Advantage of D-Closet
D-Closet with Virtual Dressing Room is a digital closet with virtual dressing room in cyberspace. It was created by a simple but an excellent idea. The idea gives a solution to people to save their time and even some money. D-Closet is designed for containing many different kinds of clothes as pictures and Virtual Dressing Room is designed for helping people to wear those clothes in cyberspace. D-Closet allows its each individual member to put five clothes per category in it. So, number of cloth goes up as number of member of D-Closet goes up. Virtual Dressing Room allows each individual member of D-Closet to wear any cloth in D-Closet.
 D-Closet with Virtual Dressing Room is just a space in cyberspace so that it needs some one who uses it. People who wishes to use it need to spend pictures of their clothes which they want to put into D-Closet and pictures of themselves to use Virtual Dressing Room to wear clothes in D-Closet to KHT. Then KHT arrange those pictures to fit in D-Closet with Virtual Dressing Room. All you need to do is that send pictures of clothes which you want to put into D-Closet and pictures of yourself. you can get more details at preview pages followed by this page.
As cyberspace is opened for everybody for many purposes, D-Closet with virtual Dressing Room is also opened for everybody for many purposes. The purpose of using it are up to a person who used it but KHT thinks that there are at least three basic purposes for using it. (1). Challenge: There will be many different kinds of clothes in D-Closet so that users will have an excellent opportunities to try some new styles without buying them or showing themselves with them to no one. (2). Recycle: D-Closet is an excellent place to put sleeping clothes in closet of users so that those clothes can work for others. (3). Bridge: D-Closet with Virtual Dressing Room helps one to exchange information about clothes with others in for away from you.
Most of people do not know which color or style is fit them and also they do not want to spend too much time and money for choosing their clothes. Sometime, people want to try on some clothes but they can not do so because of no chance to do so at all, embarrassment, or physical impossibilities. D-Closet with Virtual Dressing Room solves those problems. It provides a short cut to do those things for people by using cyberspace.
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