Welcome to my Guestbook!

Pukibee - 10/24/00 22:28:34
My URL:http://pukibee.com
My Email:debfp@hotmail.com
May I have the number?: 7107889
How did you find me?: friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes mam

Great work! This is my second visit to your site*giggle*

Garden Angel - 10/15/00 00:45:09
My URL:/gardenangel
My Email:savage@voicenet.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: will e-mail it
What state?: PA
How did you find me?: The Almighty Sorceress
Did you enjoy your visit?: Very much so

Wow this is so beautiful..it took me back to a wonderful time in my life

MoomMist - 10/14/00 12:29:30
My URL:http://topcities.com/Crazy/cosmicmom/Solstice.html
My Email:maxine.funk@gte.net
What state?: PA
How did you find me?: From The Almighty Sorceress
Did you enjoy your visit?: Yes

Hi dropped by to see the Cabin. What a beautiful page wow wee!

LadyTwister - 10/09/00 23:35:48
My Email:Hot_sumer@yahoo.com
Do you have ICQ?: Yes
May I have the number?: you have it!!
Where are you from?: Florida
What state?: " "
How did you find me?: Your my friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: Very much

Your page was beautiful and I enjoyed it greatly!!!

Jack Higgs - 10/09/00 05:50:23
My Email:Jack1928@earthlink.net
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 10352387
Where are you from?: San Antonio
What state?: Texas
How did you find me?: Friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

Very nice, takes me back to the good old days. That are gone forever, unfortunately.

Firestar - 10/09/00 03:12:25
My URL:/Athens/Styx/9709/
My Email:mchaffie@olypen.com
Do you have ICQ?: yup
May I have the number?: you got it sweet lilo sue
Where are you from?: washingtonstate
What state?: washingtonstate
How did you find me?: Nancy
Did you enjoy your visit?: well i better be nice and say yes, sure i did sue"

none yet

beverly - 10/09/00 01:49:21
My Email:bev-t-boo
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 18112427
What state?: ILL
How did you find me?: friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes


Bob Ashby - 10/09/00 01:08:06
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/islender
My Email:suffolkweb@yahoo.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 73901267
Where are you from?: Long Island
What state?: New York
How did you find me?: thru a friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

Very Well Done Site !!!!!!!!!!!!

Pagan Moon - 10/09/00 00:53:18
Where are you from?: New Zealand

A truely spellbinding site, lots to see

Pagan Moon - 10/08/00 23:27:18
Where are you from?: New Zealand
How did you find me?: through Nan
Did you enjoy your visit?: very much thanx

wonderful, heartfelt piece of cyberspace, thanx for sharing it with me

She Gold - 10/08/00 22:03:07
My URL:/Paris/Jardin/3433
My Email:shegold@drbcom.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: you have it
Where are you from?: Texas
How did you find me?: a mutual friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

I love your cabin can I enjoy the stay too.. Oh if only I had a place like that I could go and write and enjoy the peace and quiet of the world as it should be.. Hugs my friend this is lovely keep up the good work

Lady Jenna - 10/08/00 22:01:56
My URL:http://home.beseen.com/youth/ladyjenna/fanfiction.html
My Email:archmage@accessv.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: yes you can get it from nan just say its sprite spirit
How did you find me?: From Nan!
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

You have such a pretty and beautiful site! i love the pics here and the serenity!

Angela - 10/08/00 21:59:53
My URL:http://ca.geocities.com/afriendwhocaresca/
My Email:afriendwhocaresca@yahoo.ca
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 63738978
Where are you from?: Panama
What state?: Panama
How did you find me?: reffered by Nan
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

Just wanted to congradulate you on a nice web site. God bless you and your family abundantly.

Mstikal - 10/03/00 21:22:56
My URL:http://www.topcities.com/Arts/mstikal/webpage.html
My Email:ms_tikal@hotmail.com
What state?: California
Did you enjoy your visit?: Very Much!!!!

Sis, your site is wonderful!!! You are doing such a great job with it! BTW, I love the bee theme you've got going on here! Love you!

Diva Lady Sorceress - 07/20/00 05:43:26
My URL:/RodeoDrive/Boutique/8148/index.html
My Email:mystics9@BellSouth.net
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 16037863
Where are you from?: ????
What state?: Confusion
How did you find me?: flew in on my motorized broom
Did you enjoy your visit?: Of course..I always do!

