mid-Summer Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #1 - 7/15/2000

Mid-Summer Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #2 - 7/16/2000

Mid-Summer Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #3 - 7/15/2000

Mid-Summer Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #4 - 7/15/2000

Mid-Summer Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #5 - 7/15/2000

Mid-Winter Scottish & Irish Music Festival - Page #1 - 2/17/2001

Highland Games - Charleston, West Virginia 8/18/2001

Archived Picture Gallery

Some OLD pictures of Neil with Seven Nations

The pictures on this particular page were taken by, and are copyright � by the following photographers unless otherwise noted:

Faye Anderson
Barbara Zollers
Lisa Lewis
Ellie MacNeil

Pictures that appear on my other pages were taken by various photographers and are copyright � by them. Individual credit is given on each page to those photographers.

Photos for personal use only. All rights reserved by original owner of image.
Reproduction or redistribution, in any form, without express written permission is prohibited.

I wish to thank all the photographers for the great job they did and for allowing me to display them on this, the "First Official", Neil Anderson fan site!

WebPage designed and maintained by David Zollers

Copyright � 2004. All Rights Reserved.

Last updated on 8/21/2005.

Member of The HTML Writers Guild

You are visitor to this page since 2/9/99.

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Clipartcastle Logo
for the background art