Kate Dillon Photo Gallery #1
(Click on thumbnails for BIG fullsize images -- warning, some of these are large files!)
Kate in Glamour, November 1996
Kate was the first full-figured model to appear in an editorial layout in Glamour magazine.
Kate in Glamour again, October 1999
Nothing like the big splash in 1996 (shame on you Glamour!), but at least they acknowledged Kate's great runway appearance for Lane Bryant.
MODE Magazine Covers
"Katescape," MODE, September 1998
Here's Kate a little on the wild side! Wonder how many of the tattoos are real?
"Princess Pointers," MODE, October 1998
Here is Kate at her most elegant! Comparing these photos to the previous set shows Kate's tremendous range as a model.
"Dream Curls," MODE, February 1999 Kate with a pretty wild hairstyle (from MODE)
Great hair! Great photography! Kate at her best yet.
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