Hi sissy, I knew you could do it. I'm very proud of you. It's not as hard as you think..keep up the great work. Love ya!

~What a beautiful home you have here, Why not come and visit me~

Guess Who? That nosey neighbor of you - 07/12/00 20:35:22
My URL:http://www5.50megs.com/mystique/
My Email:mystics9@BellSouth.net
Do you have ICQ?: Of course
May I have the number?: You have it already
Where are you from?: next door, 4 steps away
What state?: mass confusion
How did you find me?: looked in my crystal ball
Did you enjoy your visit?: I'm here aren't I? Of course

Your new page is great hon. Can't wait till you finish the new ones and get them up. Keep up the great work.

Zanyboo - 07/11/00 00:03:26
My Email:zanyboo@cheerful.com
Do you have ICQ?: Yep
May I have the number?: you got it already..LOL
Where are you from?: Ma&Pa
What state?: PA
How did you find me?: Came from a friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: Yes

Love the graphics keep up the good work.... if you ever need a globe will make one for you..

Carol - 07/04/00 03:24:41
My Email:tweedledee1710@juno.com
Where are you from?: God only knows
Did you enjoy your visit?: YUP

You do GREAT work, Sue!!!

Barb - 07/04/00 02:05:48
My Email:porwil@aol.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: you do.. lol 16587990
Where are you from?: Ravenna
What state?: Ohio
How did you find me?: we won't go THERe.. but you sent this!
Did you enjoy your visit?: YES!!!

This is wonderful, Sue! I'm really proud of the pages you do! I think they are great! Beautiful pictures and great poems! Keep up the good work! Love ya lots! Barb

Me....the next door witch - 07/04/00 01:51:39
My URL:http://www5,50megs.com/mystique/
My Email:mystics9@BellSouth.net
Do you have ICQ?: of course
May I have the number?: let me think...16037863
Where are you from?: planet earth
What state?: confusion
How did you find me?: knocked on my window
Did you enjoy your visit?: I think it is an understatement.

Great page sis. About time you did something to this site..you did a great job as usual...speed it up now...giggles...you'll catch on when you put the others together....Lots of luck, love ya!! guess who..

WF - 06/15/00 16:07:36
Where are you from?: USA
What state?: OK
How did you find me?: searching for a poem
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes, thanks!

Enjoyed your site. FYI, the poem, A Special Place was written by Grace E. Easley.

Carol - 04/20/00 00:51:28
My Email:tweedledee1710@juno.com

The page is very nice, but the colors are hard on the eyes. Must just be me, huh??

Carol - 04/20/00 00:41:23
My Email:tweedledee1710@juno.com
Where are you from?: God only knows
How did you find me?: At the midnight hour
Did you enjoy your visit?: Yuppers!!


- 04/18/00 23:35:51


Juut Mulder - 01/21/00 10:21:24
My Email:juut@casema.net
Do you have ICQ?: not yet
Where are you from?: Holland
What state?: The Hague (Rijswijk)
How did you find me?: by looking for the song let me tell you etc.
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

Marvellous site!! My compliments, wished I could do such a thing!! Greeting, Juut Mulder Sorry, I made a mistake in the name of the town, I'll send it again.

Juut Mulder - 01/21/00 10:20:37
My Email:juut@casema.net
Do you have ICQ?: not yet
Where are you from?: Holland
What state?: The Hasgue (Rijswijk)
How did you find me?: by looking for the song let me tell you etc.
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

Marvellous site!! My compliments, wished I could do such a thing!! Greeting, Juut Mulder

CoW mAn - 12/11/99 03:21:17
My URL:/cow_manx
My Email:cow_manx@hotmail.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: er...e-mail me for it
Where are you from?: Canada
What state?: BC
How did you find me?: Geocities search
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes and no

You had what I wanted, but your sloppy code keep screwing up my comp.

IT'S ME AGAIN!!! - 10/20/99 02:52:07
My URL:http://www.50megs.com/nancycronin/
My Email:WHICH ONE???
Do you have ICQ?: WHO DOESN'T
May I have the number?: THINK I'M NUTS....
Where are you from?: DUHHHHH BLONDE DAY?
What state?: THE USUAL...
How did you find me?: PEEKED IN YOUR WINDOW AGAIN.
Did you enjoy your visit?: I HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THAT ONE.

As usual, you did a great job...you're getting real good at this page making, especially using PSP....keep up the great work...you never know...

