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Deadly Diva
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CD Released

Los Angeles - August 8, 1998

SONGS FROM A MOIST PLACE - The big CD Release Party was held on Saturday August 8th at Largo.

Buy it on-line from the Official site (sorry - this seems to be dead at the moment. I'll let you know if I find out anything new about and official site) LUSTPOLLUTION.COM

The CD is available at at Tower records on Sunset, Rhino Records on Westwood, or Aron's Records on Highland. In Pasadena, it is available at Opus Records in Old Town.

"Songs from a Moist Place"

features these great songs:
  1. Sex Toys
  2. Femme Fatale
  3. Cherry Pie
  4. Girl Next Door
  5. Whore
  6. Sadists in the Stars
  7. Brown Flower
  8. Kubla Khan
  9. Deadly Diva
    plus the bonus unplugged track
  10. Sweet on You

If you enjoy Lust Pollution as much as I do, you need to take a trip to Largo on Fairfax in Los Angeles and see Madame and the Boys Live!

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