Pantyhose Unisex Fashion |
A conversation happened in many years ago . . . |
MW: Hey, you look at that man. Many years ago men and women did not have equal rights. (Today there is still room for improvement. In some areas women are not treated equally; and in some others men are expected not to show any feminine character.) After many people's effort throughout a long period of time, the society accepts there should be no basic difference between women and men, other than some biological differentiation. Though the hormone distribution for men and women are different, but in fact both sex have their 'masculine' and 'feminine' sides. The only difference, may be, is that in general man possesses more typical 'male' characters and woman possesses more on 'female' ones. Yet, on individual scale, we should not define what a man should be, and what a woman should like. AND more specifically, the sex tendency (hetero, bi, homo) is also controlled by genes & hormone. Whether you accept or not now people recognise that 'gay', 'lesbian' etc. is a sex tendency, instead of the persons being abnormal in a negative sense. Experts on children development also emphasize that we should not shape our children to a typical male or female because this will limit his/her natural development. Psychologically, many books state that men like women's clothing is related to some abnormal behaviours - mainly 'Fetish' and 'Confusion on Gender'. I would say a 'Yes', it could be the case - BUT NOT EVERY CASE. If you have studied logic, you know that if 'A' implies 'B', we can't deduce that if 'B' happens, 'A' happens. e.g. 'Birds can fly' does not mean 'A flying object' is always 'a bird'. Moreover, men-in-women's-clothing are usually negatively labelled because they usually tend to have some related bad habits, like stealing, dishonest, low self-confidence etc. They usually think that they are abnormal, exceptional and have a bad preference which the society cannot accept. Many of them just think that they are the ONLY ONE in the world having this problem and behave negatively. I think, if they can confirm that they do not have a psychological problem and accept themselves, they will be as good as other people. At least for me, I know that I consider pantyhose as a practical clothing. I am not relating it to sex. Also, I know that I am 100% male, with good family, honest to my wife and other people, healthy in typical man's outlook, have an excellent job and am not talking about crossdressing. (I am not talking about wearing skirt/pantyhose all the time. I only mention the rights to choose.) I have no problem to face the world and I do not have any bad habits related to pantyhose. If you are still not convinced, please remember that many years ago women in 'sportive' / 'executive' / 'sociable' or even 'cowboy' / 'muscle' looks etc. were not accepted. Now they are all as good as 'feminine' ladies. Well, let's see the following conversation which happens everywhere now.
Interestingly, men all over the world in the past DID WEAR TIGHTS and skirts, and decorate themselves like modern women do! Here are some examples.
On 17 April 1998, a newspaper in Hong Kong (page C2, Hong Kong Economic Times) quoted the comment of Ms Vivienne Tam, a famous fashion designer, on how she described 'Sexy'.
When can we accept a man in pantyhose (or other traditional female clothing), just like we accept women in typical men's clothing?
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