Wolfcat - 10/19/99 04:00:55
My URL:/RainForest/Canopy/8662
My Email:hmc91@hotmail.com
Do you have ICQ?: yup
May I have the number?: maybe cost you though
Where are you from?: the green state
What state?: mine sweety ok not mine, its Washingtonstate
How did you find me?: you sent it to me sugar
Did you enjoy your visit?: yup

hello susan of the beehive*-* i did enjoy our page'' and very nice sounds also. i have to go susan i will come back to see more of your work soon.

Wolfcat - 10/19/99 03:54:59
My URL:/RainForest/Canopy/8662
My Email:hmc91@hotmail.com
Do you have ICQ?: yup
May I have the number?: maybe cost you though
Where are you from?: the green state
What state?: mine sweety ok not mine, its Washingtonstate
How did you find me?: you sent it to me sugar


Jack - 10/19/99 03:48:41
My Email:jack1928@earthlink.net
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 10352387
Where are you from?: San Antonio
What state?: Texas
How did you find me?: A little bee flew in
Did you enjoy your visit?: Oh yes

It is a very nice page Sue. And also a very good story.

Jack Higgs - 10/10/99 07:55:04
My Email:jack1928@earthlink.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 10352387
Where are you from?: San Antonio
What state?: Texas
How did you find me?: A little Bee (sue)
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

It was a very nice page. you are doing nice things.

It's only me, your sister - 10/10/99 00:39:06
My URL:/FashionAvenue/Salon/9138/index.html
My Email:Same as it always was...
Do you have ICQ?: Did you forget it again?
May I have the number?: How many times do I have to give it to you??
Where are you from?: Another dumb question
What state?: Massive confusion
How did you find me?: looked in your window...
Did you enjoy your visit?: Too noisy!! Giggles.

See my dear sweet sister...I knew you could do it....The longer it takes, the better you are...giggles....you will be a master very soon...giggles....You did a fantastic job...I'm so very proud of you...Sent it to all my friends too...Love ya!! I'LL BE BACK!!! BET ON IT!!!

Gregory - 10/04/99 05:04:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/9709/
My Email:mchaffie@olypen.com
Do you have ICQ?: yup sure do 5 years now
May I have the number?: cost is 5 dollars but in your case hun ill take a check and a referal
Where are you from?: Sequim and thats realy the name to sweety
What state?: Washingtonstate
How did you find me?: why sweet Sue i came to see your work honey
Did you enjoy your visit?: it was ok i guess i pop in and cruise a bit more hun

nice work honey i cee u are having a ball with your priesent '' im glad it went to a special angel.

- 10/04/99 04:56:41
My Email:mchaffie@olypen.com
What state?: Washingtonstate


- 10/03/99 10:34:35


Sher'i - 10/02/99 13:25:43
My URL:http://users.50megs.com/picky/
My Email:picky@zeelandnet.nl
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 45721490
Where are you from?: Holland
What state?: Zeeland
How did you find me?: Mutual Friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: Most definately :)))))

Absolutely wonderful work sis, keep it going :)))))))))) *hugs*

Sue - 10/02/99 03:23:22
My Email:sexysue35@hotmail.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 4828171
Where are you from?: Southern Ontario, Canada
How did you find me?: Nancy sent me....
Did you enjoy your visit?: very much so

I really love this page....thanks....Sue

Jack - 10/02/99 02:59:41
My Email:CHiggs5628@msn.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 10352387
Where are you from?: San Antonio
What state?: TX
How did you find me?: Friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: Yes

This was very Nice.

Sister Nan - 10/02/99 02:28:18
My URL:http://one of many, which one do you want?
My Email:duh!! I don't know!!
Do you have ICQ?: yup yup!
May I have the number?: How many times do you need it??
Where are you from?: You need to find out at your age?? Geesh!
What state?: Mass confusion
How did you find me?: flew in on my brooooooom
Did you enjoy your visit?: Duh! I think so!

Hi hon...How does it feel to be a web page designer...once you get the cobwebs out of the brain, you'll find it is very easy...Great job on your first completed designer page.... Love Ya!! Three guess, and the first two don't count.....

