About Us:
The Sew Ozzie Anthem
There's a group of sewing lovers, who are like so many others,
But we have a special service that we use to keep in touch,
And we log into our 'pooters at the times that really suit us,
And we mail to each other from our house or work or hutch.

We have tendencies to fabrics, and indeed there's several addicts,
'cause there never can be too much sitting waiting in our stash,
And we wish that days were longer and the willpower much stronger
So that some of these great projects could be finished in a flash.

So we rally from the city and the country, and we pity
All those types who cannot tell between a needle and a pin,
Though we hail from many places and we've many different faces,
We're Sewozzies, and Sewozzies is the group that we're all in.

by Gillian Richards
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