Site Context
By William B. Barr, MA & Amanda Saum, BA

Neolithic Period in Wales (4,000 BC -
1,500 BC)
Bronze Age in Wales (2400 BC - 250 BC)
Iron Age in Wales (250 BC - 43 AD)
Roman Period in Wales (43 AD 476
Anglo-Saxon Period in Wales
(650 AD 1066 AD)
Medieval Period in Wales (1066 AD to 1282
Norman Period In Wales (1066 AD
1189 AD)

Geological evidence indicates that the British Isles
were not formed until approximately 6,500 BC with the post-glacial formation of the North
Sea. Yet the cultural history of this portion of Europe is documented to the Paleolithic
Period. (10,000 to 4,000 BC). That an a priori connection to Europe exists is evidenced by
the similarity of flint assemblages found in both areas (Bradley 1996:97).
Post-Paleolithic evidence suggests that there was a divergence in the material remains of
these cultures. Further periods of settlement include the Neolithic Period (4,000 BC to
1,500 BC), Bronze Age (2,400 BC to 250 BC), the Roman Period (43 AD to 476 AD), the
Anglo-Saxon Period (650 AD to 1066 AD), and the Norman Period (1066 AD to 1189 AD)
(Children and Nash, 1996; Fagan 1996; Davies 1994; James 1993). Post-Norman Period events
centered upon the consolidation of power and the establishment of territorial states ruled
by warrior kings prior to the development of the British monarchy.

Early Neolithic Period settlements are difficult to
delineate due to the fact that latter stages appear to be an "amalgam of influences
drawn from widely separated areas of continental Europe" (Bradley 1996:98). The
transition from the Megalithic Period to the Neolithic Period is conventionally marked by
the domestication of plants and animals. Primary food resources from this era include
wheat, barley, sheep, and cattle. "It is accepted that Neolithic agriculturists were
more or less sedentarymore so than people of later ages" (Davies 1994:11).
Significant is the appearance of public monuments such as "henges, stone circles, and
burial mounds" (Scarre 1996:97). In Wales and Ireland, these monuments coincide with
a ritualistic mortuary practice that is evident in the archaeological record today. Trade is evidenced by the presence
of polished stone axes, quarried in the northern regions of Britain and Ireland, recovered
from sites across the British isles (Scarre 1996:97).
Collective burials mark Early Neolithic sites,
while fortifications and more elaborate individual burials (Bradley 1996:98) characterize
later sites from this period. Late Neolithic burials often contain grave goods in the form
of decorated pottery. In Northumberland, examples of these structures tend to be either
trapezoidal or rectangular. These burials were constructed with orthostats, or
perpendicular stones, which supported large capstones (Barber 1989:146-150; Miket and
Burgess 1984:52-73). Miket and Burgess (1984) also suggest that these burial sites, when found upon a hillside, tend to
be wider up-slope as opposed to down-slope (Miket and Burgess 1984:54). According to
Children and Nash (1996):
These tombs, and many throughout Wales, appear to follow a set of landscape rules.
Firstly, they are never sited on the highest point within the immediate landscape.
Secondly, they all appear either to be locally aligned to various topographic points, or
follow a more regulated ideology in which the passage and chamber is aligned east-west.
Reasons for this are unclear, although it may be linked to the suns rising in the
east, which may represent life, and setting in the west, symbolizing death. Burials
continued on an east-west alignment even with the advent of Christianity. In the case of
the Thornwell tomb, Heston Brake and Gwern y Cleppa, the monuments all look over the
northern extent of the Severn Estuary/Bristol Channel, similar to how the eighteen or so
tombs around the valleys of the Black Mountains all have views towards those mountains
(Children and Nash 1996:13).

Bronze Age in Wales (2400 BC - 250 BC)
The Bronze Age in Wales coincides with the appearance of materials goods
of a European continental origin. Bronze Age graves include the first appearance of Beaker
pottery and metal grave goods. Much like the Neolithic, hard evidence for a sedentary
lifestyle is limited, with burial mounds dominating the cultural record from this era
(Bradley 1996:98).
Major changes took place around 1500 to 1200 BC. This era coincides with the appearance
of a systematic agricultural landscape which included "field systems, land
boundaries, domestic enclosures, and archaeologically detectable houses" (Bradley
1996:98). The large ceremonial structures seen earlier were abandoned as lifeways shifted
to focus more on the production of food. Bronze Age occupation sites typically contain
evidence of pond construction and grain storage pits. A diversified settlement pattern is
indicated by the appearance of hill forts,
constructed of "elaborate stone and timber ramparts" (Bradley 1996:98). "These sites are sometimes associated with evidence
of the production of metals, but they also contain concentrations of circular houses and
raised stone buildings, probably granaries" (Bradley 1996:98). Evidence of bronze
working, particularly the manufacture of weapons, has also been recovered from these
Bronze Age settlements.
Celtic people first appeared in Wales in approximately 500 BC. Descended from peoples
who occupied portions of Germany and Switzerland, their culture is long associated with La
Tene, an area found within the Lake Neuchatel district of Switzerland (Gregory 1989:20).
Three major waves of migrants are said to have moved into the region. Over time, the Celts
came to dominate the region, placing a distinctive social, political, and religious stamp
upon Welsh culture.