- 10/01/99 17:12:41


Sharyl Doty - 10/01/99 17:00:04
My Email:dotys@pacifier.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 35899448
Where are you from?: The Dalles
What state?: Oregon
How did you find me?: a friend sent page
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes, very much

You have some beautiful pages and you are interested in many things that I am intersted in. For instance, Country Music, is my favorite although I enjoy other kinds, country just happens to be my favorite. I like the Mystics but don't really know to much bout it. I'm a true romantic, and I'm a Scorpio.

Sher'i (Picky) - 09/17/99 06:10:51
My URL:http://users.50megs.com/picky/
My Email:picky@zeelandnet.nl
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 45721490
Where are you from?: Holland
What state?: Zeeland
How did you find me?: The Almighty Sorceress
Did you enjoy your visit?: :))))))))))))))))))))

Here's hoping your birthday is a wonderful one :))))))))))

Barb aka ladylighthearted - 09/07/99 21:37:35
My Email:k_b_ruble@hotmail.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 16587990
Where are you from?: Ravenna
What state?: OH
How did you find me?: someone sent this to me! lol
Did you enjoy your visit?: YES

Great! Looks like you are getting the hang of it.. don't master this too quick or someone will be wanting me to be the next to learn! lol j/k!

Barb aka ladylighthearted - 09/07/99 21:35:53


FireBird - 09/07/99 21:34:59
Do you have ICQ?: yes
How did you find me?: I never lost you
Did you enjoy your visit?: yup

Wonderful job Sue. Very touching.. We are very proud of you.

Benita - 09/07/99 16:25:10
My Email:_goodgirl23@yahoo.com
Do you have ICQ?: sure do
May I have the number?: 43768525
Where are you from?: oklahoma
What state?: hmmm my state? thats a good question. who knows
How did you find me?: A very sexy man sent me here
Did you enjoy your visit?: sure did, very much

I loved this url, My friend and i decided that the number would always be busy. But it would be very nice anyway. You have a very nice way of thinking.

Sister Nan - 09/06/99 00:11:40
My URL:http://www.50megs.com/nancycronin/index.html
My Email:TheAlmightySorceress@pdcebbs.com
Do you have ICQ?: Of course
May I have the number?: You have it already!!
Where are you from?: Do I have to teach you everything??
What state?: State of stupidity!
How did you find me?: I just buzzed into your hive.
Did you enjoy your visit?: Do I have to tell the world?

Well sis, you did it again...great minds work well together....another hit!!!!! Can't wait to find out what the next brainstorm is...how about a good halloween page?? giggles. Should be a natural for you!!! giggles.

Jack - 08/05/99 03:37:47
My Email:CHiggs5628@msn.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 10352387
Where are you from?: San Antonio
What state?: Texas
How did you find me?: A little bee buzzed me
Did you enjoy your visit?: Very much

Very nice job Sue. and it is a very beautiful page. and a very lovely poem, You are getting darn good at this I see.

FireBird - 08/04/99 03:43:52
My Email:FireBird@pdcebbs.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: you have it
How did you find me?: I can't loose you
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

Lovely page. And the poem fits you to a Tee..

lakshmi - 08/02/99 13:25:32
My Email:thamichu@hotmail.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 38766723
Where are you from?: india
What state?: tamilnadu
How did you find me?: through icq search
Did you enjoy your visit?: yeah

i feel extremely happy to have a grandma(friend) like you,u r simply wonderful....i love u so much granny.

Sher'i - 07/31/99 05:25:38
My Email:picky@zeelandnet.nl
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 8837122
Where are you from?: fromthe US, in Holland now
What state?: Florida, Tennessee and Utah
How did you find me?: was sent the URL by a mutal friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: very much

This is a very sweet page. You did a wonderful job on it, I'm sure she enjoyed it very much :)))))))))

Jack - 07/31/99 04:32:03
My Email:CHiggs5628@msn.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 10352387
Where are you from?: San Antonio
What state?: Tx
How did you find me?: the sorceress

It's very nice Sue, and I know what you mean by having a friend like that. Most people never experience that is a life time.

