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Uncle Tony

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"Anthony Elizardo Gonzales"
Denver, CO

My Brother
and eldest brother of the Duran clan...


My brother Tony passed away on Tuesday February 6, 2001 after a long illness with Glioblastoma Mutiforme cancer. We all love him dearly and will miss his ever present stability he gave our family. He was a special and good man, brother and friend. 

"When God 
Called You Home


Anthony Gonzales
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Denver, CO
February 12, 2001

"Good Morning, My name is Reuben Dale Martinez and Tony’s cousin. I’m here representing the Duran and Martinez families. My father, Pat Martinez was married to Uncle Bill’s sister, my mother Marjorie Duran Martinez. Tony’s Mom was our Aunt Faye. Tony’s other uncles and aunts are the families of Ray Duran, John Montoya, Joe Duran, Beatrice Lucero, and Mary Linn.First, I and my brother Leonard Martinez and sisters Betty Stine, Shirley Haig, Patsy Lacrue and Anthony Martinez, of which we are all 1st cousins to Tony, would like to express are deepest sympathy to Tony’s immediate family: brothers and sisters, Mary Marquez, Bernice Howell, Abel Duran, Phil Duran, Lucy Fisk, Dave Duran, and to his sister Margie Espinoza who is no longer with us; and also to Frank Abeyta who is like a brother to Tony and shared many good times with our families. And finally, to his many cousins, nieces and nephews, and friends of whom he was very close. 

What I remember about our families, is that we were very close and lived, worked and prayed together; had weekend outings; ate at each others houses and shared many more happy time than I can have time to add here.Tony was the kind of Guy that always happy and eager to try anything once. In his younger days he loved going out and listening to music, (especially JAZZ), bowing, the “DOGS” and the “HORSES”. He was a worker. I remember working with Tony in Construction and one afternoon, right after lunch, our cousins Jimmy and Willie, Mr. Harper and Tony, All went back to work, but not Dale as they called me. I built me a cozy little cardboard box house and went inside to sleep. The next thing I remember is hearing a voice calling out, “DALE…DALE!” Here was Tony saying, “We’ve been looking for you all over the place. You’re going to have to stop sleeping not only at lunch, but also in the truck!” They could never find me. That was the end of That Job! I was just 16 at the time.

When I said earlier that I was here representing the Families, 3 come to mind: Uncle Ray was known as the “wheeler-dealer” and always had “hot” deals and there was Uncle Bill and Uncle Joe ready to go. My dad Pat was the kind of guy that all the kids would like to be around…always playing and having fun with them. One time comes to mind regarding Phillip, when my dad wouled take his hand and take off one of the spark plug wires and hold phil’s hand, giving a little charge. Phillip would cry but never letting go of my dad’s hand. Sonny on the other hand, was the more serious one, taking after Uncle Ray.

And with that a farewell to my friend and cousin Tony:
“May the wind welcome you with softness, may the sun Bless you with His warm hand, may you fly so high and so well, God joins you in Laughter, and may He always set you gently back again into the loving Arms of Mother Earth” Amen.God 

Bless you Tony and a pleasant journey into the hands of our Father Jesus."

- Reuben Martinez February 12, 2001
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Denver CO  

To my brother Tony Gonzales

"When we were just babies our father died, we were so young. You were a year and a half and I was about 2 and a half or three. Mama moved us to Brighton, and we lived with our father's sister, Rose. She took care of us while Mama went to work. Not long after that, Mama met Bill Duran. While courting they had gotten into a bad car accident and we thought Mama had died. At that time we were no longer living with Aunt Rose, we were staying with one of Mama's friends. When Mama came home from the hospital I remember her head was all bandaged up. We were so afraid of her; we wouldn't let her come near us. Eventually Mama got well and we moved into our own house. Mama went to work again and I had to take care of you. While Mama was at work one day, you and I were playing outside together, and you went under the front stairs and gotten into a cardboard box and had fallen a sleep. I was so afraid because I couldn't find you. About 4 hours later, someone contacted Mama at work and called the police. They found you under the stairs fast a sleep in a cardboard box. At that time, I was so afraid; I thought I had lost you forever. So after that, I guess it scared Mama too, because she stated taking us to work with her, and we would play outside while Mama watched us from a window at work. 

One day for some reason we had to stay home and Mama had asked the lady next door to keep an eye on us, actually she was suppose to keep an eye on us the day Tony had gotten lost. I can't remember whose birthday it was at the time, but Tony and I decided to surprise Mama and bake a cake. We both sat on top of the table, Tony started supplying the ingredients needed, like flour, sugar, milk, and a dozen of eggs, but we forgot the baking powder. I'll never forget how we looked, we had flour all over us, and we were a mess! Anyway we put the cake in the oven, can't remember how we got the oven hot, because it was a wooden stove. When Mama came home, she was SURPRIZED! And we did have to eat the cake! 

I remember the day you fell and broke your arm. You were crying, I didn't know what to do; all I could think to do was ride you around in your little wagon until Mama came home. Mama took you to the doctor and they put a cast on you. I was just like your Mother, I always took care of you the best I could, but we were both so very young, just babies ourselves.

When we were in school, I never let anyone mess with you or pick on you. I was ready to fight in a minute for my little brother Tony, as well as the rest of my little brothers and sisters. 

Mama and Bill got married, and I remember one winter they both had gotten so sick. We didn't have coal to build a fire, so I took Tony along with me to the railroad track, climbed up on the boxcar and threw the coals down, while Tony filled the little wagon. How we never got hurt, I'll never know. Yes I do know, God was always taking care of us. Just like he's taking care of you now. Now you are with your other loved ones, Mama, Daddy, and the father that raised us Bill, Margie, and Chick and I'm sure other's in the family. 

God Bless you, I know you are at peace, you have gone home little brother, I will always think about you and Love you, There are so many memories I have of you that will stay in my heart forever. You know I could not be there for our last Good-by, but please believe me my heart was with you. I will never see you in this life again, but until we meet again, I Love you. God knows best, for some reason I could not be there to say Good-by for now. Tony I Love you, take care little brother, may you rest in peace. Your big sis, Bernice."

-Bernice Howell
Sacramento, CA 2-12-01




UPDATED - February 11, 2001