Iron Age in Wales (250 BC - 43 AD)
In Wales, this time period is generally looked upon as the highpoint of
Celtic cultural advancements prior to the Roman invasion in 43 AD. To this region, the
Celtic invaders introduced iron-working and farming methods that persist to this day. Over
time, the Celts of Wales developed into four clans, including the Demetae to the
southwest, the Silures to the southeast, the Decangli to the far north, and the Ordovices
to the central north (Gregory 1989:20-21).
In Britain, the Iron Age coincides with the introduction of iron and its attendant
manufacturing methods. Yet, it was only through the curtailment of bronze imports, in
approximately 800 BC, that the use of iron-based tools had any impact in Wales (Bradley
1996:98). The Celtic settlement of Wales became increasingly sedentary throughout the Iron
Age. "There was an increase in the number of occupation sites and in the scale of
food production. Field systems were created over large areas, and a new range of
agricultural tools came into use," primarily, the iron plow (Bradley 1996:99).
Archaeological data suggests that the advent of planned field agriculture affected both
the political and social aspects of the period. This is reflected by an increase in
enclosed settlements and the construction of hill forts (Bradley 1996:99).
Archaeological evidence from recovered sites suggests that these settlements contained
a large number of domestic structures. Yet, the vast majority of features recovered from
these sites are areas of food storage. Some see the presence of food storage facilities as an example of high-status settlements, whereas view
them as "agricultural villages, centers for craft production and redistribution,
communal grain stores, or even ritual sites" (Bradley 1996:99). The construction of
hill forts suggests that warfare was part of the social and political fabric of the age.
Yet, there is little evidence that these forts were actually used during periods of
potential and normally constant internecine warfare from 250 BC to 43 AD (Bradley

Roman Period in Wales (43 AD 476
After almost a century of diplomatic contacts
(Bradley 1996:99), Julius Caesar attempted to invade the island of Britain in 55 and 54
BC. Both attempts failed. It was not until 43 AD when Rome, under the leadership of
Emperor Claudius, was able to acquire a foothold and subdue the southeastern portion of
the island. Although it only took approximately five years to subdue this region, it would
take much longer to conquer the surrounding area, especially Wales (Jones 1998:6; James
1993 130-132).
The Roman army adopted a "divide and conquer" strategy of
conquest after their initial success in southeastern Britain. Through a series of military
maneuvers, the Roman army split the unconquered tribes into three areas: the north, the
backcountry, and Wales (James 1993:132). Resistance to Roman rule remained fierce
throughout Wales. To the north lay the formidable Ordovices, while in the southeast the
fiercely independent Silures dominated Wales. The Silures effectively used guerilla
tactics against the Roman soldiers. Between 48 and 79 AD, there were at least 13 native
resistance campaigns in Wales and the borderlands (Davies 1994:30). In 52 AD, the Silures
defeated an entire Roman legion.
In 57 AD, the Emperor Nero launched an intensive campaign to subdue the
anti-Roman activity in Wales. To establish order in this region torn by civil chaos, the
Romans constructed major garrisons at Deva (Chester) and Iska (Caerleon). Only as a result
of these efforts were the Silures eventually contained in 75 AD (Jones 1998:6). As part of
the pacification of the Welsh, the Romans constructed a series of military-based garrison
towns throughout the country. These towns were connected by an extensive road network,
with intersections approximately twenty km (12.43 m) in distance from one another (Jones
1998:6; Davies 1994:33).
The failure of the Roman army to dominate the Silures led to a
reassessment of their methods. Frontinus established a program of pacification through
enculturation in the 70s. This led to the construction of a Roman fortress at Caerwent,
formerly the market of the Silures. This traditional method of pacification had been
successfully employed in Gaul and other parts of Britain. Although a military
fortification, Caerwent was constructed without the normal battlements found on Roman
frontier fortifications. Instead, earthen defenses were constructed in 130 AD (Howell
1988:29-30) suggesting that pacification was slow to take place.
Although the Romans eventually assimilated the Silures, their problems
in Wales proved costly, as the region was not easily subdued. According to Davies (1994):
Wales remained a frontier zone and required a heavy Roman military presence to repress
various groups of rebellious Celts. For centuries, one tenth of the Empires legions
were stationed in Britain, although the area comprised less than one thirtieth of the
Roman Empire territories. Three of the four Roman legions stationed in Britain were
headquartered in the borderlands of Wales. (Davies 1994:29).
Although a well-established series of roads existed in Britain prior to
Roman occupation (Livingston 1995:6), these were primarily trackways. The Romans
considered these narrow trails ineffective for the movement of troops, communication, and
trade goods. To meet the needs of a large occupying army, Roman military engineers planned
a system of paved roads. The Romans constructed approximately 10,000 miles of roads to
link important trade and military centers (Wood 1968:130). Initially, these roads were
military in nature, but as time progressed, roads were constructed for the transport of
goods. The Romans shipped silver, lead, copper, tin, gold, and corn from Britain to the
Mediterranean, as well as to other Roman colonies (Davies 1994:33, Rayner 1956:6).

