Altinkaynak |
It's the official website of The Altinkaynak Companies Group. |
http://www.altinkaynak.com.tr |
Antu |
The official website of Fenerbahçe, which is the best Turkish football team. |
http://www.antu.com |
Body Building |
This is the web site for learning how to perform every exercise, what bodyparts they work, and more, included pictures and videos. |
http://www.bodybuilding.com |
Eksi Sözlük |
It is an online, Turkish, collaborative, hypertext dictionary and also it is so popular website in Turkey. |
http://sozluk.sourtimes.org |
Facebook |
Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you. |
http://www.facebook.com |
Geocities |
Everything you need to build a web site. |
http://www.geocities.com |
Gereksiz Bilgiler |
This web site is a big source for the every kind of unnecessary information. |
http://www.gereksiz.net/ |
Gnc |
The official website of Gnc, which is the company focusing on the retail sale of health and nutrition related products. |
http://www.gnc.com |
Google |
Google, a popular search engine, is a tool for finding resources on the World Wide Web. Google scans web pages to find instances of the keywords you have entered in the search box. |
http://www.google.com |
Hotmail |
Hotmail is one of the most popular free "webmail" e-mail services, which are accessible from anywhere on the planet via a standard web browser. |
http://www.hotmail.com |
Just Super Cars |
It's a website for high quality cars. |
http://www.justsupercars.com |
Lamborghini |
The official website of Lamborghini, which is my favorite car. |
http://www.lamborghini.com |
Longman |
The online English Dictionary of Longman. |
http://www.ldoceonline.com |
MyBurc |
It's a website for zodiacal constellations. |
http://www.myburc.com |
Mynet |
One of the biggest internet news portal of Turkey. |
http://www.mynet.com |
Ortakantin |
Kind of a forum site for only university students. |
http://www.ortakantin.com |
Radyo Odtü |
My favorite radio channel's web site. |
http://www.radyodtu.com.tr |
Seslisözlük |
This is the web site for free online English Turkish German dictionary with 1,500,000 words and idioms. |
http://www.seslisozluk.com |
SourceForge |
It is a Open Source software development web site, providing free hosting to open source projects. |
http://sourceforge.net |
Superspor |
Every (fucking) thing about football. |
http://www.superspor.com |
The Hungry Penguin |
This web site is a kind of information portal for The Linux operating system, GNU and Open Source Software news and media. |
http://www.hungrypenguin.net |
Türk Dil Kurumu |
This is the official web site of Turkish Language Institute. |
http://www.tdk.gov.tr |
University Of Essex |
My university's web site. |
http://www.essex.ac.uk |
W3 Schools |
The largest web developer's site. |
http://www.w3schools.com |
W3C Markup Validation Service |
The Markup Validator is a free service by W3C that helps check the validity of Web documents. |
http://validator.w3.org |
WWW Information Pack |
It's a webpack from the University of Aberdeen. |
http://www.abdn.ac.uk/diss/webpack |
Webopedia |
The only online dictionary and search engine you need for computer and Internet technology definitions. |
http://www.webopedia.com |
Yahoo |
It is one of the most popular web portal on the internet. |
http://www.yahoo.com |
YouTube |
YouTube is a place for people to engage in new ways with video by sharing, commenting on, and viewing videos. |
http://www.youtube.com |
Copyright © 2006-2007 All Rights Reserved by Yasin Altunkaynak.