Gregory - 07/31/99 04:24:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/8662
My Email:mchaffie@olypen.com
Do you have ICQ?: uh huh
May I have the number?: you got it sweet
Where are you from?: Washingtonstate
What state?: Washingtonstate
How did you find me?: why hon you sent me this so i could call you sweet
Did you enjoy your visit?: it was good hun

this was good sue sweet and nancy hun

Gregory - 07/31/99 04:24:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/8662
My Email:mchaffie@olypen.com
Do you have ICQ?: uh huh
May I have the number?: you got it sweet
Where are you from?: Washingtonstate
What state?: Washingtonstate
How did you find me?: why hon you sent me this so i could call you sweet
Did you enjoy your visit?: it was good hun

this was good sue sweet and nancy hun

ol'paint - 07/31/99 04:22:49
My Email:gweaver@thegrid.net
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 12978222
Where are you from?: Palm springs
What state?: Ca.
How did you find me?: sent to me
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

It was very Sue sounds like you have a lot of love for Nancy

Louis Lucas - 07/31/99 04:21:20
My URL:http://www.pdcins.net
My Email:admin@pdcins.net
Do you have ICQ?: Yes
May I have the number?: 39692684
Where are you from?: Port St Lucie
What state?: Fl
How did you find me?: A friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: Yes

The site is great!!

Magical Mystical Sister Nan - 07/31/99 04:01:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/Boutique/8148
My Email:TheAlmightySorceress@pdcebbs.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 16037863
Where are you from?: Fort Pierce
What state?: Florida
How did you find me?: You sent it to me..giggles
Did you enjoy your visit?: Most definetly

You have always been a good friend and confidant to me. Yes we have a lot in common and I think you are the best friend I have ever had...Like I said, I wish you had been my real sister. I always wanted one, and yet never got one as close as you, for yo also understand me...Don't react, just be you...you are a true friend, a true Magical Mystical Sister....my favorite...and I can't thank you enough for all that you do for me.

JAN SABO - 06/29/99 23:24:57
My Email:dsddhere@zoomnet.net
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: my husband does
Where are you from?: IRONTON
What state?: OHIO
How did you find me?: SURFING
Did you enjoy your visit?: YES


lady thumper - 06/13/99 18:53:25
My URL:http://under const.
My Email:lady thumper @hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Fort Pierce
What state?: Florida
How did you find me?: related
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

very original....Sis Sue Bee I am very proud of you congratulations on your award..... Love you Sis Lady Thumper......

The Almighty Sorceress - 05/15/99 01:27:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:TheAlmightySorceress@pdcebbs.com
Do you have ICQ?: Of course
May I have the number?: You already have it.
Where are you from?: Didn't your mom tell you??
What state?: next door!!
How did you find me?: you worked on it with me there
Did you enjoy your visit?: hmmmmmmm Let me See!!

Hey Sis!! You're doing a great job and I'm really proud of you. Can't wait to see your next ones. With your imagination, it could be most anything and dangerous. I see the smoke coming out of your ears now. Heehehee!! Keep it up!! You have a good te cher. When's the next one???

BEVERLY - 05/12/99 04:57:16
My Email:bettyboo@papadocs.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 18112427
What state?: IL
How did you find me?: a friend
Did you enjoy your visit?: very much

dreams are wonderful and come true in some instances...freedom is the greatest....be what GOD wants us to bee..BE also on fire for our LORD..HUGS...BETTYBOO OR BEV

Sapphire - 05/12/99 02:51:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:sapphire@thegrid.net
Do you have ICQ?: yepper
May I have the number?: you have it
Where are you from?: here and there
What state?: confusion
How did you find me?: your sister.
Did you enjoy your visit?: yep, sure did

Love your new page.. Makes me wish I was a butterfly.. Keep it up!! Love Ya Sis, Sapphire

Jack - 05/12/99 01:32:55
My Email:CHiggs5628
Do you have ICQ?: YES
May I have the number?: 10352387
Where are you from?: San Antonio
What state?: TX.
How did you find me?: Through Nancy
Did you enjoy your visit?: Very Much

That was a very nice story. Very original, and good reading.

Gregory - 05/11/99 20:26:49
My URL:http://www.geocitioes.com/Athens/Styx/9709/
My Email:mchaffie@olypen.com
Do you have ICQ?: uh huh i sure do sugar do you want my # ?
May I have the number?: your hon ill give it to you sugar , lets see i think it starts with a 3 yes it starts with a 3 its 3636072 i belive
Where are you from?: Washingtonstate where we wear BIG BOOTS!
What state?: opps sorry i missed that one; im from Washingtonstate
How did you find me?: sweet sue why you of course sugar
Did you enjoy your visit?: sure did hon, i think ill pop in again if it,s ok with you

Sweet Sue sugar Nice Job sweetheart i like it hon, you did 1 heck of a job''; like the poem hon