The withdrawal of the Romans around 400 AD left the
islands open to conquest by neighboring societies. Attacks from northern Germany and
Scandinavia caused the development of many small, warring territories across the island of
Britain. By 600 AD, larger kingdoms began to emerge and Christianity came to the
From the end of the eighth century, Viking raids brought instability
again until Alfred of Wessex (849-899) and his successors created a new, consolidated
English kingdom. From 1016-1042, England was part of a Danish empire, and in 1066,
Anglo-Saxon rule was ended by the conquest of Duke William of Normandy (Hills 1996:101).
It has long been thought that the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britannia
virtually replaced the indigenous populations. Recent data suggests that many Roman
institutions and their physical remains, such as "masonry buildings, mosaics, coins
and wheel thrown pottery, roads, and systems for water supply", disappeared during
the fifth century (Hills 1996:101). In addition, towns were abandoned and/or lost their
urban functions. At the same time, an influx of continentally inspired institutions and
cultural traits appeared. Certain social notions, related to cemeteries, burial,
artifacts, and the construction of timber buildings, tend to parallel those found in
Germany and suggest a strong continental influence.
Demographic evidence, accumulated from field and aerial survey, show
large population centers, similar to that found during the Medieval Period.
Environmental evidence shows that farmland did not revert to woods,
crop and animal species did not change, and in some areas field boundaries and even
settlement patterns survived from Roman or earlier periods into recent centuries. Incoming
Saxons did not find an empty forest, but a settled landscape (Hills 1996:101).
Yet, in the western portions of the island, few remains are found from
this era, which would suggest a lesser influence upon these people. Indeed, the
construction of an earthen wall (a linear earthwork between present-day England and Wales
running from Chepstow in the south to Prestatyn in the north) by Offa, the Saxon king of
the Mercis, suggests that the Saxons, like their Roman predecessors, had a difficult time
in subduing the Welsh tribes.
With the removal of the Romans in approximately 400 AD, the Welsh
people returned to internecine warfare in an effort to consolidate land and power. The
process of inheritance, or gavelkind, where property was equally divided between the male
heirs, would insure that this would continue for centuries (Gregory 1993:10).
The few Saxon buildings that exist today were rarely built of stone.
The extant structures that have been recovered tend to be of elaborate construction that
contained distinctive "long and short" work (Pearce nd:3). This signature Saxon
style consisted of composite rubble walls of alternating flat stones, with upright stones
situated as corner stones. These upright corner stones were designed to strengthen
composite rubble walls.
A significant influence on Saxon architecture was the Roman technique
of "rounded windows and arches with horizontal stone courses" which Saxons would
have seen on the Roman remains that they saw all over the country (Pearce nd:3).

