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Which woman who has seen the movie "Titanic" of James Cameron could resist the
dresses which were shown in the movie.
And which woman didn't think: "If I just could have one of these dresses!"
This thought doesn't have to remain a dream longer!
Some of these remade dresses are for sale now from Germany.
We will show you on the following sites which dresses you can purchase at our shop and how
the order works. (Look at "Questions, questions, questions... ) ".
NEWS! We will soon move to the domain!
The new site will contain picture galleries of each dress seen in the movie, more examples
of our work, information on each dress, and, and, and.... much more! Please look in from
time to time to see if anything happened yet!
SITE you will find now pictures of our Dinner dress!
After making an arrangement with us it is even possible to make other dresses.
We have updated the prices! Please take a look at the "prices" site (and reload
your browser if you have already visited it to get the new list)!
We wish you lots of fun on our internet sites (and please don't forget to write in our
guestbook) and remain
Yours sincerely
The team of