Ms. Plus International
2001 Entry Information


Ms. Plus International 2000
Kimberlee Ratliff

  The Ms. Plus International Pageant is open to all women ages 18 and up, size 14 to 60 plus!
Judging: Judging will be based on the following two categories:
1. Photos: Send two photos (5x7 or smaller, please), either color or black and white. One must be a
head shot, and the other either in Sportswear, or Eveningwear (3/4 of full length only).
 The photos may be professional or amateur. Color copies processed at a place like Kinko's is
fine. Your photos will each be worth 20%. Photos will be returned if accompanied by a self
addressed stamped envelope.
2. Interview: You will be sent 6 interview questions and will be judged on the originality,
sincerity, and overall content of your answers. Be yourself! Interview will consist of 60% of your
score. (Each question is worth 10%)
 Be sure to label your entries with your state title.
State Titles:
We will award a State title to one contestant for each state. State Titles will be awarded on a first
come basis. Each state titleholder will receive a beautiful tiara, state sash, and crown pin, and will
make appearances during her reign as Ms. Plus (Your State). Her picture will also appear on the
Ms. Plus International web site, and she will compete against other state titleholders for the title
of Ms. Plus US International! (State Eligibility: you must live in the state, own property in
the state, have lived in the state, or have been born in the state).
Ms. Plus US International 2001 will receive the official large crown, official embroidered banner,
crown pin, large plaque, and exposure on the Ms. Plus International web site.

First and Second Runners-up will receive a beautiful trophy. Special awards will also be
given to the contestants with the highest scores in interview, and Photogenic! In the event that
there are no International entries, Ms. Plus US International 2001 will assume the title and
duties of Ms. Plus International.
Country Titles:
We will award country titles to contestants at large who reside in, or are legal residents of other
counties. Military residence does count, i.e.: those who are military of DoD
employees/dependents stations in other countries may be titleholders for the country in which they
County winners will receive a beautiful tiara, country sash, crown pin, and will make appearances
during her reign as Ms. Plus (Your Country). Her picture will also appear on the Ms. Plus
International web site, and she will compete against other country titleholders for the title of Ms.
Plus International!
Ms. Plus International 2001 will receive the official large crown, official embroidered banner,
crown pin, large plaque, and exposure on the Ms. Plus International web site.
In the event that a country contestant wins the International title, she will relinquish her title to
another contestant from her country.
Entry Fee:
Entry fee for Ms. Plus International is $55.00, and is payable via postal money order or cashier's
check only. This fee includes your state/country tiara and banner, and helps offset costs for prizes.
All moneys received will be put back into the pageant in the form of prizes. It is my goal to
provide you all with a truly enjoyable experience!
You may, if you choose, petition sponsors to help you offset this cost. Sponsors will be listed
beneath your photo on the Ms. Plus International web site.  Sponsors can be anyone, friends,
family members, local businesses, anyone who donates toward your entry fee. All fees must be in
the pageant office no later than December 15, 2000.
 Entry Deadline:
Deadline for State entries is December 15, 2000. All US State entries MUST be in our office
NO LATER than this date!!! Enter early as State titles will fill up fast! State queens will be
announced on our web site as soon as their paid entries are received! The winner and runner-ups
for Ms. Plus US International will be announced on the web site January 15, 2001! Country
entries are due in the office NO LATER than December 15, 2000!! The winner and top five for
Ms. Plus International will be announced January 15, 2001!!
To Enter:
Send entry fee/deposit (made payable to Wyndi Lepchenske), and any size photo to:
Wyndi Lepchenske
PSC 473 Box 03
FPO AP 96349-1800
You will be sent an acceptance letter, and the six interview questions, along with a welcome
packet. All paperwork, fees, and materials will be due in the pageant office no later than the above

Ms. Plus International 2000 | Ms. Plus U.S. International 2000 | Entry Information | Prize list | Contact Information | Links | Entry Form