Gregory - 05/11/99 20:20:34
My URL:http://www.geocitioes.com/Athens/Styx/9709/
My Email:mchaffie@olypen.com
Do you have ICQ?: uh huh i sure do sugar do you want my # 3636072?
May I have the number?: yure hon ill give it to you sugar , lets see i think it starts with a 3 yes it starts with a 3


Sapphire - 04/12/99 16:36:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Jetty/1804
My Email:sapphire@thegrid.net
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: you have it
Where are you from?: Here
What state?: Confusion
How did you find me?: a bee told me
Did you enjoy your visit?: most definitely

O.K. So it took me a while to get here. It's a great page, keep up the good work! Love ya sis, Sapphire.

Jack - 03/23/99 18:33:59
My URL:http:// :-(((
My Email:CHiggs5628@msn.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 10352387
Where are you from?: San Antonio
What state?: TX
How did you find me?: A little bee buzzed me
Did you enjoy your visit?: very much so

Sue it was a very good piece of work I really did enjoy it. You did good girl. looking forward to more of the same.

Greg/wolfcat/wolfsearcher/ whats his face - 03/23/99 18:28:40
My URL:http://greenfield.fortunecity.com//runningbrook/54/index.html
My Email:mchaffie@olypen.com
Do you have ICQ?: uh huh
May I have the number?: you got it sweet sue
Where are you from?: usa
What state?: washingtonstate
How did you find me?: why sue you sweet honey u sent me here love
Did you enjoy your visit?: yup

well sweet sue sadly i have to say sugar ((IT,S GREAT HONEY)) oh i had you that time honey i like it sweetheart you have done so much honey it is very beautyful sweetheart. Now people can realy say you have been as busy as a bee!.

DFairy Star - 03/17/99 19:26:02
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:dfairystar@thesitefights.com
Where are you from?: The Site Fights
What state?: DRealm of the Fairies
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes..very much


I've been visiting your homepage
and thought while I was here
I'd pop into your guestbook
and spread a little cheer

Pass you a Spirit Stick

Sprinkle a little dust

for a Spirited Fairy
these things are a must!*!*!
This is a beautiful homepage
Thanks for the visit!

Jack Higgs - 03/14/99 07:46:22
My Email:CHiggs5628@msn.com
Do you have ICQ?: yes I do
May I have the number?: 10352387
Where are you from?: San Antonio
What state?: TX
How did you find me?: A little SueBee told me
Did you enjoy your visit?: Oh Yes

Thnk you did a great job Sue. Really liked the entire concept. it was real creative. Notice there is a counter now LOL

MONTY - 03/12/99 14:11:53
My Email:f4est@yahoo.com
Do you have ICQ?: YES
May I have the number?: 32310609
Where are you from?: SEDALIA
What state?: MO
How did you find me?: SOME 1 SENT IT.
Did you enjoy your visit?: VERY MUCH, IT WAZ CUTE.


Howie O'Brien - 03/12/99 06:34:14
My Email:hobo@Wise-Owl.net
Do you have ICQ?: Yes
May I have the number?: You have it

Really enjoyed your "Birds & Bees" page. Neat.

Jerry - 03/11/99 04:50:42
My Email:gweaver@thegridnet
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 12978222
Where are you from?: Palm Springs
What state?: Ca.
How did you find me?: good fortune
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

I never did bout the birds and the bees hehehe Love the page and music I'll be back Thanks for the efert

Greg~Wolfcat~Wolfsearcher - 03/11/99 02:35:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/9709/
My Email:mchaffie@olypen.com
Do you have ICQ?: 3636072
May I have the number?: you sure can sweet sue
Where are you from?: Clallam
What state?: washingtonstate
How did you find me?: sweet sue flew over and stopped by to show me her page
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes sweet sue i did. and i look forward to more of my visits

Sweet sue i surly enjoyed my stay and will come back(i like the bee layout sweet sue hon

Jack - 03/11/99 02:19:49
My Email:CHiggs5628@msn,com
Do you have ICQ?: Yes
May I have the number?: 10352387
Where are you from?: San Antonio
What state?: TX
How did you find me?: A little Bee told me
Did you enjoy your visit?: Yes I did

Very Nice Sue, You are coming right along with this page thing. I liked the Theme , the music, and he verse was great.

