Mysterious Psychic Readers
When you think about Psychics, you may view them as
being somewhat mysterious. What do they really know
and can they really predict your future.  These and
many questions have to be asked by those who need to
speak with you.  My spirit guide is showing me that
you need someone to talk to.  What does this mean?  I
mean, I know why you have come to this site at  You are looking for answers. The
mysterious thing is that I wrote this article a long
time ago and now you have found it. I believe it was
because of destiny.  Something or someone in the
spirit world, wanted to see you get help today.

I also advice my clients to give me full respect
during a reading.  Yes we are friends, but they also
must remember that friendship has its limitations.
You must learn to respect your counselor whom is
speaking with you. The position of a "psychic" or
"prophet" comes from God.  No one can just
automatically become a psychic. This is a call from
God. We all have a sixth sense and all human beings
are made up the same.  My body can function the same
as a professional athlete, but it does not mean that I
will become an all star player making millions a year.
You must learn to use the gifts that God gave you and
become obsessed with you gift.  If you are asking why,
it's because the more obsessed that you become with
it, the better you will be.  I know that you are
saying to yourself, "aren't obsessions bad?"  The
answer to this question is, the only way that you will
become great at something is to become obsessed by it.
The greatest people in every field are those who have
practiced their skill and task for many years and
committed a lifetime doing it. You must LOVE what you
do or else you will not succeed at it.  I read people
10 hours a day and 7 days a week because I love
reading people and the more psychic readings that I
do, the better I get.  I know that some people think
that a psychic gift is just closing your eyes and
letting telling people what you see. It's more than
this.  I can assure you that closing your eyes and
using your sixth sense is only a small part of the
complete picture.  You must learn to do things slowly
and concentrate.  Focus is your main key in developing
any type of psychic reading/potential.  

When the spirit of God moves around you, you can be
happy and rest assured that you are doing your gift of
giving someone a psychic reading.  We are all called
to some specific ministry that we can work at and be
good for God. I'm a
psychic,pastor,evangelist,writer,public speaker,web
designer and more. However, my greatest gift is my
psychic reading ability because I can focus my mind
and pick up specific information for people to grow. I
know that can be tough for some people. I can do 20-30
readings a more a day and it wont bother me. Many
psychics that I know get tired after one.  Some
psychics need to charge a client 7.99 a minute because
they can only read one person a day and be able to
make a living at the same time.  Time the psychic
company takes their cut (which is usually half the
money), the psychic keeps the other half.  

The psychic business is not an easy one, but neither
is an automechanic.  Both professions need to earn
enough money a week to succeed. I know that it's hard
to obsorb, but in acutality it will work out.  

In conclusion, you must learn to focus your energies
on the psychic of your choice and hope that God can
speak to them through their spirit guide.  If they
can't, then it's time to move on.

This article was written by Stephen's Guidance, Inc.
and may not be used in any way, shape or form without
written permission from Stephen's Guidance, Inc.
Copyright 2005
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