The Medieval Period in Britain began with the island
being divided into three separate countries; England, Scotland, and Wales. England and
Wales were united in 1282 AD, but Scotland remained independent throughout the era (Dark
Norman Period In Wales (1066 AD
1189 AD)
Prior to their invasion of Britain, the Normans ruled an
empire that stretched from Sicily to France. Norman rule overwhelmed Britains
existing culture; and English was replaced as the common language, and previously
aristocratic families were dispossessed of their lands. (Davies 1994:102). As for Wales,
within six months of the Battle of Hastings in 1066, William the Conqueror established a
buffer zone in the borderlands of Wales. This border region consisted of three earldoms
under the control of William FitzOsbern at Hereford, Roger of Montgomery at Shrewsbury,
and Hugh of Avranches (Jones1998:17). William FitzOsbern immediately sought to expand his
territory further into Wales. To that end, large castles were constructed in the present
cities of Monmouth and Chepstow, strategically situated for control of the local terrain
(Howell 1988:50). Chepstow would serve as the primary base for the future conquest of
Wales by FitzOsbern.
In the beginning, the Welsh fared better than the English under Norman
control. The Normans treated the Welsh as equals, and the ascendancy of the Welsh language
was at its strongest (Davis 1994:103). Although Gwent Iscoed was brought under Norman
control fairly quickly, it soon stalled to the point where William took the field in 1081
in an effort to assert authority over the Welsh. The concurrent infighting among the Welsh
was the Normans' greatest ally. Between 1070 and 1093, a series of battles between Welsh
kings and noblemen depleted Wales of many warriors who could have resisted the Norman
advance. The downfall of Gruffudd ap Llywelyn, a warlord of the Monmouthshire area, led to
a series of skirmishes and battles. As best described by Davies (1994):
The power of Bleddyn and Rhiwallon was challenged by the sons of Gruffudd ap Llywelyn;
they, along with Rhiwallon, were killed in a skirmish in 1070. In 1072, Maredudd ab Owain
of Deheubarth was killed by Caradog ap Gruffudd of Gwynllwg, and in 1074 Caradog drove
Cadwgan ap Meurig from Glamorgan and seized his kingdom. In 1075, Bleddyn was killed by
Rhys, the brother of Maredudd ab Owain, and Rhys in turn was killed in 1078 by Caradog ap
Gruffudd. Bleddyns kingdom passed to his cousin, Trahaearn ap Caradog, but Trahaearn
was killed along with Caradog ap Gruffudd, in the Battle of Mynydd Carn in 1081 (Davies
With the victory of Rhys ap Tewdwr at Mynydd Carn, a formidable
challenger had risen against the Normans. However, he died in battle in 1093 at
Brycheiniog while opposing the Norman advance. Rhys ap Tewdwr's demise led to the Norman
conquest of the whole of south Wales (Jones 1998:17). Soon thereafter, "A network of
castles extended through Gwent and into the Glamorgan lowlands suggesting permanency and
secure control" (Howell 1988:50-51). Yet, with Welsh resistance remaining strong in
the remote regions, and the death of Williams son Henry I in 1135, the Normans
became embroiled in a 19-year long Welsh civil war known as the Anarchy (Rayner 1956:43,
Howell 1988:51). During this time, Welsh leaders consolidated their fortunes and
constructed castles for their defense.

Barber, Chris and John Godfrey Williams
1989 The Ancient Stones of Wales.
Blorenge Books, Abergavenny.
Bradley, Richard
1996 Prehistory of the
British Isles. In The Oxford Companion to
Archaeology, B. Fagan, ed. (pp. 97-99), Oxford University
Children, George and George Nash
Monuments in the Landscape, Volume IV: A Guide to
Prehistoric Sites in
Monmouthshire. Logaston Press, Herefordshire.
Dark, Ken
1996 Medieval England. In The
Oxford Companion to Archaeology,
B. Fagan, ed. (pp 106-107), Oxford University Press, Oxford
Davies, John
1994 A History of Wales. Penguin Books, London
Fagan, Brian (editor)
1996 The Oxford Companion to
Archaeology. Oxford University
Press, Oxford.
Gregory, Donald
1989 Wales before 1066 A Guide. Gwasg Carreg Gwalch,
1993 Wales before 1536 A Guide. Gwasg Carreg Gwalch,
Hills, Catherine
1996 The Anglo-Saxons. In The
Oxford Companion to Archaeology,
B. Fagan, ed. (pp. 101-103), Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Howell, Raymond
1988 A History of Gwent. Gomer Press, Llandysul, Dyfed.
James, Simon
1993 The World of the Celts. Thames and Hudson, London.
Jones, J. Graham
1998 The History of Wales. University of Wales Press, Cardiff.
Miket, Roger and Colin Burgess
1984 Between and Beyond the Walls: Essays on the Prehistory and
History of North Britain in Honour of George
John Donald Publishers, Ltd., Edinburgh.
Pearce, David
nd Spot the Style: A Mini Guide to Architecture in Britain.
National Trust, London.
Raynor, Robert M.
1956 A Concise History of Britain. Longmans, Green and Co., London.
Scarre, Chris
1997 Overview. In The
Oxford Companion to Archaeology, B. Fagan,
ed. (Pp 96-97), Oxford University Press, Oxford
Wood, Eric S.
1968 Collins Field Guide to Archaeology. Collins Clear-Type
Press, London.
Note: These investigations are ongoing, and
updates will be posted as time permits. Assessments made during the course of this
survey are preliminary, and may change upon the recovery of further data. |