Your sister Nan - 03/11/99 01:44:27
My URL:/FashionAvenue/Salon/9138/index.html
My Email:TheAlmightySorceress@pdcebbs.com
Do you have ICQ?: Now that's a stupid question
May I have the number?: Why??? Your own isn't good enough??
Where are you from?: My MOMMY
What state?: Up North
How did you find me?: Drunk as a skunk!!
Did you enjoy your visit?: Had a ball!!! I'll be BACK!!

I love it sis. It looks great!! I'm soooo proud of you!! I wonder what you will do next??? I can't wait. Will it have something to do with flies?????? Heeheehee!! I know you are having a ball doing it. Love it!!! Do you remember the lyrics to the song now??

- 03/11/99 01:37:50


TheAlmightyFemale - 02/05/99 02:16:24
My URL:http://www.geogities.com/southbeach/lagoon/3992
My Email:TheAlmightyFemale@email.msn.com
Do you have ICQ?: yup
May I have the number?: You have it already...but I'm not there yet...still using Shaun's ICQ
Where are you from?: Earth
What state?: Massachusetts, U.S.A.
How did you find me?: I searched and I searched and then...WELLAH!! I found you! :o))
Did you enjoy your visit?: Sure did!

Great Job!! I Love the Bees!! Keep up the good work...and keep me posted on Mom's health - Please??

Laura Klee - 01/21/99 17:46:53


Laura Klee - 01/21/99 17:46:38


GAMBIT - 01/20/99 06:20:53
Do you have ICQ?: YES
May I have the number?: 15481979
Where are you from?: SAME PLACE AS YOU
What state?: THE SAME
How did you find me?: I NEVER LOST YOU
Did you enjoy your visit?: YES


FireBird - 01/19/99 20:08:43
My Email:FireBird@pdcebbs.com
Do you have ICQ?: Yes
May I have the number?: you have it!!!
Where are you from?: Your neck of the woods
What state?: same as you
How did you find me?: Your not far from me. You can't hide
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

It's adorable. I'm very proud of you. We can't wait for your next page. Keep it up. Love Robin & the boys..

Jack Higgs - 01/19/99 15:56:09
My URL:http:// :-(
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 10352387
Where are you from?: San Antonio
What state?: Texas
How did you find me?: A little bee told me
Did you enjoy your visit?: YES

The Bee Thing is verry cute and creative.

Jack Higgs - 01/19/99 15:48:41


SIS NAN - 01/19/99 05:43:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/FashionAvenue/Salon/9138/index.html
My Email:TheAlmightySorceress@pdcebbs.com
Do you have ICQ?: But of course!
May I have the number?: But you know it already!!
Where are you from?: Fort Pierce, cabbage patch
What state?: Florida
How did you find me?: Knocked on your door!
Did you enjoy your visit?: Of course I did, I came didn't I

Hey hon, I love it. Your ideas were great. She doesn't look like everyone elses. Such finesse!! Anxious to see what else you have up your sleeve. You're doing great. Keep it up. I knew it had to be great, I taught you and Catspaws taugh me, so you learned from the best!!!! heeheehee Teacher

SIS NAN - 01/19/99 05:39:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/FashionAvenue/Salon/9138/index.html
My Email:TheAlmightySorceress@pdcebbs.com
Do you have ICQ?: But of course!
May I have the number?: But you know it already!!
Where are you from?: Fort Pierce, cabbage patch
What state?: Florida
How did you find me?: Knocked on your door!


Jerry weaver - 01/19/99 05:37:20
My Email:gweaver@the grid.net
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 12978222
Where are you from?: Palm Springs
What state?: CA.
How did you find me?: All Mighty Sorceress
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

love the music and the honey cone I'LL BE CHECKING ON YOUR PROGRESS

Jerry weaver - 01/19/99 05:37:19
My Email:gweaver@the grid.net
Do you have ICQ?: yes
May I have the number?: 12978222
Where are you from?: Palm Springs
What state?: CA.
How did you find me?: All Mighty Sorceress
Did you enjoy your visit?: yes

love the music and the honey cone I'LL BE CHECKING ON YOUR PROGRESS

Catspaws - 01/19/99 05:21:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7378
My Email:catspaws@pacbell.net
Do you have ICQ?: yup
May I have the number?: you got it
Where are you from?: catland
What state?: magic
How did you find me?: a mouse told me
Did you enjoy your visit?: did you? yup sure did

BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZING around trying to find that cat, I know you got it here somwhere giggles, ouch you got me, hehehehehe now I got you

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