The mystery of nature
Still amaze us all
From Spring when flowers bloom
to bare trees that come in the Fall.
Each flower, tree or plant
have a roll to play
For each little critter
that feed upon them each day.
They gather food and bring it home
to feed the little ones
Or store it for their salvation
when winter finally comes.
But the most curious little critter
I've come to know
Is the little black and yellow guy
who put on a nice show.
Flying from flower to flower
gathering pollen from here and there
Bringing it back to their hives
and trying to keep it from the bears
Those bears are big cheats
they are really funny
They let the bees's do all the work
then they try to get the honey.
But the bee's, they won't stand for it
they protect their own you see
Never underestimate the power
Of a little bee.
Written by Sher'i Visser SueBee 2000
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